Chapter 5

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Art by me lol, also this is pretty much how I plan the entire book to be like lol


Sun was startled awake by the twins yelling "Sun Sun! Look look!" Sun turned himself on and looked at the two irritated but also curious "yeah?" the twins shoved a paper in Sun's face roughly and Sun flinched "ow, don't do that" and the twins looked up at Sun with shining eyes, Sun looked at the paper, looks like they've been drawing.

They drew a very messy... whatever the heck that's supposed to be, "cool" he said "looks good" the twins looked happy as they ran around Sun "we wanna explore!" BloodLust said cheerfully and BloodMoon cheered "yeah!" Sun yawns "okay okay, you two need to calm down" Sun watched them, again with the seemingly endless energy, they bounded around exploring everywhere.

Tbh Sun was scared they would find a way to hurt themself, "okay, I guess I should let you explore outside, but I have to lay down some rules!" BloodMoon and BloodLust confusion, Sun face palm "I mean do these things I say" "ohhhhh" BloodLust said and Sun sighed doubting they'd follow the rules and he's have to watch them like a hawk, maybe I should buy one of those child leash things. 

"Do not wander off!" Sun hissed "I MEAN IT! YOU COULD GET LOST! Stay at MY side, do not try and talk to anyone for... reasons, got it!" and BloodMoon said "okay!" Sun had the horrible feeling they didn't understand, Sun was glad he was going to be able to watch BloodMoon like a hawk with his programming.

Actually I wanna try something, Sun picked BloodMoon up, BloodMoon didn't seem to mind at all, In fact he seems very cozy and trusting of Sun and Sun being a moron jumping off the balcony without warning causing the poor twins to yelp and clutch him tight.

"Whoops, uh sorry 'bout that" Sun noted that they were probably from the looks of it, scared of heights, awesome... That's going to be a pain later. The twins clutched Sun tight and Sun felt bad "I'll give you a warning next time..." he said, he was going to have to control this jump without thinking habit for the twins sakes.

"I-its fine" BloodLust said in a slightly shaky voice, Sun felt pretty guilty but the two of them quickly tried to reach for a barrel back to their childish self. Sun said "no, I worked hard cleaning those barrels up" the twins pout and BloodMoon said "but they look fun..." and Sun sighed "sorry but I cannot allow it, we are going outside okay?" more pouting.

Sun sighed "there's a lot to explore outside" that did the trick, the twins instantly started asking questions at the speed of light, Sun tried to answer them until he got overwhelmed and put a finger over their speaker, "oh hush you two" the twins were once again vibrating, man... that has to be bad for their servos... "please stop vibrating" Sun said and the twins kept vibrating in excitement "nevermind..." Sun groaned opening the door and went outside.  

He walked to a nearby park as the twins had a ':0' face as they looked around the path, BloodMoon pointed at a flower "pretty!" he said cheerfully and Sun said "yeah pretty" Sun sighed and picked the small yellow flower and gave it to BloodMoon who looked at it as Sun kept walking down the path.

"Sunny look!" BloodLust pointed at a ant, again with the ants... Sun sighed "yeah?" and they said excitedly "can we see it?" Sun sighs and set them down and they crouched over the ant, Sun watched their every movement to make sure they didn't try and poke it or something, five minutes passed and Sun sighed picking them up "thats enough ant watching for you" and BloodLust whined "aw!" Sun sighed not seeing the hype with the ant. 

He carries them and they point at the grass on the side of the cracked sidewalk "what's that?" and Sun said slightly irritated "that is grass-" and before Sun could stop them the twins grabbed a handful "pokey" Sun groans as he saw they were covered in dirt, "wait, what are these?" the twins poked the grass root making.... more of a mess.

"Roots" Sun groaned snatching the grass clump and smacking it against a tree, the twins watched confused as Sun smacked the dirt off and gave it back, at least now it's less messy... and they said "woah, what are roots?" and Sun sighed "we'll have to talk about that later" he saw the twins bright curious innocent eyes and had flashback of how they were before the bonk... bloodthirsty, ruthless, insane, psychopath. 

He had a twinge of worry because... what if the memories come back? He looks down at the twins as they chatted and looked at the grass. He wasn't worried about if the twins were turned back into a psycho, no he was worried if they were going to be able to take the memories of harming others. 

He hoped with all his heart he wouldn't have to deal with that, the twins lost interest of the grass eventually and dropped it on the ground and cheered throwing their hands up in the air almost smacking Sun in the face startling Sun out of his troubled thoughts "where to next?" BloodLust cheered and Sun sighed quickly getting over almost getting smacked in the face.

Sun walked down the path and the twins did grabby hands for a flower patch, it was very adorable "pretty!" BloodMoon cheered and BloodLust said "yeah!" Sun saw a butterfly on a flower and the twins saw it and gasped "PRETTY! What is it?" and Sun sighed "butterfly, pretty huh?" and the twins leaned closer and for whatever the heck was going through their head reason they grabbed it and tried to eat it. 

"NO!" Sun snapped taking it away "we don't eat butterflies" he quickly changed his tone when he saw the startled and slightly scared twins "oh..." they said softly and Sun sighed "we don't eat" he said setting the butterfly away and out of their reach "okay?" BloodMoon twin silence, Sun not really liking it showed them a rock which got them interested again.

Funny how easy it is to get them interested in something, the twins said "it's dirty!" and Sun sighed "yeah..." he looked at the twins dirty skirt and sleeves, covered in dirt from them uprooting the freakin' grass for whatever reason, man I wonder what's going through their head half the time...  I'm gonna have to find a way to hold them in place and clean them up when we get back to the daycare.

The twins dropped it on the floor with a thud and said "WHOA!" Sun looked down and his eyes widened slightly when he saw the crystals in the rock... wow... he picked it up, what are the chances? The twins tried to snatch it and Sun sighs and gave them one half of the crystal rock and they looked at it with wide curious eyes. It was clear they loved it, they poked it curiously "pretty..." they said in awe.

It was honestly very adorable, Sun hated to admit it but these two gremlins were really growing on him. Sun said "lets head back" and the twins groaned "aww!" and Sun holds them close and walks on him pocketing the pretty crystals. It's been quite an adventure and now... I gotta find a way to clean these two up... yippe. 

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