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Galaxy didn't realize that he had fallen asleep in the playhouse until Sunrise burst in a yelled loudly "Galaxy!" Galaxy jerked awake with a shocked gasp and Sunrise looked at him "oh! Silly you what are you doing in the playhouse?" he giggled and Galaxy groaned, at first he was confused on where he was and who Sunrise was but the pain in his paws made it crash back.

His ears twitched and Sunrise grabbed one of his paws "come on! We gotta clean the daycare! The kids left a mess!" Galaxy pulled his paw back hissing in pain and distrust softly "I never asked for this, I was free and now I'm not" he said in a harsh tone "you knockoff of someone I love but may never see again" Sunrise looks confused as Galaxy turned his back to him.

Sunrise tilted his head bright orange rays shifting to the side "free? What do you mean by free?" Galaxy stiffens "uh- don't worry about it-" Sunrise frowned and sighed "well then... come on help me clean the daycare!" that was the last thing Galaxy wanted to do. "No" he said and Sunrise looks hurt "why are you so mean to me?" Galaxy stared at the padded floor, because you aren't Sun... I may never see Sun again.

"Listen" Galaxy said "I was living my life without the humans control having my best life going on a date ya know... and now I'm here... taken from home with none of my belongings... I just wanna be left alone..." Sunrise looks pitiful "but friend, Fazbear doesn't like slackers-" Galaxy knew Sunrise doesn't mean bad, he's just trying to keep him out of trouble but Galaxy whirled around and snarled "SCREW FAZBEAR! THEY CAN CRY ABOUT IT!" Sunrise stumbled back in surprise and said "friend- okay..." Sunrise said softly, tone not loud, he's clearly very hurt.

Galaxy began to feel guilty, after all this animatronic didn't do anything wrong and I'm treating him like trash. He thought for a moment and sighed "you know what... fine I'll help..." he didn't want to but Sunrise didn't deserve to be snarled and snapped at. Sunrise perked up "thank you friend!" he said cheerfully and loudly and Galaxy growled under his breath crawling out of the playhouse shaking out his matted fur and standing up "lets get this over with."

He followed Sunrise down the stairs and into the daycare, he looked at the giant mess and regretted his decision. Sunrise tugged him along "come on friend!" he said cheerfully and loudly "we got a lot of work to do! I'll let you start with something easy okay?" Galaxy tried to pull his paw away, after all Sunrise gripping it really hurt him, but Sunrise said "oh calm down! I'm only helping you around!" Galaxy tried his best to cover up the agonizing pain his paw was giving him.

"Okay friend, you'll disinfect the barrels! There should be exactly six barrels stacked about, and less or somehow any more, tell me okay?" Galaxy grunted annoyed but nodded and went off to fetch the six barrels looking around the daycare. His eyes landed on Moonrise and Moonrise waved "hi friend!" Galaxy waved back irritated and Moonrise chuckled teasingly "you're a grumpy one aren't ya" Galaxy growled "I'm not usually like this, but this whole situation makes me want to go on a murder rampage, not on robots but humans, but not children, just adults" Moonrise gives him a concerned look.

"Is that normal for you?" He asked and Galaxy looked to the side "nope..." he walked off, he struggled to hold the barrels they kept slipping in his paws, he growled loudly while struggling to hold them, he failed. His paws slipped off the barrels and they smacked the floor and Galaxy stomped a foot "AAUUGGGGHHH!" he cried in anguish and frustration, Moonrise put a hand on his shoulder gently "friend... do you have trouble holding stuff?" Galaxy lied not wanting to show weakness even though it was already obvious "no."

Moonrise grabbed four of the barrels and gave him a pitying look, Galaxy hated it. "I'll help you, okay?" Galaxy grunts "I don't need it" Moonrise sighs "can I see your paws?" Galaxy covered his paws "no-" but then he saw that Moonrise really cared and he blinked and growled "fine" Moonrise gently grabbed one of his paws and held it gently, Galaxy hissed in pain.

Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amnesia Au///حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن