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Sun walked down the tunnel following Jack and was met by a sight, a incredible sight. Lunar and Moon froze as they stared, in front him. In front of him was robots and humans, living in harmony, laughing and chatting and walking together. Sun felt like he was in some fever dream, he stared. 

Sun saw that this was a subway stop, the train was still there and it had been turned into what appeared to be a cafe where robots and humans drank coffee and such together and such. Sun was shocked, and if anything, he was kinda disgusted. How could these robots just hang out with the humans? Forgive them for what they have done, Sun stared and Jack said "follow me! I'll take you to your rooms!" it didn't take long for Sun to realize that the entire subway system was being used, there was an entire hidden civilization. 

A entire hidden civilization of humans and robots just coexisting, it was an odd sight for Sun. It made Sun nervous, it made Sun uncertain, It made Sun disgusted. He didn't want to believe that robots and humans could just coexist like this, it seemed unnatural to him. It seemed gross to him, It just seemed wrong.

Sun's rays went back in shock and disgust and Jack said "now Sun!" Sun snapped out of his thoughts and he saw Jack take out the control shock, instantly, he went into a panic. HE KNEW HE SHOULDN'T TRUST JACK! He never did but still, Sun instantly started to shake and Lunar and Moon stiffen. 

The twins wake up confused and Sun's rays shrunk into his head, Jack seemed to be internally cursing and kicking himself when he said "calm down calm down! I'm not going to use it!" Sun still shakes as flashbacks of pain came back to him, then much to his shock he watched Jack take out a screw driver.

He watched Jack unscrew it and take it apart and after making sure it didn't shock Sun, stomp on it. Sun's eyes were wide as he watched the control shock being stomped on and destroyed, it was a... sense of relief. A sense of freedom, it was... gone. He stared "w-what...?" he stammered and Jack smiled "your free" Sun was speechless, he was free... Sun wasn't used to being free from the control shock.

He could do stuff with the fear of being shocked...? Sun stared, but he was still nervous. What if he wasn't actually free? Jack could have a backup, Sun's rays twitched as he stared at the pieces, his heart thumping.

This seemed almost... wrong. He was so used to the fear of having the control shock that having it gone felt, strange. He was free, but it felt scary.

He wasn't used to the idea of being free, he's thought of it a couple of times but it always ended in him being shocked by FazBear so he pushed down the idea entirely.

His entire life he has been a slave, a little puppet for FazBear to play with, he has always lived in fear of being shocked but he covered it up with a facade of a cheerful self until at the end, it had been broken down when FazBear hurt him more than they had ever hurt him before.

It had hurt him both mentally and physically, it had turned a trusting person, a loving daycare attandent who cared for the kids more then anything in the world into a nervous wreck who has anxiety and trust issues and would rather punch the kid into a wall then take care of them. 

His joints still weren't fixed and hurt horribly if he even moved them slightly, they creaked and made alarming popping sounds. 

He was free but it felt scary, it felt wrong. He was having a hard time processing this, this turn of events. Lunar hugged him "Sunny your free! You don't have to worry about being shocked!" All Sun could choke out was "free..?" he knew Lanar's heart heart was shattering at his uncertainty.

It just felt scary, it felt unnerving. His body was filled with adrenaline as he stared at the pieces of what used to be his biggest fear. 

He was scared, he's made decisions before, but they were never entirely free or risk less. He's always had that control shock to keep him in control and in line and now that it was gone, he was confused.

He was confused on what he should do, Jack looks sad, it's clear his reaction is common among robots.

Sun is unsure on what to do with his life now that he was free, he could do so much and yet he has been for his entire life, controlled, manipulated, hurt and scared into obedience, but these last two months were his mental breaking point.

He could do so much, but it felt strange and wrong being able to make decisions by himself without something to manipulate it and force it into something else.

Like FazBear threatening him, or hurting him. Lunar looks so sad and Moon looks away sadly, the twins babble nonsense and Jack sighs sadly "this happens often..." He said softly.

He could hang out with the twins more, actually be there instead of just sleeping on the couch, he didn't have a daycare to worry about.

This idea of being free was so strange and new to Sun, to be able to walk his own foot steps and not have to follow one laid out for him and forced on him through pain and suffering and creation manipulation. (That's when creators manipulate robots into thinking that their job or reason they created were for is the only path they could ever possibly have either through guilt tripping, shocking, or just making it seem impossible.)

It should have been nice, but it made him scared and stressed. Lunar hugged him tighter "Sun... Your free, your safe" safe... When was the last time he's been safe? 

Two months ago? Three? Sun didn't know "safe..?" Lunar hugs him tighter "safe" Sun hugs Lunar close and the twins are confused by everything.

I'm free... I'm safe.. It's scary.

But Sun knew he'll through it with his family by his side. Jack waited patiently for the moment to break up and he said "okay! Lets get you to your rooms. Okay?" Sun was uncertain and Lunar said "okay!" so Sun followed, head down in a respectful and submissive way.

They got to their rooms, they were actually subway tunnel rooms turned into living quarters, Sun wasn't going to complain, they all had separate rooms but Sun wasn't leaving the twins alone.

So Sun kept the the twins in his room and watched them draw, he shut and locked the door with the key Jack had given him and watched the twins draw nearby.

He was finally starting to calm down for the first time in three hours, as the adrenaline died down the exhaustion creeped back in.

And while he was still processing the control shock event, trying to make a sense of it, the bed looked so comfortable.

So without exploring the room, he went to the bed and after checking it for something that could hurt him, he laid down on it.

Today had been to stressful, so full of the fear of the unknown, so scary. He was so exhausted, so tired. His charge was down low, his eyes slid closed and he drifted into a deep peaceful slumber, one of the most peaceful he's had in months.

Every fear, every uncertainty, every pain, faded away temporarily as he slept there.

The twins draw nearby being good boys. 👍

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