part nineteen - the view

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Georgie's POV-

I feel my body role and whack into something, my eyes flash open and I see Nick. Oops, "SORRY!" I whisper apologize, he just laughs and rolls over to look at me. Look into his beautiful eyes, and I feel the love in them. "Your so beautiful." He says, I feel a giggle bubble and come out. He tucks one of my hairs behind my ear and kisses me on the forehead. "I love you." He smiles, "I love you too." I reply, I feel his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. "Now I have to get ready because I'm going out for breakfast with Aaron, he's down this weekend and wants meet up." I tell Nick, unraveling myself from his arms and the bed sheets. He nods and gives me a smile. I open my draws and find a pair of jeans, white top and this beautiful creamish beige jacket. Just as I was about to take my pajama shirt off I see Nick looking at me, "You gonna leave perv?" I giggle, he shakes his head. I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom to put my bra on, I walk out with just my bra and pajama shorts on. "Hot." I hear Nick say, I just laugh and put my white shit on. I slip my shorts of and put my jeans on, I walk back into the bathroom to do my hair. "Nickkkkkk." I whine his name to him, he walks into the bathroom and puts his arms around my waist while swaying me "Yes princess?" He cutely asks me. He turns me around so I'm facing him, "Blow out, or slick back?" I ask him, showing him photos of what my hair looks like with both styles. "Blow out, 100% with this gorgeous outfit." He says, pointing at the picture. "Trust me, the jacket makes it 100% better babe." I tell him, getting out of grip to grab all my essential hair supplies. He laughs and leaves me to do my thing. I finish my hair and makeup and grab a pair of shoes, and of course a bag. As I'm walking downstairs I hear someone whispering in a room, I quietly walk back up the stairs to see Nick in Josh and Anna's room whispering something to Josh and Anna. Weird. I don't think anything and I just walk back downstairs to get ready to leave. I put my shoes on grab my crutches ready to leave, "I'm heading out!!" I yell, I hear Nick and Josh both say "Shit." I then turn around to see Nick running down the stairs, he runs to me and gives me a soft kiss on the lips, "Bye babe, enjoy yourself!" he tells me, he gives me a smile. That was weird. "Love you!" I tell him leaving the door, "Love you." I hear back. I close the door and hop into the car (Don't worry she can drive now.) I start the engine and head off. 

I walk into the cafe to see Aaron sitting at a table. "AARIEE!" I squeal limping over to him, I see everyone's eyes on my but I don't care. "Hey!" He greets me giving me a huge hug, he pulls out the seat for me so I can sit. "So how is everything with Nick?" He straight up asks me, wow. "Wow, right into it. It's going great, I mean I had to really open up to him but other then that, amazing. I'm very grateful for him, if I'm being completely honest!" I explain to him, I can tell he is happy for me. "Anyways how is Stella and you going?" I ask him, since he's asking about my love life I'm asking about his. "It's good, I mean long distance is hard but we are doing well. I see her as often as I can and she comes to visit me since dad moved to Sydney so she's always visiting him as well. So it's going well, after school she's going to move up to Sydney." He explains, Stella is his girlfriend she is in year 12 they are a year apart (Go read my new book we're just teens - an aaron cadman story to see their story) "That's amazing! Also, I've got a surprise. I'm going to your game tomorrow!!" I tell him, his jaw dropped. "For real? That's great, I'll get you some change room passes, you can see Stella while your their!" He tells me, I can see he's happy. We keep talking for next hour and half until he had to go for some training. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He waves from his uber, I wave back and watch the car drive off. I limp back to the car and head home. 


Liked by georgiecaddy and 32,432 others

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Liked by georgiecaddy and 32,432 others

aaroncadman_ is that georgie cadman? 🤨

View all 421 comments

georgiecaddy omg you actually took a nice photo of me for once.

   > aaroncadman_ excuse me, i take amazing photos of you 😎

jaso_is_cool ayeeee georgie! 

   > georgiecaddy heyyyy jasoooo

   > aaroncadman_ she's coming to the game dude.

   > jaso_is_cool YAYAYAY 🎉

   > georgiecaddy your a child 😭

whispernickydaicos that's my girllll ❤️

   > joshdaicos aweee

   > whispernickydaicos piss off

   > joshdaicos nopeee

fleurdaviess miss her!

   > georgiecaddy I'LL COME VISIT I SWEAR!!!

[see more]


I get home, and all the lights are off and only the living room lights are on. I walk into living room and see Nick, Josh and Anna on the couch watching a movie. "Awe this is cute, bonding time." I says behind them, they all turn around and look like they saw a ghost. "Crap we didn't know you were home." Anna laughs, giving me a half hug. We all start laughing, I walk around the back of the couch and sit next to Nick putting my head on his shoulder. "What you watching?" I ask them, "Honestly we have no idea, pretty sure it's about some chef falling in love or something." Nick tries to explain, I just laugh and get up. "NOW, chop chop people. Let's get ready for the girls game. Anna, Josh you coming to the game?" I tell them all, they all smile and me and stand up. "Yeah, we will come!" Josh and Anna jink each other Anna's smacks his arm in a cute way because of what just happened. I clap my hands and everyone gets moving. I hobble upstairs to my room to grab my scarf and to touch up my makeup. I hear my door open and see Nick, in this cute outfit. "Awe you look so cute." I tell him giving him a little hug. He laughs, "No you look cute babe." I just hold onto him, I just want to stay like this forever and never move. But it won't always last. "Anyways, you ready?" I ask him, he nods and I hug him one last time. We leave the room hand in hand and see Josh and Anna already downstairs. "We all ready to leave?" Josh annonces. "Yep!" I tell him, he nods and head to the door. We all leave and get into the car to head to Victoria Park, where the girls are playing this afternoon. The game starts at 1:05pm and it's about 12:00pm right now, so we have to time to go see the girls and then grab a bite to eat. 

We get to the park and head over to where the rooms are, I didn't tell the girls I was coming so this will be a surprise to them. I walk inside the rooms, "Heyyy!" I yell as loud as I could, the girls turn around and start to scream. "GEORGIE!!!" I Ruby yells, running over to me, everyone takes me into hugs and everything I say to high to them all. But it's time to leave, I leave the rooms and we got find our seats for the game. The serin sounds the bounce starts. (I can't be bothered doing that game.)


Pies: (1Q) 3.1 (19) (2Q) 4.3 (27) (3Q) 7.4 (46) (4Q) 7.4 (46)

Freo: (1Q) 0.0 (0) (2Q) 1.3 (9) (3Q) 1.3 (9) (4Q) 2.7 (25)

The end of game siren sounds and the crowd goes wild. The song starts and Nick, Josh, Anna and I all sing along.

Good old Collingwood forever,
They know how to play the game.

Side by side we stick together,
To uphold the Magpies name.

See the barrackers a shouting,
As all barrackers should.

Oh, the premiership's a cakewalk,
For the good old Collingwood.

We head down the rooms and celebrate with all the girls, I'm so proud of them. I cannot wait to me back out there with them and play with them for the first time. I get called over for 2 interviews about when I'll be back and I'm kinda happy talking about it now so I'm pretty happy about it. 

A/N- hiiiii, so sorry i haven't posted. i'm sick at the moment and just wanted to rest but don't worry i'll bring out one tomorrow and one for we're just teens so do not fear you'll see more. there is gonna be some more drama coming soon so don't worry about the either. OMG AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2000 reads, that is actually crazy. I can't believe 2000+ people have read this and like it, i never thought that would happen so thank you so much. don't forget to vote and comment any ideas or suggestion you may have, also check out we're just teens - an aaron cadman story if you would like! and as always, enjoy reading lovelies. 💗

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