Chapter 14

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Sun was playing with the kids when he got a notification from management, it was the most shocking notification he had received.

So shocking that Sun nearly fell face first into the ball pit island, but that could also be from exhaustion. 

Dear Sun,

We are pleased to inform you that the daycare is no longer closed on Sundays!

Sun was speechless, the one day he could rest, gone. He couldn't believe this, a child ran over and tugged on his sleeve.

Sun looked down and grumbled "what?" The child cheered "were playing tag! Come play with us!" Sun knew this child was innocently asking for him to play with them, but it still filled him with rage and hatred.

This hatred was completely against his coding, but he felt hit growing. The very child made him angry. Only a couple months ago, Sun thought every child was precious and to forever be taken care of and protected.

Now, now those wide bright excited eyes, they looked demanding. They looked hate able, Sun looked at the child's green wide eyes and hatred filled him. The only children I want to play with are my Sunshine's, not these brats, these future tormentors. 

These kids, these kids will grow up just like their parents, these kids will  be taught animatronics aren't people. 

Then they'll taunt him, they'll shock him, they'll work him, they'll hurt him, they'll torment him... Sun's mind is set on a belief, humanity will never ever care for anyone except themselves and were sadistic, he didn't want to be hurt anymore...

He is set that it is in their nature, that they are all as bad as FazBear. He see's these children as nothing more then the beginning of a endless cycle.

They come in and demand for him to play, he forced to play with them with his exhausted falling apart body, they leave, they have children later on, they teach the children that animatronics are to be used as living punching bags, and it all starts again.

Again and again and again, it will never end! Sun leans on the rainbow bridge and snarled at the kid "no, get lost" the kid looked shocked and alarmed, Sun didn't care.

The kid ran off to play with her friends and Sun leaned the bridge rays dropped with exhaustion, he needed to calm himself down.

Only one more hour, one more. Come on Sun, don't punch a kid into a wall- Sun was interrupted by the horrible sound of barfing. Sun's eye twitched he wanted to smash his face into this bridge.

Then, the twins hopped down and hugged Sun. They were slowly getting over their fear of heights, and they were exactly what Sun needed.

"Dad! Dad!" They yell running over and hugging his leg "we miss you!" Sun was about to picked them up and hold them close when the twins were swarmed.

The twins yelp as a kid poked them, Sun resisted the urge to growl at the kids "hey hey hey! no touch!" He grabbed the twins a little overwhelmed and held them close.

"A new friend! Can we play?" A little boy asked innocently pointing at the twins, "yeah! I wanna play with him!" Another oil girl said,  Sun replied "they don't wanna play-" A boy said "why not, isn't he a new toy?" Sun's clutches the twins closer.

Toy?! Oh they were trying to get murdered! "Yeah!" A little girl said "Mommy said Sun is a big toy! A big fun toy!" Sun glared, toy? A toy? 

"Yeah! Mommy and Daddy said that!" All the kids agree much to Sun's disgust. "So that small red one has to play!" A little boy said, the twins look alarmed and confused, they had jumped down to hug Sun and snuggle him like a little koala, they were not at all expected this.

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