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Purely by coincidence, Jack ran into Evelyn again. They talked for some time, "hey! You've never tried cereal dry?!" Evelyn cried in mock shock, Jack shrugs in reply "meh" Evelyn giggled "wanna try some?" It was a innocent and adorable giggle.

"Oh, uh... Sure I guess* Jack said and Evelyn gave him some dry cereal, he was nervous to take it but nibbled some, okay. Its not that bad. Evelyn smiles happily and watched a robot work nearby, mopping the floor against it's will Jack swore he saw her smile fall but she either was really quick to hide it or it never happened.

"So" she yawned "I hear there is this really pretty meateor shower starting tonight, wanna watch it with me? I'm a sucker for space and swear the stars are alive, but meh, wanna join?" Okay, ignoring the 'the stars are alive' thing, sure. 

He didn't see anything that could go wrong with this, seems fun. "O-oh uh, sure! Where do you wanna watch it?" he wasn't sure on why he stammered like that, Evelyn shrugs "I know just the place, there is this meadow not to far off" not Jack hoping to god she doesn't mean the meadow where all his friends and robot pals were.

"O-oh, where?" Jack asked nervously and she said "oh! Little to the west!" Oh thank god she doesn't mean where good old New York used to be. "Oh, okay!" He said cheerfully, he knew the meadow she was talking about she chuckles "there we won't have to deal with, ya know, light pollution" Jack smiles softly.

He's grown to really like Evelyn, "yeah, light pollutions a killer" they chuckle and say in unison "polute the earth" they turn each other and laugh even though they shouldn't be and people were looking at them like they were insane."Jinx!" they said in unison, then they thought of the most random thing possible.

"Rhino in a pink dress being sassy while eating high heels!" They said in unison again, they looked at each other in disbelief "how!?" Evelyn asked, Jack grunts "weird coincidence?" Evelyn nodded "yep."


He was looking about hanging with Moon when Galaxy walked over and tapped his shoulder Sun turned and smiles blushing  he watched Galaxy gulp, he was a little worried  then. He was just about to ask if everything was okay when Galaxy blurted "wanna go to see the meteor shower tonight as a d-date!" He looked flustered and Sun was in many words. Shocked.

"D-date?" He stammered  and Galaxy blurted "i-i-i-its okay if you don't wanna-" Sun cut him off "no no no! We can go on a date!" He grins happily face flushed, he can't believe it, no this is a dream come true! Sun was practically internally squealing and Galaxy looks relieved and happy. Moon watches with a ':0' face. Lunar peeked from a corner, Sun turned embarrassed and Moon looks well, immature. 

Lunar has a 'I called it' face. Sun blushes ferously and Galaxy's ears twitched tail curling slightly at the end. Moon pointed at them and asked innocent "when you gonna kiss?" Lunar wheezes as Sun and Galaxy looks flustered and embarrassed and said "he asked a wise question, when are we gonna have sun themed cat babies, hmm?" Sun and Galaxy blush harder. 

"N-n-no" he choked out and Lunar laughs. "You two are adorable!" Sun's rays droop in embarrassment and Galaxy nervously plays with his rays. Sun turns raising a eyebrow at him, he blushes and pulls back "sorry, I couldn't help myself-" sun smiles "hey, it's fine!" Moon watches and Lunar smirks "adorable" he proceeds to walks off grabbing Moon to give them privacy.

Galaxy keeps playing with his rays, Sun sighs softly blushing. He felt happy, very very happy that he actually got asked out in a date. But he still hasn't forgotten the BloodMoon situation. He'll have to talk for them again before the date, make sure they're doing okay. 

A/N: again, wrote on phone, expect mistakes. Also horribly short chapters sorry XD

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