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Sun sighs and heard someone knock on his door, nervously he opened it to see Moon. He was surprised by this of course, why wouldn't he be? He stared at Moon and Moon stared at him "Sun, we need to talk" Moon's tone made Sun gulp. "Erm, sure" Sun said and Moon closed the door behind him and said "Sun, I just got informed that your, gay?" Sun's rays twitched, great. Of course Lunar told Moon, Sun really didn't like Moon knowing.

"Well uh- he- uh, yeah..." Sun said in defeat and Moon said "Sun, your.. gay?" Sun nods, okay, Moon always made him nervous. After Eclipse's death he just wasn't the same. "Well- you see-" Sun stammered and Moon groaned "it's bad enough you have those tiny murderer's-" Sun snapped "MOON! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!" Moon glared "I.DON'T.CARE. They killed Eclipse and i'll never forgive them!" Sun's heart shattered.

He remembered "Moon, you really need to move on-" the twins asked in a strained voice "we hurt someone?!"  Sun said "no no no, of course not you two-" Moon interrupted "yes. Yes you did" Sun's head snapped towards Moon "WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" he snapped and the twins whimpered and Moon snapped "I'm over you just leaving them under your roof after they killed so many people-!" Sun snarled "Moon, shut up-" Moon hissed "no."

Sun covers the twins ears, Moon was in another one of his rages... the twins didn't need to hear any of this. "D-dad, did we... kill people?" BloodMoon asked in a shaky voice and Sun yelped "no no no-" Moon snarled "yes" Sun glared at Moon "why are you really here? To cause problems in the family like you always do?!" he could tell he struck a nerve, but Moon pressed it down and snarled "NO! I'M OVER YOU HAVING THESE TWO FREAKSHOWS HERE! DUMP THEM SOMEWHERE! DROWN THEM! I DON'T CARE! JUST GET RID OF THEM!" Sun's rays went back and his protocols were taking over.

"Moon! Please calm down!" He said in a strained voice, the urge to hurt Moon was there, and it was growing. Moon growled "Sun, those two. Get rid of them, now. They shouldn't be your sons, what would Eclipse think-" Sun glared, how dare he bring Eclipse into this "ECLIPSE IS DEAD!" he snapped with teary eyes.

Moon glared, looking very angry "BUT WHAT WOULD HE THINK?" he snapped and the twins started crying, Sun cupped their face and said "Sunshine's, go to Lunar, you know where his room is"  Moon watched Sun led the twins around Moon carefully, Moon was looking very aggressive, like he was waiting for Sun to make a wrong move and take it to his advantage to hurt them. 

Sun turned as the twins ran towards Lunar room and turned to him, eyes hard with rage "I'll tell you what he'd think" Sun hissed "he'd be happy the twins got a second chance, and he'd be sad your not the same" Moon bristled and snarled "okay then, but what they did was unforgivable!" points in the twins direction and Sun glared.

"Moon, that was so long ago. You need to get over it, and you know they aren't the same person" Sun said and Moon said "I want them dead, I don't care" Sun's rays went back, he found that he was ready to hurt Moon for their safety.

It was like Moon had just lost it, "Moon! Don't say that!" He cried in rage and Moon said "I.want. them. Dead. If you don't dump them in the middle of the field or kill them, I'll do it myself" Sun's rays bristled. "SO THIS IS WHY YOU CAME IN HERE!? TO THREATEN ME TO KILL MY KIDS-?!" Moon said "they are not your kids! You adapted the little freakshows, YOU WERE WILLING TO FORGIVE THEM-!" Sun yells in reply "I DON'T CARE! OKAY! I'VE MOVED ON! AND THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MEMORIES OF WHAT THEY DID-!" Moon bared his sharp teeth.

"They are still horrible" Sun stared at him in disbelief "Moon, I miss the old you. If you lay a SINGLE finger on them, I will unplug you. I am not joking, I am not pulling your leg. You're like a husk of yourself at this point, always in that little room of yours" Moon glared "try me, you little chicken, try me" he stomped off and Sun grabbed "DON'T!" he is not loosing more loved ones.

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