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Sun woke up again some time later, again only being able to see through one eye still. It scared him quite a bit, he rubs his face and got hugged tightly by Galaxy. He yelped and blushed and Galaxy whimpered "you had some kind of panic attack and passed out! I was so scared!" Sun's rays twitched in surprise and he stammered "I-I-I-I-I-I you-you, h-hug" Sun is surprised by the hug and very flustered.

His broken rays twitch, their twitch was very... well, twitchy. In a not very good way, Galaxy whimpers "I'm sorry! I'm sorry your face is so destroyed!" Sun remembered his face and his heart thumped but he tried to calm himself down. It's fine, it'll get fixed, he told himself and Sun said softly "i-it's fine" he said, he was no longer in the shock of his face being broken. He's mostly calmed down, he knows his face will be fixed soon enough.

"Hey, at least it makes you look tough!" Galaxy said trying to see the bright side of things, Sun puffed out his chest in a joke matter "yes it does" Galaxy much to Sun's shock booped him, Sun was stunned into silence and Galaxy stuck his tongue out teasingly. Sun was flustered and blushing but he eventually shook his head.

Galaxy says "ya know, you don't look bad! It could have been a lot worse! Plus you look cool!" Galaxy was really helping Sun calm down about his face, he knew it'll be fixed soon. Sun sighs "I doubt that-" Galaxy said "shhh, you look cool!" Sun smiles softly "I do?" Galaxy nodded "yeah! You look cool!" Sun's eye goes bright.

His heart flutters, he thinks I look cool! Oh god! He thinks I look cool! His face is warm and Galaxy said "I swear I can hear your fans-" Sun's fans did indeed start, frick. "Oh oh- uh-I- Uh god flustered-!" Galaxy smirked "you did now? Well you do look cool!" Sun's rays twitched embarrassed.

Galaxy booped him again "boop" and Sun looked at him with a mock offended face "how-how dare you" he stammered in a mock offended look and Galaxy smirked "heh! Try to stop me!" Sun pouted puffing out his chest, "I dare thy to boop me again if thy dare" Galaxy chuckled and booped again "boop" Sun had a mock '>:0' face.

Sun was very happy to hear Galaxy chuckle again, maybe his face being destroyed... won't be too bad. The main upside was Galaxy saying it was cool, but he also knew it was going to be fixed eventually. 

But then Galaxy said sadly and uncertainly "ummm... Sun... I'm sorry about Moon, ya know..."  Sun's felt sad then "y-y-y-yeah... we weren't really... close.." Sun said and Galaxy looks worried "why? You were brothers! Siblings are each others best friends" Sun's rays drooped "a while ago... we had this brother called Eclipse" Sun said, he doesn't normally tell anyone about this kind of stuff.

It was kept between the family, but he felt he could trust Galaxy. Sun took a deep breath and Galaxy set on the bed, tail curled around him gently, "you had a brother?" Sun nodded sniffling "yeah... a long while... he's dead now... and I miss him" Sun said "Eclipse didn't start out as a brother though, we had a rocky start, he was a real jerk and never really thought about anyone except for himself" Galaxy's ears twitched in interest and sadness "he's dead...?" he said softly and Sun nodded slowly.

"But as time passed, we grew close and he was nice and such... me, Moon, and Lunar eventually called him our brothers" Sun said sadly while wiping tears "one time Moon and Eclipse were hanging out, we had this theater part of our daycare... giant T.V screen in it, they were watching a movie together talking and laughing" Galaxy nodded listening silently and closely looking sad and surprised that Sun's trusting him with this. 

"They finished the movie and suddenly... BloodMoon appeared" Sun said, Galaxy looked surprised "BloodMoon?" he said "those two bean boys?" Sun nodded sadly, "a while ago...  he wasn't a bean boy... he was erm- a psychopathic killer, a machine made to kill" Galaxy had a look of shock "wait, but then why's he-" Sun said "I hit him in the head with a frying pan to save a child, I forgot her name, think It was Jane? And well, now they have amnesia and are bean boys" Galaxy had a 'oh!' face.

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