Chapter 12

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Sun fell onto the couch again, exhausted out of his mind. The twins pulled on his sleeve and Sun looked down at them "daddy can we play Snuggle Monster?" Ever since Sun had played that little snuggle game with them they had adorablely called the game Snuggle Monster, Sun looked at them tiredly.

The guilt was strong, but he couldn't bring himself to get off the couch "sorry little Sunlights, I'm to tired to do anything.." Lunar paced nearby looking enraged at everything and Moon was doing is daily cursing and smashing and throwing things in his room.

It was impossible to get the twins not to hear the unholy words, Sun just hoped they didn't suddenly cuss at a wasp (they have a fear of wasp) and run off screaming. That would be a lot of problems, most of which Sun feeling incredibly guilty that they learned such words.

The twins pouted "but, we wanna play, we don't play often anymore" again, Sun's guilt is in full blown. All he does after the long day is flop onto this couch exhausted and sleep until that wretched alarm woke him up, he was always to exhausted to play with them. "Yeah! We haven't played ever since Snuggle Monster!" Sun hugged them closely "shhh, I know I know, I've just been tired lately, that's all" "tired?" the twins asked, Sun sighed "don't worry about it my little Sunlights" Lunar stops pacing and said "Sunlights? Aww! That's adorable!" Sun grumbles and Lunar teased "your a dad now" Sun grumbles louder and holds the twins closer.

"Yeah yeah..." he sighed, "I need some rest now..." Lunar sighed "okay..." Sun drifted to sleep, the twins squeaked and struggled in his arms before just giving up on life, this was their home now heh.


Lunar watched Sun drift to sleep clutching the twins and smiles softly, it was adorable and wholesome, but his smile falters when he remembers why Sun was sleeping, it reminded him to do something.


Hello Management, I'd like to take over Sun's job so he can rest temporarily. He's about to drop and it pains me to see him so exhausted.

Lunar hoped to got this twisted and cruel excuse of a company would understand, Lunar swore this company was full of sadists looking to torment others without getting in trouble. Sadly their are no laws against robot mistreated, no matter how sentient they are they are still considered property.

Property to be sold and bought, property to mistreat with any consequences. It sickened Lunar that this is the world he is living in, Management replied with a soft ping sound.


No, costumers would come less if he isn't there, he is now a iconic part of FazBear and is more popular then Freddy. We don't care how exhausted he is, that doesn't matter. We need that money, and we need that money bad.

Lunar stiffened, how dare they, but Lunar with a heavy heart knew it was out of his control. Lunar heard a faint snoring as the twins drifted to sleep. Lunar walked over to the two twin and Sun and snuggled in.

Lunar sighed and closed his eyes, it is such a cruel world here. Such a cruel world for robots, Lunar hugged the twins and Sun closer, Sun stirred and grumbles. A horrible horrible world for robots.


Sun woke up grumbling, the harsh loud beeping echoing in his skull. The horrible wretched sound, he sat up weakly and was surprised to see Lunar snoring snuggled into him, luckily neither Lunar or the twins woke up and only grumbled in their sleep, Sun got off the couch tiredly and climbed the ladder weakly, he nearly fell backwards but caught himself.

He jumped off the balcony and hit the ballpit balls and just laid their stunned, normally, that didn't hurt. But now, the impact on his weak body was pain. It was then that he knew, something wasn't right with his body, he did a quick scan and saw that surprise surprise his servos and joints were damaged from over use along with some valves. 

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