part forteen - please be good

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Georgie's POV:

2 days later-

Nick and I are left in a room where I need to get dressed in my gown, I slip my oversized shirt off revealing my bra. I take my shorts off and I put the gown on from the help of Nick, I then unclip my bra while the gown is on I put it inside my bag. The nurse comes in, I get back into bed and lay down ready to go. "Wish me luck." I say in a small whisper to Nick, he gives me one last kiss and waves me goodbye as I get wheeled away. The more we get closer to the OR, the more I get nervous, I feel like I can't breathe. I'm now in the OR and getting lifted to table that they will be operating me on. "Okay, we are going to place this mask on your face and we are gonna get you to count back from 12 for us, and just breath okay?" The anesthesiologist tells me, I nod and I count back from 12, "12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4-" I then black out.

5 hours later- 

The sound of beeps echo in my ears, the sounds trigger me that I wake up. My eyes open wide and I see Nick asleep on a chair, and me stuck in a bed. I have an aching headache, I can't feel my legs. I see my phone on the edge of my bed, I reach for it and take my grip of it. I open my messages to see a beautiful message from Aaron.

🧡 aarie 🧡

🧡 aarie 🧡

hey big sis, i just wanted to say goodluck with your surgery! i know it's been a hard 4 or so weeks for you and i just hope this surgery makes your recovery a little but quicker, i love you so much and stay strong. message me when your awake.


awe thank you aaron, i just woke up and i'm feeling alright not as bad as i thought i would feel, nick's asleep right now so i'm just chilling on my phone, anyways how was footy? 

🧡 aarie 🧡

that's good to hear, footy went well we won, and you won't believe the news i got! 



🧡 aarie 🧡

im debuting in round 5!


HOLEY SHIT DUDE, THAT'S SO GOOD! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! where are you playing, if it's in melbs i could go watch!

🧡 aarie 🧡

MCG, against hawks it's gonna be a rough game but i would love for you watch but i don't want you hurt yourself but if your doing well in your recovery of course you can come. mum and dad said they would come!


perfect, i'll let you know if i'm going well! i can't wait to see it, i'll text you later i'm pretty sure my doctor is coming to see me now, love you. 🧡

🧡 aarie 🧡

love you more.

💪🏼 george 💪🏼 has read this message


I giggle at the message, I look up and see Nick walking towards me. "Your finally awake." He tells me in sleep voice, "Says you, your the one finally awake!" I laugh, he laughs as well and sits on the end of my bed. "So how you feeling? Josh called me earlier while you were still out asleep." He asks me rubbing my thigh, I can't feel it since both of my legs have basically gone to sleep. "I'm feeling good, just can't feel my legs right now. They probably put anesthetic in my leg as well but other then that I'm doing okay!" I explain to him, he gives me a cute smile and I smile back. The doctor comes in and stands next to my bed, "The surgery was very successful, your results turned out so much better then we thought so your recovery time could be even shorter! But we won't know for another few days for your catch up scan." The doctor explains, I feel a smile go across my face but I try to be serious about what he said. "Thank you so much." Nick tells the doctor, the doctor leaves and I feel my eyes become heavy. Nick notices and tells me to go to sleep , I given and I snuggle into the VERY uncomfortable bed and fall asleep. 



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whispernickydaicos get better my gorgeous girl. ❤️‍🩹

View all 320 comments

annalisedalins_ get well soon georgie 💗

   > georgiecaddy thank you lovely

joshdaicos see you at home soon!

   > whispernickydaicos soonnn

aaroncadman_ dam why she look so peaceful, i would probs scare her.

> georgiecaddy i would kill you

eatpiescollingwood324 weak as bro. 

[see more]


I wake up to this cute post from Nick which is me, asleep, I look so bad but also kinda cute. I scroll down through the comments when I see this one from 'eat piescollingwood324' and says 'weak as bro.', dude wtf would would right that. What an asshole, I turn my phone off trying to ignore the comment but I just can't get it out of me head, the door to my room opens and it's Nick holding a tray of food. "Awe thank you baby!" I thank him, I move over so he could sit in the bed with me, he gets my eating table and puts it over us. "Now pick what you would like out of our many opinions." He acts like a waiter, I just giggle and grab a salad sandwich. He picks a wrap, I turn the TV on while we watch the crows thrash the dockers. Nick's phone starts buzzing and I notice it's Josh, I keep watching the footy as him and Josh talk on the phone. Nick finally get off the phone "What was that about?" I ask him in a confused voice, "I honestly don't know, Josh was saying something about Anna burning toast and stuff. Just one of our funny conversations." He laughs, I laugh as well. I just cuddle up into his shoulder, the feeling of comfort with Nick is everything I could have imagined, I love him.  "Nick.." I whisper, Nick turns his head and looks at me "Yeah princess?" He questions me, I just blurt out the words I've wanted to say for months "I love you, I love you so much!" I see Nick's face go from confused to bright, he looks at me for a second "I love you more baby." He says back to me, I feel a tear leave my eye and him wiping it away, he kisses me lightly on the lips and we just got back to our cuddly ways, I love this many way to much.

A/N- so sorry if this is to short but, WE HIT 700 VIEWS HOLEY SHIT. thank you so so much, i love you all more then georgie loves nick but i have some big news!! i'm on the starts of a new book, but on aaron's pov and his love story if that makes sense? so there will be new characters but georgie and nick will still be in it but not as much, we will have so many new characters so stay tuned for that (don't worry this story is not finish!). don't forget to vote and comment and suggestions you may have, and as i always say enjoy reading! 👑

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