part thirty three - it's happened again

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The Next Day-

"Nickkkkk! I've got to go, I've got toast ready on the table for you. Also got you VIP pass on the bench so you can get into the rooms before and after the game. I'll message you when I get to the stadium. Love you." I place a soft kiss onto his cheek as he gives me a sleep smile from the warm bed I left a 20 minutes ago. "Love you more." He smiles.

I make it to Brighton Homes Arena after a little bit of a drive, Nick is going to come later. I make my way into the locker rooms that I thankfully found. I find my locker and place my things into it. I pull my pies polo top off leaving me in just my shorts and sports bra. I pull my training top on over the top of my head, I turn around to look in the mirror and see the bold letter 'Cadman' on the back, I put my bright pink Nike boots on, an d pick a random footy up that was in a basket. None of the girls are here yet so I may as well just head up the ground and just do some training on my own. I make my way up and notice the clouds becoming dark and gloomy. I go for a lap around the ground and do some stretching. That's when it starts pissing down rain, I love rain. I giggle when the ran falls onto my slicked back hair, I lay down onto the cold wet floor and just lay there for a bit. I get up and kick some goals, just as I'm about to kick a goal I feel my foot slip from underneath me, my legs collapse onto each other but then my head smashes onto the cold hard grass. 

Ruby's POV-

"Heyyy gir-" I cut myself off, dam no one is here. I turn the corner to see the Georgie's stuff in her locker and her shoes at the front of them. She must be out training already just herself, I may as well go hang with her. I get my shit together and get dressed and put my new boots I've been waiting to wear forever. Tie the laces tight and grab a bowl from a basket and head up to the ground. I see the ground but I can't see Georgie, I spin around training spot her when I notice a figure on the other side of the ground near the post. I try and focus my sight on what it is, that when I see the ponytail we all know. Fuck. "GEORGIE, SHIT GEORGIE!" I scream, I start sprinting but also trying not to slip over. I make it to her hopeless body that's flat on her back. Fuck, fuck. "HELP, SOMEBODY HELP!" I yell as loud as I can. "MEDICS PLEASE IT'S GEORGIE." I yell once again. "PLEASE!" That when I see confused medics walking up the ramp tears start flowing done my cheeks. "HELP PLEASE." I alert them over, that when they notice. They grab all there thing and sprint over to us. They all move me out the way and I just stand there, hopeless, not able to help one of my best friends. Shit, Nick. They put her on a stretcher and start dashing her towards some gate. "Where are you going?" I have to ask so I can tell Nick, I run behind them and try and get them to tell me. "We are taking her the hospital, this is urgent." I stop in my tracks as they rush her to the ambulance, fuck I need to tell Nick. 


Whisper 🤫

Ruby- nick, it's georgie. 

Whisper 🤫- what do you mean it's georgie? what happened? 

Ruby- she hit her head, i'm pretty sure she slipped on the wet grass and hit her head.

Whisper 🤫- what-, fuck. where is just ruby?

Ruby- they are talking her to hospital i'm guess the closet one to hear, it's called Mater Private Hospital Springfield. 

Whisper 🤫- thanks ruby, i'm leaving now okay? win it for her.

Ruby- i will. 


Nick's POV- 

Shit, no no! why didn't i just go with her, i get my shit together and pack things for Georgie and myself. I make my way to the lobby sprinting towards my UBER. I get into the car and tell him where I would like to go. In no time we make it there, I launch out the car and sprint towards the emergency room. I look around and see the from desk. "Hi, um is there a patient called Georgie, I mean Georgia Cadman here?" I can barely breathe. Her face looks so confused but concerned. "An ambulance just came it, possibly could be her. Who are you to her?" She asks me beginning to type on her keyboard. "I'm her boyfriend and she just came from Brighton Homes Arena, she hit her head." I explain to her, she nods and then points me to a door that says 'Ambulance.' "Thank you." I tell her running towards the door, the door automatically opens and I run through and see some footy boots hanging over a bed. I open the curtain and see Georgie, laying there with a nasal cannula in her nose, she looks so pale. "Georgie, oh my god." I run over to her, I fall to my knees. I drag my hand down her hair, why wasn't I there! I grab her hand it curl it in mine. I place a soft kiss on her palm and just hold onto her tight. That's when someone comes into the curtain. "Huh can I help you?" A nurse comes in looks extremely confused. "Oh hi, I'm Georgia's boyfriend. Nick." I stand up shaking her hand. "Oh nice to meet you." She smiles, god I already know she flirting with me, I role my eyes and sit back down next to Georgie. "Anyways, she is stabile and she will have a full recovery. She just has a bad concussion which can be recovered by 2 weeks of rest/relaxing." The nurse explains to me, I nod at everything she saying just so I know what going on. God I hope she's okay.

A/N- hiiii, sorry for a bit of a sad chapter! BUT SHE'S OKAYYYY! this is gonna be a small a/n because i'm tired haha. thank you for almost 9k views that's amazing! please vote and comment any suggestions or ideas you may have, they help me a lot! as i always say, i love you so much and enjoy reading! 

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