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"SUN!" Lunar shrieked from at the door, Sun's head snapped over and he rushed over and opened it "huh?" he asked and BloodMoon drew ants nearby, "Sun Sun! Will you ppppppllllleeeeeaaaasssseeee go shopping with me!" Lunar makes puppy dog eyes and Sun groans "Lunar, why?" Lunar jabbed Sun's chest "because you need to socialize!" Sun remembering he used to be a huge extrovert that loved talking to people and that now the idea of socializing seemed horrible and stressful.

"Uhhhhhhh-" Lunar growled under his breath and picked up the twins "Sun come on, were going shopping!" Sun yelped "Lunar wait! Erm, the humans, I uh-!" Lunar looks sad "Sun, if they wanted to hurt you, they would have already, you have been in this little room for a week and I won't let it stand any longer" Sun grunts.

"But-" Lunar puts a finger on his lips "no buts" he holds the twins closer "were going" Sun was dragged out of the safety of the room, MY IMPENETRABLE FORTRESS! The only other time he had been out of the room was when he and Galaxy- Galaxy.... NOPE, NOT NOW! Sun shook his head face flushing, nope nope nope. Sun grunted and tried to pull away from Lunar, Lunar held him tighter and Sun just gave up.

He let himself be dragged out of his safe little room because of the fact he couldn't escape Lunar anyway with their iron grip and is instantly met with the sounds of hundreds of people/robots selling and buying products.

His rays go back in stress at the loud sound and Lunar noticed and let him go "come on Sun, do this... for me?" Sun really didn't want to be here, he jumped away as an innocent human family walked by. Lunar grabbed him again and walked to a little market stand, Sun's eyes scanned the products.

Meh, he wasn't very interested. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, ya know that kinda stuff. But he knew Lunar was interested, his rays nervously twitched out, making sure no on ran at him, Lunar, or the twins. Luckily, no one seemed interested.

He was very nervous but Lunar made him calmer, he felt safer with Lunar. BloodMoon squeaked "look!" he pointed at a bell, a bell just like the one Sun had saw in the bag, he remembered the one in BloodMoon's bag had been inscribed with ants, this one with inscribed with great bold birds.

The merchant said "oh this old junker? Interesting to look at but not much in value" he said and the twins shrieked "Lunar Lunar! We want it!" Sun frowned, why did they want it so much?   Lunar shrugged and asked the merchant "how much?" the merchant said "just two bucks" Lunar shrugged and bought it and the twins, much to Sun's surprise, carefully pocketed it. 

He had expected them to ring it obnoxiously, but it seemed they had other plans... weird. I mean he was relieved, but they pocketed it a little too gently, like it was something... sacred. Now that Sun thought about it, a lot about the twins was weird. They can somehow defy gravity and walk on the roof, that fake contract he made in a little game that somehow had 'give BloodMoon Lunar's skittles' on it, the ants in the backpack.

So much more, so many more weird little incidents, many of which had no logical sense. He looked at the twins as they grinned happily "thank you Lunar!" BloodMoon cheered "yeah!" Sun was starting to realize that, there may be more to the lil chaos twins then he had originally thought. 

He's gonna keep a even bigger eye on them now. Why did they need that bell? It was so rusty it hardly rung, just like the ant one. It was then that Sun saw something black flash in the corner of his eye, he snapped his head towards it, nothing. It was probably a robot, or a person. Right? Now Sun was very unnerved and he watched Lunar pat the twins head as they chattered happily.

Why were they interested in that old bell? Sun sighs softly, it's probably nothing. I'm probably overthinking it, Sun grumbles as they moved stands, he followed Lunar silently, eyes darting about nervously. He watched the people and robots carefully, and then his eyes landed on a certain someone, Galaxy.

His heart fluttered and Galaxy turned and waved cheerfully, he waved back shyly and Lunar said "who's this?" Sun jumped "erm, uh, he, uh, he-" come Sun, say something! ANYTHING THAT ISN'T STAMMERING! Lunar raised a eyebrow and Sun took a deep breath "broke vase- he came and helped-" Lunar had a 'ahhh' face of realization and Galaxy ran over "whats up!" he said cheerfully and Sun's rays tilted in a shy matter.

Lunar waved "hi!" Galaxy yawns "y'all shopping?" Lunar nodded and Galaxy chuckled "I see he finally got out of his his little cave" points at Sun, Sun flushed even more at the attention and the Bloodmoon twins pointed at Sun and said "Lunar! Galaxy made Dad act weird!" Sun's face flushed harder, that dirty adorable snitch, and Lunar turned and raised an eyebrow yet again. "Erm- I uh, I'm just shy!" Sun said, I mean, it was true, he was kinda socially awkward towards strangers, yay! A excuse!

Lunar frowned and shrugged and said to Galaxy "you look cool! What's your name?" he asked and Sun just stood there awkwardly, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, yeah, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious. 

Galaxy replied "names Galaxy, you?"  Lunar said "names Lunar" Galaxy grinned "cool!" The two chattered for quite some time and Sun was silent the entire time. They eventually split off and Lunar smirked at Sun "he's awfully, fluffy and adorable" Sun began to freak.

"He- no he's uh, ugly!" Instant Sun regret, Galaxy was anything but ugly, Lunar saw right through it all and smirked and elbowed Sun "need relationship or flirting advice, ask me" Sun's face reddened even more "I- I won't need that! I don't have crush!" Lunar hummed"mmm hmm."

It's been one week. no, less than a week, and Lunar already knows. I am so horrible at acting and easy to read, or Lunar is a bloodhound when it comes to crushes. BloodMoon asked "what's flirting?" Lunar said "don't worry about it kiddo" Sun was blushing hard now rays drooped. 

Why does he have to be so horrible at hiding stuff? God... Lunar chuckled "awww! I have a gay brother!" Sun's rays dropped more in embarrassment. After the vase incident he had found out that he had a crush on Galaxy and was indeed, gay, he had to wander around aimlessly until he, by luck, found his room.

"Gay brother, gay brother!" Lunar chanted softly as he danced, the twins looks confused and Sun groaned blushing "Lu-Lunar please-" Lunar was clearly proud of him.

Luckily, he was supportive at least. "What's gay?" The twins ask and Lunar said dancing "don't worry about it, eeeeeeeeee! My brothers gggggaaaaayyyy!!!" Lunar squealed, luckily somehow no one was around.

"Lunar please-!" Sun said blushing harder and Lunar smirked "you'll never hear the end of it!" Sun groaned flushing harder. Great, just great. 

After Lunar calmed his excited, and embarrassing, squealing. They continued shopping, and for the first time in a long long time, he felt at ease. Mostly. Old habits die hard, he was constantly making sure no one attacked them, but he felt more at ease than he has in a couple of months.

Lunar better not tell everyone, he better be silent. It would be so embarrassing if like everyone knew.

A/N: not very proud of this chapter, but here! 

Twisted Ties///BloodMoon Amnesia Au///Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang