part eight - it's getting better

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I'm at training when I get a call. "Who's calling you?" Ruby questions, I strug and grab my phone out of my bag. It's Izzy, my face lifts room normal to excited! I quickly scramble to answer it when I here.

izzy fizzy 🕷️



"WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE? NOW, I'm gonna cut to the chase                                                                      now I'm in Melbs right now with Arlo and wondering if we should                                                          catch up?"

"Omg now, way ofc we should! I have so much to tell you!"

"SAME, how about dinner tonight? I'll send you the details!"

"Great, see you then!"


"What was that about?" Ruby asks me in confusion, I just laugh "My best friend from school, we haven't seen each other for about 2 years maybe? She's always traveling with her boyfriend and when she is here she's not here for long, and since I lived in Sydney for a year we couldn't meet." I explain to Ruby, "Ah okay, well it will be nice to catch up!" She says excited for me, I smile. We finish recovery in the pools and I head back to get out of bathers, I then can see Nick in the weight room I notice he's look at my body. I just smile at him and walk off, I then feel someone grab my waist I spin around and see Nick "Oi, don't do this here Nick!" I whisper to him, he just laughs and kisses me on the forehead and runs off back to weight rooms. I just giggle and head off to get dressed. It's finally 4:00pm and we get to head home, I get to car and see Nick sitting in the car waiting for me. I run over and I feel I smile take over my face, I jump in "Hi!!" I say to him, "Hey, how was your day?" He asks me as he turns the car on, "It was pretty good, how about you?" I answer his questions, "It was alright, I missed you though!" He says while giving me puppy dog eyes, "Oh, forgot to tell you my friend Izzy is in Melbourne right now and wants to have dinner at 6:30, I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I say nervous, thinking he won't want to. "Of course I will come, I would love to meet Izzy!" He answers back excitedly, I give him a smile and he gives me his cute smile back. We get home and I head up stairs to have a shower and get dressed. I turn the water on and clean myself up, I put my bra and underwear on and hear a knock on the door. "One second!" I tell the person at the door, I throw on a hoodie, and open the door to see Nick. "I left my deodorant in here!" He laughs, I laugh as well. I let him in, he goes to my bathroom and grabs. "Now out you get so I can change." I tell him,  he doesn't leave and then I yell laugh "Come on get out Nick Daicos." He runs out laughing and chuggle to myself, I get this gorgeous black dress out of my closet. I places it on my bed when the room started to spin, I lay down on the bed to stop the spinning. It stops and my brain just starts pounding, what the fuck was that. I brush it off and get changed into my dress, I curl my hair and put some beautiful black heels on. I grab my bag that matches the outfit perfectly, I open my door and head downstairs to see Nick standing in the kitchen with Josh and Annalise. "Holy shit, you look gorgeous Georgie!!" Anna says while running over to me giving me a great big hug, I look behind her shoulder and see Nick staring at me. Anna let's go of me and Nick walks over and gives me hug and whispers in my ear "You look gorgeous princess.", I feel butterflies kicking me in my stomach. He let's me free and we head out saying bye to Josh and Annalise. We get in the car and Nick looks at me "I mean it Georgie, you look gorgeous." He says to me again, he kisses me on the cheek and we get moving, "Oh and you don't look bad yourself by the way!" I say back to him with a blush still over my face. 

me and him - an nick daicos storyWhere stories live. Discover now