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Sun wakes up in the morning, he sighs softly and rubs his eye gently. He sits up and the twins grumble and bite his hand in defiance for moving. "Hey!" he said disapprovingly, it wasn't hard, a little nom. But Sun was not happy about it, he didn't want biting to be a habit. They crack an eye open and look at him innocently, "hi daddy!" BloodMoon said cheerfully and Sun yawns and stops mid way.

What? He rays perked, he was frustrated that his broken rays were struggling but he felt something alarming. There was that trembling again... The ground was trembling for a few seconds before stopping, Sun was genuinely concerned now. Was an earthquake about to start or something...?  

If so, it could be bad news for them since they are under the ground. Sun gulps and scoops the twins up, and gets out of bed. He looked around nervously and saw the humans around him, all unconscious, Sun crept out of the the little med bay area nervously and looked around. Lunar instantly ran over and hugged him "just in time! We're gonna wake Moon back up!" Sun was feeling nervous at the idea.

He followed them into a room and saw Moon, he was mostly rewired except one wire, rewiring that one wire will start him back up again. Sun gulped and the twins look at Moon and clutch his arm tightly. It kinda hurt with their claws, "hey hey hey hey" Sun said softly "it's okay" the twins were terrified and they hid themselves in Sun's arms. 

Lunar walked forward nervously and reconnected the wire, Sun watched him take some steps back and there was a series of beeps and Moon's eyes lit up with a red pupil. Everyone waits with baited breath and the twins have a freak out. Poor things, Sun rubs their head and Moon grunts gibberish, Lunar grunted "oops, forgot to add the language thing, erm, gimme a sec" Lunar grabbed Moon's head as Sun facepalmed and Moon yelped gibberish and Lunar put the lil chip in and Moon yelped "-WHO ARE YOU-?!" what a first impression.

Lunar opened his mouth to reply and Moon shrieked and crawled back like a lil gremlin "WHO ARE YOU!? YOU LOOK WEIRD!" points at Sun, Sun was offended. The twins are having a freak out "DAD DAD! GET HIM AWAY!" they shriek, Moon flinched at the loud sound and bared his teeth in warning.

Moon was obviously stressed out and scared and Sun didn't blame him, things could have gone a LOT smoother if Lunar hadn't forgot about the stupid English chip and didn't have to grab poor Moon's head. Sun groans and rubs his temples, "Moon-" he tried and Moon gave him a very confused look "what's a moon?" okay, that hurt to hear.

The thing about the English chip is that it only teaches the robot how to use the words properly, it didn't teach them what it really is. For example, what just happened. Moon knows that a moon exists, he's just unsure on what it is. The English chip is like a very limited vocabulary, Lunar sighs sadly and the twins look utterly confused but continue their freak out. 

Lunar told Moon "it's a big rock in the sky-" Moon frowned "rock...?" Sun groans, great, this'll be fun! So so so fun! Sun already to some tiny extent  missed the old Moon and it's been like five minutes. Moon looks at him "you face looks weird poke man" poke man? Seriously? That was a very old BloodMoon thing to say, Sun sighs "my name is Sun" he said and Moon just looks utterly confused.

"Cool...." he said clearly not understanding a thing of what Sun just said and saw a bird that was for some reason in the tunnel (how the heck it got in, Sun had no clue) and pointed at it, "weird thing!" Sun looks at the bird in concern as it perches nearby out of his reach and watches Moon.

Sun sighs "bird" he points at it "that's a bird" Lunar watches and seeing that this was more in Sun's expertise, cause he's a daycare attendant, decided to stay back. Moon had a ':0' face going on and he said "I wanna eat it" Lunar choked on water he was sipping nearby and Sun had a look of surprise.

The twins stared at Moon and whispered to Sun "Dad... whats going on...?"  Sun said "shhh, Moon just got a little... wiped..." the twins look horrified and Sun hugs them close and said to Moon "we don't eat bird, we can't eat" Moon looked confused and grabbed a rock and looked at it like it was a magical artifact and said "whats this?" Sun says "rock" he watched Lunar sit nearby in a metal chair in the corner and put his face in his hands. 

The twins are practically trembling in his arms and Sun pats their head trying to calm them down, Moon said "it's weird" he's so innocent... only a day before he had in a fit of rage and grief tried to kill Lunar and the twins and clawed his face. Sun pressed down the uneasy feeling of seeing Moon in such a innocent state and said "yeah... weird..." he watched Moon try to eat it and he snatched it.

He is really starting to see a pattern with amnesia affected robots trying to eat random stuff. "No" he said and Moon pouted crossing his arms like a toddler sitting on the floor. Oh god... Lunar kept sulking in a corner and Sun was just... well. He was not used to seeing Moon show any other emotion other than grief, anger, ect.

"Erm, get up" he said and Moon turned his head away stubbornly, arms crossing tighter. It's like dealing with a toddler... "UP" he said and the twins jumped at his tone and Sun whispered to them "shh shh, not you" Moon jumped looking alarmed from Sun's harsh tone, Sun really wasn't having it.

Two days and so much was happening, great just great! Moon kept sitting and Sun grunts annoyed and said "this" he points at the gray lumpy rock, "is a rock" Moon blinked at it and said randomly "i'm tired" Sun had a dumbfounded look on his face and Lunar just cries softly in the corner.

"You... tired?" Sun said "your. Tired?" then Sun began to worry about what Moon's charge was at, Moon did, before the whole wipe, seem like the type of person to keep going until he is forced into charge mode. "Yes" Moon said, and before Sun could react Moon's body fell forward with a thump. He yelped in shock and surprise rushed over to Moon, MOON YOU {{BEEP}}ING MORON! He thought in rage, he wasn't angry at new Moon, but old Moon for not charging to this point.

He stared at charging Moon and the twins start to sob again, lovely, just lovely.                                                                              

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