Chapter 3

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Not my art 

What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do. Sun was still trying to figure out what to do as BloodMoon was confused, BloodMoon walks over to a barrel picks it up and asked "whats this?" Sun felt irritated but he forced it out of his voice "a barrel" he said dully, "oh" BloodLust said, Sun groaned. 

This is going to suck, a lot. Why did I have to hit him with a frying pan? Out of all things he could have done, he chose hitting BloodMoon with a frying pan. "What does it do?" BloodMoon asked curiously, Sun decided not to mention it was an incredibly dangerous weapon,  "It just sits there" Sun said BloodMoon frowned "why is it there then?" Sun wondered the same thing.

The kids never play with them, they are too heavy to be played with by kids, "I guess decorations" Sun sighed, I'm going to have to explain everything, aren't I, every single thing. "Dec...orations?" BloodLust asked confused, they don't know that either... "somethings thats there cause it looks nice" the BloodMoon twins looked confused.

The barrels don't even look good, they're just there. More work for Sun, and if the kids do somehow manage to knock the barrel over... he better hope a kid isn't in the way of the tumbling barrels or a kid will be crushed. They're just a hazard, just there waiting for a kid to push over and an unfortunate kid to walk under.

Super cheap fazbears, you will NOT believe how many law suits have been covered up. Half from Moon having the killcode, and half from Monty losing his temper over something small and throwing a child across the room, we talk of that. 

"But it doesn't look good" BloodMoon said, Sun sighed "I know, but I don't control what they put in the daycare-" and BloodLust asked "daycare?" Sun took a deep breath to calm himself, I can't believe this...   "where we are now" Sun said in a forced calm voice "oh" BloodMoon and BloodLust said in unison.

This is going to be hard work... isn't it... oh boy. Sun saw a barrel that had been DESTROYED and frowned. What happened here? He was mad, but also confused. This had to have been done by a robots hands, these barrels are hard, pretty much metal, again a kid hazard. Looks at BloodMoon confused, guess I'll never know what happened to this barrel.

Welp one less work for me, Sun sighed and put the barrel on the front desk. The BloodMoon twins have calmed down for sure, now they're just confused. Sun sighed and Moon watched with a 'Sun you mess up and now you have to fix it' face, Sun was stressed. 

"BloodMoon, BloodLust, do you remember ANYTHING?" Sun asked "I remember that BloodLust is my brother" BloodMoon said and Sun cried "something that you aren't coded to know!" "I'm coded?" Sun panics "YES YOUR A ROBOT!" BloodMoon twin confusion "I am?" Sun shrieked "YES!" "oh" BloodMoon said.

Sun fidgeted with his bells, I've messed up. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HE'S A ROBOT! Sun took deep breaths to try and calm himself. Sun was not calming down, at all.  BloodMoon confusion, oh man... "okay" Sun said "lets-" and BloodMoon cried "ooooh whats that!" BloodMoon was on his hands and knees watching a large carpenter ant crawl across the floor. Sun sighed "thats an ant" and BloodMoon said much to Sun's surprise "I like it" BloodMoon tried to poke it Sun pulled him away "no, don't poke it" "aww" BloodLust said.

Sun sighed "just watch it, don't poke it" "okay!" BloodLust said cheerfully, Sun couldn't help  but notice the huge changes in the BloodMoon twins behavior, they seem so... innocent now... it's weird... BloodMoon said "I like the ant!" and Sun sighed "I don't see the appeal" and BloodMoon said "It looks cute!" Sun tilted his head "not really" (I'm pretty much BloodMoon right now lol, one time I stared at an ant for like ten minutes cause I was fascinated in it.)

BloodMoon smiled at the ant, he looked fascinated in it's movements, "It has legs!" BloodMoon cheered, any other time Sun would have laughed at that, but not now. "Yeah it has legs" he sighed, he was confused why BloodMoon seems so fascinated in the ant, it's just a pest. BloodLust said to BloodMoon "look at those pinchers!" and BloodMoon replied "I know!" Sun groaned "guys... it's just a bug-" and BloodMoon said "it's cute! Also what's a bug?" Sun sighed "Its a small animal with an exoskeleton" BloodLust curiosity "exoskeleton?" Sun replied "it's a hard shell around my bugs that protects them" BloodMoon gasped "thats so cool!" not really. 

At this point Sun's just gonna watch them and make sure they don't try and poke it again, the BloodMoon twins continue obsessing over the ant "are all ants big?"  BloodLust asked curiously, Sun sigh "no, some ants are very small like sugar ants" the BloodMoon twins look so curious about the ants it's actually kind of cute. 

"Oooooh" BloodMoon said watching the ant crawl away "why does it walk in a line?" okay seriously why are they so fascinated by this ant, I guess it's one of the first things they saw after they got... bonked... but still, it's an ant! Sun did not understand the obsession, but whatever. Sun shrugged "exploring maybe" BloodMoon and BloodLust went "ooooh" Sun sighed.

"What are those?" BloodLust asked pointing at the ants antenna, Sun said "those are the antenna, it's how it hears, smells, ect" the BloodMoon twins face looked so... curious... fascinated by the ant.

"I'm gonna call you Martha" BloodMoon said to the ant, Sun found himself smiling at that, the BloodMoon twins reminded him of the kids he cared for dearly. "Well I'm sure Martha would like not being looked at" Sun said and BloodLust said "aww! But Martha's so cute!" Not really, again Sun didn't see what was so cute about the ant, to Sun it looked icky.

Sun guessed it's because the twins don't know what a cat is, or they just think bugs are cute. "Lets leave Martha be" Sun sighed "aww okay, bye Martha!" BloodMoon waves at the ant and Sun sighed "follow me" he led the BloodMoon twins up the stairs and they stopped "what are those?" they point at the cut outs of the animatronics.

Sun sighed and pointed at the Freddy, "Glamrock Freddy, lead band" points at the Roxanne "Roxanne Wolf" points at Chica "Chica" points at Monty "Montgomery Gator" BloodMoon had a 'oooh' face, man he's fascinated by everything! 

He's like an innocent curious kid! Sun realized as the BloodMoon twins ran around with hyper energy touching everything, looking at everything, they ran up to the huge golden statue and went  "woooooahhhh! Thats you!" points at the Sun statue "yep" Sun said "slippers!" BloodMoon points at the statues slippers.

Sun sighed "yep slippers" he was still fidgeting with his bells nervously, "whats through that?" points at the exit of the daycare and Sun sighed "the rest of the PizaPlex, we'll check that out later" "okay" BloodLust cheered innocently, "oooooh!" points at the Moon plush, Sun sighed "plushy" BloodMoon picked it up "it's soft!" BloodLust said "I like it!" man... they are like children now... Sun thought watching them look at the plush.

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