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Sun awoke some time later and rubbed his eyes tiredly, he looked around and at first he was confused by everything. His eyes dart about the pale grey walls, his heart began to thump.

Where are the colorful walls?! The colorful roof, the daycare?! The couch! Why am I on a bed!?

He sat up and saw the twins sleeping nearby and everything came back to him. Especially the control shock. Sun's rays twitched, oh right... He was free.

He was free to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, it was a strange idea. Sun nervously jumped out of bed and looked around the gray room wearily.

He can't believe he just fell asleep without checking it and making sure it's safe, idiot idiot idiot! What was he thinking?! He could have endangered the twins and his life all because he was a little tired!

Oh god oh god oh god! I'm a idiot, a moron! He raced over to the twins and saw much to his relief, they were okay. His eyes darted about nervously and he began to go through some drawers in the room, the room was annoyingly dark.

He squinted at the drawers and growled under his breath and began to search the walls for a light switch, after some time of searching his fingers touched something and he pressed and light filled the room.

The twins grumble and Sun quickly covered their heads with the blanket and went back to searching the room. Much to his relief, everything was fine, everything was safe.

But that feeling didn't last for long, he swore he heard something outside the room.

It was quite muffled but still audible, faint talking and music. Sun very nervously creept towards the door like it was going to suddenly open and attack him somehow. Everything seemed like a possible threat, no he wasn't going to risk anything, not when he knew humans were all around him.

At this point it was a natural response for him to be scared of the humans or the unknown. He took out the keys to his door and, with a shaky hand, unlocked it, he was pleading for nothing to happen.

He braced for danger. His mind was screaming at him about the fact he was leaving before about three in the morning, his usual wake up time. FazBear never tolerated their daycare attendants leaving the daycare before the kids come up and leave.

He was expecting to be shocked for it, for peeking out the room when he (in his mind) shouldn't be. He knew that the control shock was gone, but his mind couldn't help but freak at what he's doing. 

He was breaking rules, he didn't want to get hurt. He was braced for pain and curses for breaking the rules, for verbal and physical abuse.

But it never came, and in front of him was rows and rows and rows of people selling stuff. He watched families walk around and view products. He stared through the crack in the door rays back in fear.

Humans... So many humans. Sure there was a lot of robots but Sun's mind was focused on the humans. He stared through the crack in the door a little shaken by the giant crowd.

A man yelled nearby "dried rabbit! Get your dried rabbit!" This entire organization isn't just a organization, it seemed to be some giant hidden underground civilization.

He watched as families sold stuff and people bought stuff. Robots walked about and  bought stuff, but Sun focused on the humans the most.

Watching them warily, hoping to god they didn't sudden run at him all at once cursing and attack him. The amount of humans made him seriously shaken, to many! To many! Sun's heart began to thump as flashbacks of FazBear hit him full force, his rays shrunk all the way into his head.

Sun shied back into his room and locked the door again, he tried to block out the seemingly hundreds of people outside, the idea that about half of them are human made him so scared.

Sure Jack had freed him from the control shock, but another thing that was left behind was the trauma, the constant fear of being hurt. FazBear's rules, the horribly enforced rules were still clear in his mind.

Even if he didn't have a control shock anymore and he was no longer FazBear's property, he was still terrified of breaking their rules, they didn't apply to him anymore and yet he felt he had to follow them.

He felt like he had to got to sleep at twelve and then wake up three hours later with half charge, he felt he had to do that or he'd get hurt.

He felt restless in the room, the people and robots outside are clearly night owls. Sun joints creak painfully as he pressed his back against the door breathing heavily.

His rays slide in and out as he breathed, so many. His heart thumps harder, so so so many. Sun shut his eyes tight as he tried to block out the sound of people and robots chatting outside.

Luckily his favorite twins woke up before he could go full panic attack mode from both the flashbacks and the talking of humans outside.

They ran over and hugged him tight "hi!" BloodMoon cheered, or at least on of them, Sun wasn't going to complain though.

He was just what he needed, Sun hugged BloodMoon back and asked him in a shaky voice "what are you doing up?" He swore, these two were the only thing keeping him going. 

"Dunno just woke up wanting hugs!" Aw, so adorable. Sun trying to push the panic down and now having a distraction to help with that, replied "you woke up wanting hugs?" BloodMoon cheered "yes!" It appears that BloodMoon forgot about the whole skittles deal.

Sun hugs him tightly "aww, okay" Sun then hears a crash from the room next door, he knew Moon when he heard Moon. Luckily, the room was incredibly soundproof so it was very muffled. Sun sighed tiredly and tucks BloodMoon back into the couch "come on Sunshine, get some rest" he said and he watched BloodMoon go back to sleep.

Luckily they can go from feral to sleepy in about five seconds, so it wasn't a struggle. Sun looks around, what to do, what to do, he thought. He needed something to do until he could leave the room safely,he decided to tidy the drawers And unpack a little. 

He grabbed the twins bag and his eyes shot open, thousands apon thousands of ants were in there. He let out a loud shrill squeal of alarm and panic as all the ants quickly left the backpack and disappeared.

Nah, nah. My guy somehow packed ants! Very shaken Sun grabbed the bag, no ants left. How? How did he manage this? How did he manage to pack thousands of ants? Sun got over the horrible spook and dumped the backpacks contents out.

He saw a crystal and he forgot about the ants as his heart swelled, they packed the crystal from our park adventure. He picked it up gently and held it to the light, it truly was beautiful.

It sparkled in the dim underground light of the room, he smiles softly as he had a sense of nostalgia. He set it down gently on a nearby desk and dug through the very limited contents. A bunch of drawings, all neatly folded by Lunar, and a small bell.

Sun frowned at the bell, where'd they get this? He pondered for a moment before deciding on, they saw it on the floor and picked it up. He put it aside and sighs softly and put the empty backpack somewhere nearby.

Those gremlins, those small and lovable gremlins.

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