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Jack walked in and nodded politely at management "hello, I am here for the Superstar Daycare animatronics" he said and a person by the name of Evelyn according to the name tag nodded "good, take the useless scraps of metal" Jack felt a ripple of disgust at that but pressed it down, "I will" he walked to the daycare with the help of Evelyn and saw a poor yellow sun and jester themed robot in the worst shape he's seen in all his days.

Evelyn scoffed "he's useless! Always whining and trying to get a break!" Jack looked at the robot as it leaned on the rainbow bridge, eyes dull and tired. The poor thing looked like it was going to drop and just pass out on the spot, it's sun rays were drooped and the animatronic looked at me tiredly.

Poor thing... it looks like it hasn't had a break in... forever. "Yeah... useless..." he said softly and said "okay, so where are the others?" he asked and Evelyn scoffed "I swear, where are those useless scraps of- ugh! GET DOWN HERE!" she yelled at the balcony above the ball pit a light blue animatronic ran and jumped in the ball pit followed by a adorable red animatronic.

"Isn't there one more?" Jack asked and Evelyn growled "MOOOOOOONNNN!" an annoyed voice yelled "WAIT A SEC!" Evelyn screamed "NO! GET DOWN!" a blue moon animatronic scoffed jumped down, Jack watched him quickly pocket something.

"Fine" the moon themed robot said, Sun sighed and the light blue animatronic hugs the sun themed one and the red one was... well, vibrating on the spot, ummm. Such a energetic animatronic.  Jack watched the little red robot clutch and sun one, it was annoying that he didn't know their names.

FazBear sucks, a lot. it seemed shady, it felt kinda like buying off the black market, but he bought them anyway, he needed to get them out of here, he couldn't just leave them in this place. It's so sad cause he can't sue Fazbear for abusing animatronics, cause no one cares! It is not against the law!

Jack and many other people, an entire organization is trying to give robot equal rights. But it's not working well because people don't understand, they just don't seem to understand that robots are people to! In fact they frown at us for getting in their way, Jack is not going to tell  Fazbear that he is part of the organization, they can still decline the order, no Jack can't risk it.

These robots deserve a happier life, they need to get out of here, especially the sun one. "So" he said casually even though he was sick to the stomach "why is the Sun one in such rough shape?" Evelyn sighs "we work him all day and hardly give him breaks, the stupid bot doesn't clean the daycare and we have to shock him into obedience, or were just bored and shock him" Jack's stomach dropped in disgust.

Oh god. "Oh makes sense" he said in a casual tone even though Fazbears treatment towards the poor animatronic disgusted him to the core. He had to play along, he knew how the world is now, people won't sell their animatronics to someone nice, the world is so twisted now cause it is respected to treat animatronics like nothing.

A way of showing "dominance" disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Evelyn says cheerfully "well, lets go back to parts and services and get you control of his and Moon's control shock hmm?" I also need to remove that control shock, ASAP. "Okay" he said and the sun and light blue animatronic sigh sadly.

It was clear they thought things weren't going to get better, the sun one looked so broken it shattered Jack's heart, but he sucked it up and followed Evelyn. Evelyn was cheerful as she chatted and explained how the control shock worked, saying it was a "marvel" of FazBear tech. All Jack saw was something horrific but he went along and asked questions like this was normal and respectable.

He was so tired of acting to get robots out of bad situations, all of us are. All of us in the organization are tired of acting, a lot of us got an acting carrier for this, it is some serious dedication. 

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