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Sun holds BloodMoon gently as he looked around the tunnel. More trembles, heck he felt the ground shake slightly. His rays went back, well some of them did, the broken ones went forward for some reason. The twins have been more fidgety lately, muttering concerning things like 'Fate said he'd be here soon...' or 'oh god she's coming' or something like that.

To say Sun was concerned would be a understatement.

1. He wanted to know who Fate is.

2. who's 'he'?

He's asked them, but they never gave him straight answer concerning, Moon also been nervous. Moon had no idea of anything, and yet he seems to know something Sun didn't. Sun often decides it's just Moon being weird because well, he shouldn't know anything, maybe it's because of the strange new world he just woke up in.

But he often feels like it's something else entirely, the bells, those were weird enough! He always remembered the bells! One inscribed with ants, the other birds. Can't be a coincidence, right? Maybe he's just overthinking it, but the fact ants seem to constantly follow BloodMoon and birds are always around Moon.


Sun can't count the amount of times he's had to chase a bird away from Moon as it sat on his head making a wretched squawking sound. And then the ant backpack incident, no way, no way BloodMoon could somehow shove thousands of little ants in a little backpack easily. No, in Sun's eyes it was impossible.

Sun grunted rubbing his damaged faceplate and Galaxy yelped running over "THE GROUND TREMBLED!" Sun's rays perked towards him and he said "I-I know..." he's mostly gotten the stammering under control, but there is no denying it, Galaxy is beautiful which often distracted him. 

He stared silently and Galaxy had a 'dude' face going on "okay... then..." Sun snapped out of it and said "yeah-yeah! The grounds rumbling! I don't know why, but it could be bad" Galaxy nodded and sighs, Sun swore he saw Galaxy's ears turn bluer than usual but he tried his best to blame it on lighting. 

"So..." Galaxy said awkwardly "t-tell the uh, well uh-" Galaxy got caught off from Moon pulling his arm fur gently and adorably and say "I wanna sandwich!" Galaxy gave him a confused look and chuckled "okay okay" Sun watched, he swore, he swore Galaxy was more reserved and nervous around him.

He began to get concerned that he said something that offended him, he'll have to ask later. Sun watched Galaxy lead Moon to his room and Sun sighed, this whole ground rumbling this is very concerning. "Galaxy" he said following him, Galaxy's tail swished side to side in a streak of dark gray as he walked, they were heavy animatronics so of course there was a 'thump, thump, thump' sound of his footsteps.

But if you looked closely, you could see the faint sparkles of the little stars in his fur as they glimmered in the artificial light of the subway tunnels. Sun's heart fluttered, he loved those little stars. He ran to catch up Galaxy and Galaxy turned and smiled softly, again Sun's heart fluttered and he smiled back. 

The BloodMoon twins crawl onto his shoulder and made themselves comfortable and said "were hungry to!" Sun sighs "lets get you two an sandwich like Moon!" the twins cheer and Galaxy much to Sun's surprise, booped him.

Sun was stunned into silence staring at Galaxy, Galaxy stared at him and Sun saw his ears turn a brighter shade of blue. Is that blushing- Sun's thoughts were caught off from Galaxy saying quickly "wwwwooooowwwwweeeeeee! Off to make the three beans sandwich's-!" Sun watched Galaxy quickly turn away. Sun stared blushing like a maniac, his fans start with a loud buzzing sound to cool his components. 

The twins look at him confused, their little bells connected to their double sided right cap jingle softly at the movement and BloodMoon said "dad! What's that sound?" "Yeah!" Sun jumped out his started thoughts, fans going off more "o-o-o-oh! Don't worry ab-about you two!" he stammered and they nibbled his rays not suspecting a thing. 

Sun's heart flutters, that did not just happen- "DAD!" BloodMoon said "we want a sandwich!" "PB&J! PB&J!" Sun snapped out of his thoughts as a chanting from the twins started to chant that could only be described as a demonic summoning circle cult chanting

He started walking, rays back in embarrassment. He caught up to Galaxy and they walked beside each other, they don't look at each other. They were too embarrassed to do so, Sun entered Galaxy's room holding the twins and Moon yelled "sandwich!" and ran into the room full speed. 

Sun silently walked to where Galaxy kept his food and utensils and made a PB&J sandwich for the twins, they chowed down on it and Galaxy gave Moon his own turkey sandwich.

Moon liked turkey more then peanut butter for some reason, Sun's never had peanut butter but he's heard it's tasty. "So..." he said softly to Galaxy, Galaxy's ears twitched towards him "hmmm?" he asked nervously eating his own sandwich. Sun lost his guts and said "nevermind... erm, what's up?" Galaxy shrugged awkwardly "erm, just uh, dunno. Hanging out with you and the others" Sun nodded.

Galaxy looked down at his sandwich nervously and said "erm, gotta go my market stand!" Sun nodded silently, he understood why Galaxy would want to leave the awkward moment.

He watched Galaxy disappear with a black flash of fur through the doorway and Moon said "turkey!" randomly. Sun was caught up in the sudden Galaxy boop as he stood still.

He listened to the sound of the twins chewing and just stared at a wall. No, I had to have imagined it all. The whole Galaxy's ears turning brighter couldn't have been blushing! One, I can't be his type! I'm to socially awkward. Two, it wouldn't work out, right...?

The twins chew loudly as Moon nibbles his sandwich, Sun really needed to teach these two manners such as chew with your mouth closed. But whatever that come later, Sun shook his head to clear his jumbled thoughts and set the twins down.

Lately he and Galaxy have been hanging out more, chatting about. Making stupid jokes while keeping the twins and Moon from going on a destruction spree, aka running around and making a mess. 

We've gotten closer, Sun yawns softly rubbing his eye and the twins kept their distance from Moon. Moon ran over to Sun and yelled "brother brother!" Sun turned and Moon shoved a lil messy drawing in his face, the twins repeated the action with their own drawing while aggressively pushing Moon's face away.


"One at a time-" Sun was cut off by the BloodMoon saying "us first" Sun knew they were jelly that Moon got some attention that they used to. Sun still treated them the exact same but he could tell they were unhappy that Moon was getting attention.

So, they were trying to push Moon aside, great... Gotta talk to them about that... Moon whined struggling against the twins as they pushed him away from Sun and Sun said "okay okay, nevermind, I'll look at both of them at the  same time!" He grabbed the drawings gently and looked at them.

"They're good!" Sun said and BloodMoon said "is ours better then Moon's?" Sun noticed bloodLust stayed out of this, this whole jealousy thing seemed like mostly a BloodMoon thing. "Erm, they are both equally good!" He said and got a stank look from BloodMoon, jeez.

BloodMoon's cranky today, Moon cheered adorably "equally good!" BloodMoon was looking at him like he was competition to a contest. 

There was no contest of course, Sun sighs at them but mostly BloodMoon. He's gonna have to have a long chat with him very soon about being nice to Moon.

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