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Sun awoke some time later, and saw the twins drawing stuff nearby. He groaned, he hardly remembered what just happened before he passed out. Something about a demon shadow figure...? He sits up rubbing his rays, he felt a bit dizzy. He decided to lay back down and the twins ran over and said "hi! :D" Sun stared at them and groaned "hi..." he felt horrible.

They look concerned "you good?" BloodMoon asked and Sun muttered "fine" even though he was pretty sure he was lying. "A-okay..." the twins were smart enough now to see right through it "I don't believe you" Sun grunts sitting up "I think I hit my head a bit okay-" he got cut off by them glaring and saying "you have no self care."

Okay that hit hard, because it was true to some extent. He remembered one time he broke his ankle (the robot equivalent) and still walked around deciding 'ah, I'll just walk it off' and only ended up making it worse and more painful. His trust issues got in the way of getting help cause the people around him, he didn't know them.

So he limped for two hours, it's normally a forty-five minutes walk but the amount of times he stumbled and fell and limped slowed it down, to his room. When Lunar found out he got the scolding of his life about getting help. 

But again he was shaken by the twins behavior, they have been acting more serious and mature lately at times. It kinda scared him cause he felt like in a way, they were too young to mature much. "I'm fine okay!" he said and he tried to stand up, they narrowed their eyes "dad please, your not fine just sit still, were getting Lunar" they clearly didn't like seeing him hurt.

He could also tell that today they were not having his recklessness and lack of self care which he suffered from sometimes, it's not often but it's sometimes. Sun sighed and sat back down, mostly because his head hurt and he was dizzy. Then, Fate appeared "yo" Sun took a deep breath and once again screamed.

The twins jumped back and Fate looked unfazed, "yeah, he passed out and forgot everything apparently, what's up you two?" the twins crumbled up a piece of paper and threw it at Fate  "you couldn't have chosen a better time to come!" they said voice streaked with sarcasm and Fate chuckled at this. 

Sun just huddled in a corner, OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! WEIRD DEMON THING! He has forgotten pretty much everything. Fate sighs "well, am I gonna have to explain again?" the twins nod "yep, oh crayons!" they run towards  a piece of paper and crayons and draw. Either they got distracted or this was their way of saying 'not my problem' Sun blinked at the creature trying to seem small in the couch.

The creature groans "my name is Fate, do you recall that?" after a few minutes of Sun blankly staring Sun had a moment of realization "ooooh" now he remembers, but then also realized he's talking to god and the terrifying fact that god is annoyed at him. "Okay so you remember now?" Fate asked, Sun is stunned into silence.


He blinks and the twins draw and chatter nearby, "I-Uh" Fate said "you passed out like five hours ago," that explained it. "Okay..." he said still squeezed into the couch to hide, well he's a lot less aggressive then yesterday, he's more weary now. Now that he was less in a panic, he was was now able to process the  fact that this being can easily Thanos snap him out of the existence.

Oh man, so this is how me and the twins die? Well at least I'll die to hands of god in some epic Thanos snap and not die stupidly like being trampled by a rhino. He stared at Fate and she stared back awkwardly and eventually said "okay, this is awkward" Sun watched the twins throw a piece of paper at the god, Sun went into an instant panic. 

ARE THEY CRAZY! THIS IS A CREATION GOD FOR HEAVENS SAKES! His heart rate skyrocketed and he shrank farther into the couch, like that'd help, and he watched Fate pick up the pieces of paper. He felt cornered, helpless. He couldn't get to twins, they were out of his reach and Fate was in the way.

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