part thirty five - relax

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1 week later-

We've been at the holiday house for the past week now and it's just been nice being here with just Nick. But we went for a check up with a local medical doctor and told me I couldn't play for the rest of the season, they didn't want to risk me getting injured again, I understand where they are coming from but I'm still devastated. Nick is going to Europe next week and since I'm not going to be playing I'm thinking of booking a ticket and going with him but I don't know how my coaches will feel about that. I'll have to ask them. 

"Babe do you know where my running shorts are?" I hear Nick's voice coming from the hall way closet to his room. 

"I don't think so, are those the ones you put on the bed last night?" I ask sliding out of bed and looking around the bedroom. "Oh here they are!" I say pulling them out from under the bed. 

I peak under and see a little photo frame, I pull it out and see a photo of Nick and some girl. He looks young but in his late teens, about 16 or 17 maybe. I admire the picture frame and look up to see Nick putting his shorts on.

(Listen to 'This Town' By Niall Horan while reading this part, idk why but it suites)

"What did you find?" Nick asks me walking over to me and looking at the picture frame I was holding. "That's my ex-girlfriend, Jade. She was my girlfriend before you, I have no idea why the hell that is under my bed, you okay?" He asks placing his hand on my shoulder. (Jade isn't real btw it's just for the plot)

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be fine? You had a girlfriend before me, that make sense. I had boyfriends before you." I laugh it off putting the frame back under his bed. 

Nick gives me a smile and walks out the room. I quickly pull the frame back from under the bed, I hold it in my hands. I see how happy he looks in the photo, he was wearing his Oakleigh Chargers jersey and he is flexing his arm with a massive smile on his face. With this gorgeous brown haired girl with the prettiest green eyes, smiling up at me with Nick's arm wrapped around her waist. I turn the frame over and see something poking out the back, I crack open the frame and there is a note that says. 'I'll forever love you.' in Nick's handwriting. Why am I so worried, she's just a girl from Nick's pass there is nothing to worry about. I put the frame back together and put it facing down under his bed for the last time. I take deep breath in and let it out. I get up and get dressed and head downstairs to see Nick outside on a phone call, probably Josh, him and Anna are already in Europe in Italy. I'm so excited to see Anna, it's been a while. I head into the kitchen and make myself some avocado on toast when I see Nick smiling down at his phone. I get up and open the sliding door. 

"You coming Mister, I made you breakfast." I laugh at him, he snaps out of his daze and smiles at me and runs up to the deck into the house. 

"Sorry, Josh called. They say Italy is gorgeous they are about to go to bed, they just called to check in on us!" Nick tells me while taking a seat at the table. '

I nod and place his avocado on toast in front of him as I do for myself as well. We start to eat when Nick phone starts ping with multiple messages. He ignores it, I just laugh.

"You going to answer those? What if it's an emergency." I point to his phone with my toast, he just grabs his phone and shoves it into his pocket.

"Sorry it's probably, just Josh or Anna sending me the photos from today. I'll send them to you later, I promise!" He smiles at me, I give him a faint smile back. "Well I'm gonna head out for my run, thank you for making my breakfast Georgie. Love you." He tells me getting up and placing a kiss on my lips.

"Your welcome, be careful. Call me when your heading home. Love you." He waves go bye to me and heads out the door. I just flop onto the couch and scroll on TikTok for a bit. 

me and him - an nick daicos storyWhere stories live. Discover now