27. New being

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Vedanti's gentle shaking gradually roused Abhirath from his slumber, though he remained stubbornly nestled against her, his head resting on her stomach. As he slowly blinked his eyes open, Vedanti felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks, recalling the intimate moments they had shared the night before.

"Abhirath, wake up," she whispered, trying to suppress her blush as she attempted to wriggle out of his embrace. But he clung to her tightly, unwilling to let her go.

"Mmm, just five more minutes," Abhirath murmured sleepily, his voice husky with drowsiness. His grip tightened around her, as if seeking solace in her presence.

Vedanti chuckled softly at his reluctance to wake, her heart swelling with affection for the man beside her. Despite his stubbornness, she couldn't help but admire the tenderness in his embrace. With a gentle nudge, she tried once more to coax him awake, eager to start the day together.


Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing fantastic and enjoying the journey through this book! 📚✨ I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank each and every one of you for your incredible support and love. Your comments and feedback mean the world to me, and they truly inspire me to keep writing. 🥰💬

So here's the deal – I'm itching to share the next chapter with you, but I need your help to make it happen! 💪 Let's kick things up a notch and get some discussion going.

 I want to hear your thoughts, your favorite moments, your predictions – anything and everything! 🤔💭

Once we hit more than 10 comments, I'll make good on my promise and post the next chapter. How's that for a deal? 😉 

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the comments section below and let your voice be heard! 🗣️💬

Can't wait to hear from all of you! Until then, happy reading and keep those comments coming! 📖💕

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