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So, turns out Mr Karen (aka the man from like two chapters ago) is not happy with Galaxy getting away with attacking him. It didn't take long for Sun to figure out that he's trying to sue Jack and trying to force Galaxy back to his original company and have him declawed. Jack of course, was not happy with this fact, his reasoning was that 'you attacked them first, they were defending themselves' but the man yelled 'you treat them like people!' and the people instantly went on the mans side.

The man also said 'wrong handling of a robot! Letting them run off free! GET THE LITTLE FLUFF BALL DECLAWED LOOK WHAT IT DID TO ME!' then as Jack had explained in a disgusted voice, showed his well deserved scrapes and broken arm to the court.

Of course the court took that as evidence, and decided "Jack Turnover, you are to give us that robot May 12 to be declawed and you will give them back to their original company!" Jack of course was trying to find a way around this stupid fact, whats worse is that the court was trying to force him to give the man baby money to pay for hospital bills.

Declawing is much like declawing a cat just with robots, it is where they damage the claws beyond repair, often harming the robot horribly, the least that can be done is fix the damage and let the pain die down, but much like a broken not healed right broken bone, the pain will come back every now and then.

Sun was terrified by this fact, he couldn't lose Galaxy just when they went on a date, no he couldn't lose Galaxy at all. So understandably, he was shaking in anxiety and terror. Galaxy wasn't taking it well either, locking himself in his room and not getting out even as Sun knocked on the door.

The entire organization is in panic mode.

Sun is in panic mode.

Lunar is in panic mode.

Jack is in panic mode.

Galaxy is dealing anxiety and panic.

The twins have no idea what Sun's talking about.

It was May 12, Sun is terrified, the entire organization is fighting for Galaxy or sending prayers if that's their thing, but the man or the court don't care. And Galaxy was gone.

Just like that.

Sun felt lonely, he felt sad. He didn't even get to say goodbye before Galaxy got dragged off. "DAD!" the twins pull at his sleeve and Sun sniffles clutching the pillow closer not turning over. "Dad...?" BloodMoon sounds concerned "you okay...?" Sun wanted Galaxy back, Galaxy didn't deserve to be sent back to the company.

He was just defending me... was this my fault...? "Dad!" BloodMoon shrieked "we can't find Galaxy! He isn't in his room or anything! Where is he?" Sun clutches the pillow closer with a teary face and said "he got shipped back to his company..." the twins stiffened "what?" Sun sniffles  wiping away tears heart wrenching. He hoped to god that Galaxy was going to be okay, maybe we can get him back somehow.

But the hard truth was that he was most likely already declawed. Jack couldn't save him, he's not stronger than the justice and law system. He tried his best, and lost in the end. Sun sniffles clutching the pillow, he really didn't want to talk right now. The twins seem to catch on to this and mutter "w-we'll ask Lunar..." and they walked off.


And yet again, this book takes a sad turn. Welp, happy times don't last long do they?

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