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"So... this is the place?" he asked and Evelyn smiled and nodded "yep!" she plopped down in the lush grass still untouched by man kind and sighed, Jack sat down next to her awkwardly. "So" he said "when is it gonna start again?" she shrugged "should start soon, maybe in a couple of minutes.

Jack looked up at the twinkling stars above, unaffected and not hidden by light pollution, he looked over towards Evelyn and saw she was smiling widely. "They sure are pretty!" to Jack, this was a normal sight, but it occurred to him that she probably lived in the city where many of the stars are hidden from view. "Y-yeah!" he said.

Evelyn sighs and takes a deep breath "you know.... ever since I've been out of FazBear and you know... making my own animatronics I've been... well..." Jack looked over to her and Evelyn looked nervous to admit this. 

He looked at her curiously and she sighed "you know... I've been making them and it really stuck out to me how similar they are to us" Jack was surprised, he looked at Evelyn "really?" he asked and she nodded and grunts. "It's okay if you wanna get up and leave for what I'm about to say... but I don't feel comfortable telling my family and it's been bugging me" Jack frowned "we just met each other" and Evelyn said "your already more trust worthy and fun then my family, believe me, I hate the fact I'm still living in my families basement but now that I'm out of Fazbear and actually being paid money and not "coupons to get money" I can actually save up for a apartment, ya know" Jack nodded, he's a little surprised by this fact, and the stupid coupons to get money thing, ugh. Fazbear does this thing where you work and get this coupon, get five of them and you get your paycheck of twenty dollars, with is hours apon hours apon hours of work.

"You trust me more than your parents?" he asked curiously and she sighed "dunno, you just don't seem the type to blab my secret out to everyone for clout" oh- that's horrible actually. Evelyn hissed under her breath "the whole we went on this "road trip" is because my parents decided 'why not force the family on a forced ride and film the entire thing!' I will tell you this, I do not want my face on the internet but they just won't listen!" that hit a little to deep to Jack.

"Oh... have you tried talking to them?" he asked and Evelyn sighs "yeah... but every breakfast they film making it and us eating it. I have no privacy! None! And they go 'family breakfast for the perfect family!' makes me wanna pummel them!" Jack's face fell, "that sucks..." he said and Evelyn sighed fidgeting with a strand of grass. 

"My parents are exploiting me... I know it... I'm trying to rush out as fast as I can" Evelyn looks at the grass strand and for Jack, this hit deep. Evelyn said then "and now I'm making the robots ya know... and it hurts seeing my work abused..." Jack's eyes widened in surprise "really?" he asked a little to loudly.

She nods, seeming to mistake it as anger but keeps going to get it off her chest "yeah... you know I actually made two new Sun and Moon animatronics for the daycare, ya know... I worked very hard on them, and now that I coded their personalities I realized, 'oh- their people-?!' that realization just... it shook me, I'm pretty sure something is wrong with me! People don't care and like animatronics-!" she was clearly agitated, Jack is shocked that she just told them this.

In the society they live in, this is dangerous territory to talk about and admit, "hey hey-" he said trying to calm her down and she said "but I do! I don't want Sundrop and Moondrop to be hurt-! Which isn't natural for us- we hate animatronics-" he asked Evelyn "Sundrop and Moondrop?" Evelyn said softly "the animatronics I made... the replacement ya know..." Jack blinks at her, she actually cared.

"Okay" he said softly, she looks surprised by this and he said "hey hey, it's okay, if anything you better then the people! You have empathy towards animatronics and that's something that's sadly not seen around these days" she looks surprised "what?" Jack sighed "I bought Sun and Moon to get them away from Fazbear" Evelyn instantly looks guilty "I was such a jer-" Jack said "hey hey! It's fine okay!" Jack said.

Evelyn looked like she didn't believe him and Jack sighed "hey hey, I'm glad you shared this with me, okay?" He smiles softly, in his eyes this was a wonderful discovery. Evelyn sighs and Jack said "look, it's starting" he pointed at the streaks in the sky and she looked up and looked at them in awe. 

Jack smiled at this and watched them by Evelyn's side, they truly were beautiful.

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