Chapter 10

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Sun woke up some time later, he was tired as heck. He is still being crushed by Lunar and the twins, he laid there drowsily but then he snapped out of his drowsy state when he knew it was opening hours.

He didn't want to... It was so much work, watching the twins and sixty or so kids. So... Many kids... Sun didn't know how long he could take it until suddenly, he dropped.

He had sent a complaint to FazBear hoping to god they'd give him a break, even a tiny one. But guess what! They were going to work him, they were going to work him till he dropped.

Sun before the twins came along didn't think much about this, but the twins words echoed in his brain oh so often 'so, your just sentient property?' Sun was starting to realize just how horribly he was being treated.

He didn't know if he could take another round of kids. His joints were sore, they are always so sore. And do you wanna know why FazBear is keeping him working, more and more kids every day, the daycare is so popular now, more money for them.

More and more mess, more and more trouble, more and more stress. So much stress. Sun sensed at the front door, a family. He wanted to stay here with his family, he really didn't want to move.

He laid there, exhausted, tired. Heck, last night when he played with the twins, for five minutes, five minutes and it made him feel so tired, so sore. He didn't even clean the daycare, and then the entity...

He couldn't bring himself to go and greet the family, if five minutes playing with the twins did that, he couldn't imagine seven hours of sixty or more kids.

Seven hours of being forced to play with energetic kids, Sun can hear their complaints, their cries when they get a "boo boo," their tantrums at everything, their constant wanting to play games and whining.

Sun couldn't do it, he just couldn't. He can't do this much longer until he passed out from exhaustion and crushed some poor kid, FazBear doesn't care. Just another lawsuit to cover up.

 It was then that FazBear got mad and sent him a message.


Sun you lazy excuse of a daycare attendant! Get your scrape heap of a robot self to work, we have also been informed that you left the daycare a mess and left the costumers waiting and didn't do your usual greeting to them! You're making us lose money so get to work!

Sun felt anger boil in him, the twins had given him a horrible realization, he was being horribly mistreated, and it made him mad, so mad, he needed rest and yet FazBear wasn't letting him, more and more anger boiled in him. Sun couldn't help it, he sent back in angry bold letters.



That of course angered management and they whipped out the big guns.


Sun, if you don't get your metal butt over there and watch and entertain the kids. We will resort to control shocks to get you to listen

Sun's heart sank, fear rises in him. 


So, if you don't start moving in the next five minutes off that wretched couch, we will shock you, we recommend you move.

Sun stared at the twins, he knew that not only will control shocks hurt him terribly, it would also scare Lunar and the twins.

Sun weakly sat up and set the twins and Lunar gently on the couch without waking them up, he practically dragged his aching body to the balcony. He jumped into the ball pit and saw some confused kids, he forced on a happy tone "hello!" they turned and cheered "Mr Sun!" Sun watched them crowd him, Sun felt bitter, he decided to give up the happy tone, it only exhausted him more.

Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amnesia Au///Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora