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Sun and Galaxy were chatting together, sorta, "so" Sun said awkwardly "whats up?" Galaxy replied "erm good..." awkward silence, Sun is pretty that wasn't the right response, Galaxy looked like they were kicking themselves mentally. Moon walked over and pulled Sun's sleeve "brother! I'm hungry!" Sun jumped "huh?" the twins yell and jump onto his shoulders and hiss at Moon.

Moon squeaked backing away, Sun was over there behavior, and he meant over it. "YOU TWO!" he snapped "STOP!" the twins jumped in surprise and alarm Sun grumbles "you know what! Here's a idea, come on into my room" Galaxy lifted a fat finger (cause cat paw) and puts it back down sadly. Sun led the three of them into his room and said "okay, you three, sit" points at couch.

He watched Moon run over and sit on the couch and the twins purposely sit way on the edge of the couch. Sun rubs his temples "okay you two, I am going to set up a scavenger hunt" they instantly perk up and the twins yell "we claim each other for group-" Sun narrowed his eyes "shh shh shh, here's the thing, the three of you have to work together" Moon looks excited, the twins however didn't.

"What?! No!" They wail and Sun glares at them, "I'll set it up in my room, Lunar's room, and Moon's room, got it?" The twins groan seeing they are not getting out of this, good. He grinned in a mischievous way and said "okay you three, turn around! No peaking!" The twins begrudgingly turn and Moon turns and chats their face off. The twins look irritated.

Sun always had the sinking feeling that Moon attack at the twins had changed them. They aren't acting as cheerful, heck they are acting very overprotective of Sun, not wanting Moon close at all and hissing at him.

It's concerning and sad, he shook the thoughts away and watching the three very closely to make sure no sneaky peaking happened, he hid some random items around the room and added little clues.

He clicked a pen as he thought up some stuff and wrote down a small list showing the items and their first clues.

He rushed back to the them and said "okay you three!" He hands them the list, Moon gawks at it and the twins look unamused. A month ago they would have been acting like Moon... Sun shook his thoughts back.

"Okay you three! Off you go!" He watched Moon say cheerfully "Lets start with the first one-" much to Sun shock BloodMoon said in a cold tone "yeah duh, what are you? A moron?" Moon shrank back looking hurt and confused and Sun stared.

He walks over trying to stay calm, but he was genuinely shaken cause never heard a tone like that from them "now now now, you two, I need you to say sorry-" they look over at Moon and say "were not apologizing to him, he doesn't deserve it" Sun looks at them and his eyes grow hard.

"Okay you two. I am over this behavior!" He snapped, they glared back at him. The disrespect! It just came out of nowhere! Sun turned to Moon "okay Moon, go off to Lunar I need to talk these two in private."

The twins start to grow nervous and Moon ran off to Lunar, Sun turned to them and said calmly "you two, why have you been acting so rude lately?" In a way, his calm voice was just as intimidating as him yelling.

The twins look nervous looking up at Sun, they said nothing. They didn't need to, Sun already knew what had caused this he sighed and softly "come on, sit on the couch beside me" he led them to the couch and sat down, they sat down next to me and grumble something.

"Okay" he said softly, if he was right and this was them trying to forget and cope from the whole Moon attack and agonizing static, then yelling and scolding may actually not be the best route to this.

"Can you two tell me what's going on?" He asked softly to them, grabbing them gently and pressing them close they look to the side trying to ignore him looking grumpy.

"Come on you two,"  he said softly "you can tell me" he wasn't going to press much, if they didn't want to talk, that is okay. They are silent for a long moment and whimper "we have scary dreams..." Sun looks at them in concern "scary dreams?" They nod and sniffle "It was always about Moon hurting you..." Oh god... that's not good.

He rubs their back gently as they whimper and sniffle "and you got hurt, and we couldn't help you..." Sun says softly "hey hey, it's okay, it wasn't your fault, not at all" "b-but-" Sun cut them off "hey, it was never your fault" they whisper quietly "but your face... You got so hurt..." Sun sighs looking down at him with his own eyes, rays twitching, the broken ones doing weird awkward movements "so I did, but I'm happy I was able to save you two" they look to the side sadly and say "you forgave Moon so quickly... After what he did, we don't care if he got wiped... He still hurt you... Why'd you forgive him?" Sun began to feel nervous now. 

"Because he's not the same person anymore Sunshine's-" Sun said and they sniffle "but he still hurt you! We should have been able to help you! You've done so much for us and yet we just stand petrified as Lunar fights off a big meanie, and then he scratched your face and seeing you hurt i-i-it-"Sun's heart wrenched, they blamed themselves.

"Hey hey hey" he said softly and rub their back "it wasn't your fault! You were scared and-" they sob softly "but if were weren't scared we could helped you!" Sun hugs them tightly "shhh, it's okay, fear is normal, it's okay to be scared, it helps in many situations, but can also be a down fall" he said softly "it can also be.. Overpowering" he sighs talking from experience.

"It wasn't your fault you were scared" he wipes their tears and smiles softly, they sniffle and look at him "fear is a natural thing, a part of you. People who are fearless are morons" he chuckled, they smile softly and he said "and more likely to be eaten by a T-Rex, arrrrrrr!" he made a mock roar at the end and they giggle.

He ruffles their night cap "it wasn't your fault kiddos-" they cut him off and say "but we see him... It makes us scared, it makes our heart thump, it makes us panicked and scared, and have reminders of what happened... These vivid flashbacks..." That sounds alarmingly like PTSD.

He's silent as they say "and we just don't understand how you forgave him so quick-" Sun cut them off "because I've already forgiven someone in the exact same way" he said softly while fidgeting.

He had always knew he couldn't keep this from them forever, he knew that now was the best time to tell them. He knew that with time the twins would find out either way and then finding out on their own may cause more problems.

It's best he told them finally, so they understand by he forgave Moon. "What? Who?" They asked confused, Sun hugged them closer and said softly "you."

A/N: if you want to make fanart, I've had a bunch of people ask me so I'll explain here, you have to make a book and put it there. Why? I don't have many social media's, it sucks I know. But I really don't want to mess my brain up more than it's already messed up, thank you for understanding, if you have any questions please ask me!

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