18. A Romantic Awakening

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दिल को जाने क्या हुआ

 मिलके अपना सा तू लगा कैसे मैं करूँ बयां

तुमसे ये जुनून है या गुमान 

ऐसे मुझे तुम मिले तुम मिले 

जैसे कोई दिन खिले दिन खिले

 जाने कहाँ हम चले हम चले चाहे जो भी दिल करे


As the soft glow of candlelight filled the room, Abhirath couldn't help but admire Vedanti's radiant smile across the dinner table. "You know," he said with a playful twinkle in his eyes, "I've been thinking, there's a serious shortage of kisses around here tonight." 

Vedanti chuckled, her eyes dancing with affection, "Oh really? And what do you propose we do about that, Mr. Charming?"

 Abhirath leaned in, his voice a gentle whisper, "I suggest a strategic deployment of one right here, right now." He pointed to his cheek with a grin. 

Vedanti playfully rolled her eyes but leaned in, planting a tender kiss on his cheek. "There, happy now, Mr. Smooth-Talker?" she teased, and Abhirath couldn't help but be smitten by the love that filled the air.

Vedanti looked at Abhirath with concern as she asked, "How are you feeling now? Does the injury hurt a lot?"

Abhirath, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, smirked and replied, "Oh, it's painful, alright. But you know what would make it feel better, little rabbit?"

Vedanti raised an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and amusement in her expression, "And what might that be?"

Abhirath, with a playful smile, leaned in closer and whispered, "A kiss. Right here. It's the best remedy for my aching heart, don't you think?"

Vedanti chuckled at his flirtatious response, "Flattering as always, Abhirath. But let's stick to more conventional forms of healing for now." She gently patted his shoulder, trying to suppress a smile, as they continued to share a moment filled with light banter and affection.

Vedanti gently approached Trupti in the palace courtyard, where she had been diligently attending to her duties. The air between them felt thick with tension, and Vedanti hesitated before broaching the sensitive topic.

"Trupti," Vedanti began cautiously, "I was thinking that it might be good for Abhirath to come with me for a walk. It could help him regain his strength and lift his spirits."

Trupti, focused on her tasks, glanced up with a stern expression. "Vedanti, you know as well as I do that Abhirath's injuries are severe. It's not advisable for him to exert himself. He needs proper rest and care."

Vedanti sighed, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. "I understand that, Trupti, but a short walk won't harm him. In fact, it might aid in his recovery. Fresh air and a change of scenery could do wonders for his mood."

Trupti, unmoved, continued her work. "Vedanti, I've been entrusted with his well-being, and I cannot support anything that might compromise his health. You should consider the consequences of your suggestions."

Meanwhile, Abhirath, who had been discreetly listening to the conversation from a nearby alcove, grew increasingly conflicted. He understood the concern for his health, yet he longed to be a part of the decision regarding his own recovery.

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