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Solar Flare doesn't show up in this story but I'm proud of this art sooooo.

"Shooo shoo!" Sun shoes away a bird that randomly decides to sit on Moon's head and grumbles, it was then that Moon randomly says with no warning "I found a diary with my name on it that I don't remember making!" Sun turned surprised and got pecked in the face by the bird.

"OW! STUPID BIRD-" Sun pushed it away and it flew off and Moon says "Brother! The diary is kinda creepy!" Sun frowns, he can't believe he's about to do this. But he really wanted to see "when was it last updated?" Sun asked and he watched Moon frown, "ummm... like uh, a week ago?" oh, guess old Moon was keeping a diary, surprising!

"Can you uh, send it to me?" Sun asked, he had taught Moon how to send him stuff so Moon sent it to him no problem. Moon chews on a rock nearby as Sun looks over the diary, starting with the oldest entry.

Dear Diary,

I miss Eclipse, it was my fault he died... I should have tried to stop those freaks but I was frozen in place as they cut his wires. I should have stopped them and now Eclipse is dead! I'm a moron, a idiot! Why couldn't I move my body and save my brother?! Why did I have to be so petrified? And now he's gone.... it's all my fault he's gone, forever.

Sun frowned sadly, poor guy... He skipped about sixty diary entries until he came apon.

Dear Diary,

I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. Sun says he just hit those two freaks in the head with a frying pan and they just lost their memory's?! Well, I don't believe it one bit. I put the twins with Sun cause I hope that Sun will mess up and somehow the twins get killed. Sun is a moron, he'll fail to take care of them. I can only hope that some creep kidnaps them for parts or something. I left them with him cause the freakshows are all "innocent and adorable" now, I knew people would grow to love them, so if they die in Sun's hands and not mine, no way I can get in trouble, it will all be on Sun.

Sun was shocked, that's why he left me with the twins...? Sun turned and watched the two draw nearby and chatter with each other, he left them with me hoping I'd mess up and get them killed...? He was leaving them with me hoping they'd die and the blame would be put on me? Sun was horrified, it made sense now. A lot of sense, he now realized that Moon normally wouldn't leave the twins with him.

He would rather tear them limb by limb but he acted accepting.... Sun now realized a little too accepting. It had all been a act, he had left me with the twins hoping I'd mess up and that I'd be to blame for their death. Sun was shaken from this read, he watched Moon join the twins in drawing, the twins chatter and draw stuff with a blue crayon, it looked like a blue circle of some sort. 

Dear Diary,

I have noticed Sun has been getting closer to the little freakshows, how could he possibly forgive them for what they did to Eclipse...? I feel betrayed, guess he'll have to go down in my plan to. Guess I'll have to take him down, but thats fine, I don't need him. He can play that stupid Snuggle Monster game with those two psychos.

W-what plan? Sun suddenly heard Moon yelling and saw the twins were being a jerk and drawing all over Moon's drawing with the blue crayon. Sun rushed over and stopped them "hey hey hey! No" he yelled and separating them, "you two! Time out!" he hissed pointed at the corner. The twins glared and stuck their tongue out and sat in the corner, they looked like they regretted nothing.

They really hate Moon, rightfully so when he attacked you, acted like a complete jerk, and such and all the sudden is acting like a little kid. Most likely in the twins eyes it was the perfect time to get some revenge, not like their revenge can be much. All they really do is ruin Moon's drawings and steal his sandwiches. 

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