"Are you okay Mom? Did you take your meds?"
Armeena's heart skipped a beat with dread, how long can she hide her disease from her son? She quickly managed a smile as she nodded frantically.

"Yes mere jaan. It's just a cough okay? It will get better"
She bent down to kiss his forehead, her heart lurched at the thought of losing him but it was bound to happen.

"Eat quickly. You'll get late"
She discreetly wiped a lone tear and bustled around the kitchen, tidying it up but she felt the urge to cough again. She covered her mouth with her duppatta.
Zaman hurriedly fetched a glass of water, his face was etched with concern as he made his heaving mother sit on the chair, watching helplessly as each cough wracked her body.

"Mom? This..."
Zaman took hold of her duppatta that had splotches of crimson blood all over it.

"We need to go to the doctor Mom"
His voice choked with emotion as each of her convulsions sent chills of fear down his spine.

"N-No...Z-Zaman...I have...I have seen the doctor already"
She reached out to wipe his tears, mustering a weak smile, fighting back her own tears.

"What did the doctor say Mom. Please tell me. I'm scared"
His voice quivering with fear and anguish, as she coughed up more blood.

"It's...It's c-cancer.."
The weight of the revelation was heavy on Zaman's shoulders, as he fell in a heap of tears in front of his mother.
Why was life so harsh on them? They had suffered so much until now but still, fate was taking more and more not giving anything in return.

"Mom. I was reading about it the other day. Cancer is treatable now. Let's go to the doctor again. I'll go with you. We can't give up"
He rose up from the ground and took hold of her frail shoulders.
He felt his heart being torn apart by the impending fear of her fading health.

"N-No baby. No...it's..too expensive. I'm saving up for your college. I have saved quite a lot. When the time will come, you'll have enough money to study in the best college there is...I-I have...I have accepted it..the doctor said the chances are very low.."
Her eyes welled up with tears, mingled with an acceptance of her cruel fate. It was irrevocable.

"M-Mom...Why us?"
He sobbed as he sat beside her again, his voice barely a whisper.
Armeena whimpered and gestured him to come closer, Zaman sobbed in her chest as her frail hands wrapped around his head, caressing the luscious strands.

"Don't cry anymore baby. It hurts me to see you cry. You're strong right? We're strong"
Zaman nodded as more tears shed away, hearing her faint heart beats that were a melodic symphony, they will soon...stop

"I want to tell you something. The story of my life. You're now old enough to understand it"
She took hold of his hands and braced herself for what she was about to say.
Her eyes clouded with despair as she started reminiscing about her past. 


The cars screeched on the rocky road as they all propelled towards their destination. It was like they were racing against time, as a newfound hope had found its way into their hearts.
Murad was the one driving, two police mobiles were accompanying them.
He gripped the steering wheel anxiously, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"Is this legit? What if it's a trap by Ebek?"
Hamid questioned as he eyed the passing trees, they were too far from the main city and this seemed to be a forest.

"Why would he trap us? Be for real. It is most likely one of his enemies who shared the location. It was an anonymous account and I asked farhad and his team to track it but he deleted the account"
Murad reasoned as they neared the small bang-low concealed by the trees.
Azar stared at Gulaab's picture in silence, as his hands trembled with trepidation and longing.
He stared at the structure looming before them, where his innocent sister was held captive for so long.
The engine was turned off, as Murad exchanged a glance with Azar and Hamid as they all got out of the car with determination.


I updated earlier than expected didn't I? Let's just say there are five chapters left more or less.
How are you guys liking the story so far? Give some feedback.
The last update was a disappointment. The views, votes and comments had such a drastic contrast.
If you guys are reading it then you can at least press the vote, and give a single comment. It doesn't take a lot. It only motivates the writer to write more if you show a little bit of appreciation. If the response is underwhelming then it's easier to get into a writers block, for me.

Xoxo, Take care of yourselves.
Until then. Bbye

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