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"SUNRISE STOP!" Galaxy cried as Sunrise sipped some glitter glue "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Sunrise turned his back to Galaxy as Galaxy struggled to take the pink glitter glue from Sunrise and Sunrise asked "what?" Galaxy yelled "you're eating glue!" Sunrise said completely unfazed "and?" Galaxy snatched it. 

"Yeah no" he said "no glitter glue for you" Sunrise whined "but it tastes like strawberries!" Galaxy took a deep breath and said "you're insane" Sunrise rolled his eyes "and I'm not shooting zombies" Galaxy wondering where the heck that random phrase came from opened his muzzle and Sunrise cut him off by sitting on a toy house.

"Why?" Galaxy asked irritably and Sunrise replied "it's comfortable!" Galaxy sighed "how?" Sunrise paused and said "I... have no idea-" Galaxy rubbed his temples "uh huh... well get down" Sunrise grunts "no, were done cleaning early! I'm gonna have some fun!" he grabbed some hand puppets, one of himself and the other of a black cat from a story.

Galaxy watched in irritation as he used the black cat horribly mimicking his voice "blah blah blah, no fun! I am bored and depressed constantly!" Moonrise nearby cringed at that and Galaxy's ears drooped... do I really act depressed or is exaggerating that...?

"I- okay listen here" Galaxy grunted snatching the puppet "I have no idea what your problem is! I know I'm a little grumpy but it's only because I'm coping with something very hard for me! NOW GET OFF THE TOY HOUSE!" Galaxy watched Sunrise flinch and he instantly felt bad. He had no right to snap like that, even if what Sunrise did was a little mean... he had to admit that he hadn't been treating Sunrise the best.

Yeah... he should probably fix that... 

"Sorry sorry-!" Sunrise said crawling off the toy house a little spooked and Moonrise sighed, guilt wormed in Galaxy's stomach and he apologized "sorry I've been a little... more irritable lately... I'm not usually like this..." Sunrise looked shocked by the apology and did not hesitate to give Galaxy a tight hug.

Galaxy hated to admit it, but it was exactly what he needed. He hesitantly hugged back and Moonrise let out a soft "awww" Galaxy looked over watching him hover over the ballpit worried but he watched the hug, Galaxy liked the hug but Sunrise pulled back and Galaxy sighed running over to Moonrise "whats wrong?" he asked.

Moonrise looked up and sighed "well... uh... my computer picked up a giant burst of energy..." Galaxy's ear twitched "and...?" Moonrise said softly "it's getting all worried and becoming the computer equivalent of fidgety. It keeps telling me something will happen... I'm quite worried... it also told me to keep an eye out for anything... out of the ordinary, wouldn't tell me why" Galaxy stared silently.

Giant burst of energy...?

Could that be Fate...?

Or maybe Star...?

Sun had told him about the gods that apparently existed and the concerning fact that his sons would have to fight a super evil god or something. It's possible that it was Fate or Star, if it's Star that's bad. Really really BAD.

"Oh! Uhhhh... that sounds ominous" Galaxy said tail swishing in anxiety, he wished he could go and tell Sun, or anyone. "What do they mean by out of the ordinary" Galaxy asked and Moonrise shrugged "I dunno... guess we'll see it if worst comes to worst I guess-" suddenly a weird blue blob ran over and yelled "HELLO FRIENDS!" Galaxy instantly cringed at it and Moonrise just looked irritated "what?" much to Galaxy's alarm it asked "can you marry my wife?" I'm sorry what?

Galaxy looked down at the blue blob looking up at him, is that Blue from rainbow friends? Galaxy thought confused then it struck him, Moon had warned him about this exact warning. Galaxy said coldly "no." Blue looked unfazed "can you please marry my wife?" he asked Sunrise then, Sunrise replied with "sorry friend, no can do!" he's to nice to Blue, Blue's lucky I don't just cave his head in.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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