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Sun followed silently, his eyes darting about the seemingly endless fields of grass. Jack said "were here!" Sun looked around wearily, okay, where?  Sun saw nothing but endless fields of grass, the sun bright and high above. BloodMoon said loudly "where?" and BloodLust muttered "tired..." Sun scooped them up still very on guard. His heart beat had calmed slightly slightly but not enough for him to be considered even remotely close to calm.

He saw a pile of rocks nearby and sighed, it was a pile of large rocks, a little weird and seemed to stand out of place.

Sun watched Jack turn and say "so, ya'll hear of the Robot Safety Organization? Or for short the RSO?" he said and Sun glared, the what? Nah, what a fake name. His eyes narrowed and Jack sighed "it's an organization that saves animatronics from horrible situations." Sun's eyes widened, but this only seemed to make his distrust worse.

He saw Lunar's eyes widen "wait wait wait, what?!" Moon had a 'I don't care, I wanna go back in my hole of a room' look on his face. Sun clutched the twins and snarled at Jack as Jack made a sudden movement at him, Jack put his hands up and Sun bristled taking it as a threat.

BloodMoon tried to eat a butterfly and Jack's eyes widened in alarm as they shoved the butterfly in their mouth and Sun yanked it out and let the butterfly be free. Jack chuckled "he eats butterflies?" Sun rays were back, it was a small little joke, a small tease and yet he took it as the biggest insult, the biggest threat. He took it as Jack mocking his son, and didn't like it.

Jack seeming to notice Sun's aggressive behavior slowly slid past him, Sun watched him, ready to strike with his claws if he needed to. Jack goes to a branch and lifts it nearby, Sun, Lunar, and Moon watched and Jack  clicked a small button on it.

Sun yelped and clutched the twins hard as the floor shook slightly, his heart thumped harder. He glared at Jack and Lunar yelled "HOLY- THE FLOOR JUST OPENED UP!" Sun turned a full 180 and saw, the floor indeed opened.

His eyes are wide with disbelief and Jack said "what are you waiting for, come come!" Jack walked down a stair case going into the dirt, nah, this is a secret base type situation here.

The ground just slid open, naahhh. He was very hesitant to follow but then he remembered the control shock situation and walked down the stairs. Lunar followed behind nervously and Moon, well Moon just followed not caring about anything.

Sun heard the little hatch close behind him and he jumped nearly falling down the stairs and taking a nasty tumble with the twins but Lunar straightened him "thank god you were there Lunar" he said gratefully a little more shaken then he was before somehow.  "No problem..." Lunar said nervously and the twins chewed on Sun's ray. They went down the stairs and- oh my god, Sun's eyes were wide. It was an old abandoned subway tunnel, long forgotten by time, it was about 2056, this was made in, oh. 

He was some letters carved in the wall, 1910. Sun temporarily forgot about the danger of Jack as he realized just how old this subway tunnel was. People don't even use subways anymore, all the tunnels have been forgotten to time! Lunar was shocked, even Moon had an interesting look on his face. 

Jack said "welcome to the Starshine Subway system, this was made about, hmmm... 146 years ago? She's still up and standing though and the train is still here!" to say Sun was speechless would be an understatement. He had heard of subway tunnels and systems and such, but he has never seen one, they shut down about  25 years ago due to being inefficient and they now just use teleportation to get you place to place, just go to the teleportation tube and boom, your at one of the selected places.

They have long since been forgotten and abandoned, no one really talks about them because we don't talk about old tech nowadays, new one comes, old one forgotten. To see a subway system was the equivalent to Sun seeing a volcano erupting at the moment. Jack chuckled "ain't she a beauty!" Sun snapped out of his little trance and looked around and noticed, the place was kept quite clean, but from who?

Jack said "follow me!" he walked down the tunnel and Sun followed him nervously, it felt strange, being so deep below the earth. Jack said "this meadow used to be New York City" Sun was cut off guard yet again "WHAT?!" Jack nodded at his, Lunar, and Moon's shock. "Since the bombing of the entirety of New York City from the terrorist group the Kieos Mieos (totally not me jamming letters together,) I know, weird name, it is known as the most impressive and horrific terrorist attack in history because almost everyone one in New York died, thousands of people died and the entire city was burned down" Jack sighed.

"It was a truly horrific experience if you were there, the Statue of Liberty was practically rubble, all that was left was a piece of her torch which is in a museum today..." he said sadly  "the entirety of the city had to be torn down because it was just... destroyed and they had plans to rebuild it's glory but America soon found itself having problems funding the project and then World War 3 came along against China and Japan, housing problems came, people were living on the streets in Washington and New York was just... forgotten, except for the survivors that live to tell the tale" Sun's eyes are wide.

Wow, talk about a history lesson! Jack said "it is still unknown on how Kieos Mieos achieved such a horrific feat, but New York many years ago has been regained by nature, that's that meadow you see today, the rubble has been mostly cleared away from time and well, some people removed the rubble piles from the organization to use as building materials" Sun remembered that weird pile of rocks that seemed to stand out, wow, Sun did not know about this.

Lunar had a ':0' face, he's always been a sucker for history and Jack was bombarded with questions from him and Sun sighed, he had seen that odd remorse from Jack while talking about the project, he was nervous but he is starting to realize that Jack may be different from other humans.

He still doesn't really let his guard down as he followed Jack down the tunnel, Moon looks around the tunnel with wide fascinated eyes and Lunar asked Jack questions as he answered them with any complaints, it was strange.

Jack wasn't really acting like a human... he isn't acting selfish or evil. He's acting nice, he's acting caring. Sun is torn, Sun is confused. He didn't know what to think, it all could just be a facade, but what if it wasn't...? Sun watches Jack as the twins look confused cause Jack just said a bunch of words that they had no idea what meant.

Sun shakes his head, what am I thinking? It's probably a trick, Sun follows Jack nervously down the tunnel as the twins decide to take a nap in his arms again.

Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amnesia Au///जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें