25. A Night To Remember 🔞

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***🔞 plus only**** MATURE CONTENT AHEAD

Hello, wonderful readers! 🌟

I just had to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. When I first pitched this book idea to a friend, their doubt echoed in my mind. But here we are, celebrating a milestone together! 🎉

With over 4.1K readers and counting, and more than 100 people engrossed in the story, your support has surpassed my wildest dreams. It's humbling and incredibly heartwarming. ❤️

Today marks the halfway point of our journey together, and I am overflowing with gratitude for the response this book has received. Your enthusiasm fuels my passion, and I feel truly blessed to have you all by my side. 🙏

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for believing in this story, for embracing these characters, and for sharing in this adventure with me. Your love and support mean everything. 💕

Here's to the next half of the book and the countless adventures yet to come. Let's continue this incredible journey together, spreading love, laughter, and inspiration along the way. 📚✨



Sitting alone in my chamber, memories of the past few days swirl in my mind like restless spirits. The revelation that Abhirath claimed to be a virgin, juxtaposed with the existence of Adhira, his daughter with Trupti, baffles me. Questions linger, like uninvited guests in the halls of my thoughts. When I dared to inquire about his relationship with Trupti, his reaction was peculiar, defensive even, his voice rising in anger. It's a familiar echo of the past, a painful reminder of trust betrayed.

I had believed in him, trusted him with my heart and my kingdom, only to have that trust shattered once again. Perhaps, in the end, we are better off alone, without the complications of entangled hearts and broken promises. Yet, even as I entertain the notion of solitude, a part of me longs for the warmth of companionship, for someone to share the burdens of rule and the solace of understanding.

As the day progressed, I immersed myself in the duties of the kingdom, seeking solace in the familiarity of my responsibilities. Yet, beneath the facade of composure, questions gnawed at the edges of my mind like relentless whispers in the dark. The enigma of Abhirath's behavior weighed heavily on me, a puzzle with no clear solution.

As night descended and the chamber grew quiet, I found myself once again alone with my thoughts. In the stillness, I grappled with the tumult of emotions swirling within me. Perhaps, I mused, sometimes our expectations become the very shackles that bind us, suffocating the possibility of acceptance and peace.

With a resigned sigh, I whispered to myself, "Sometimes, Ranisa, it's better to accept that this is your life." With that acknowledgment, I allowed the weight of uncertainty to lift, if only for a moment, and drifted into the embrace of sleep, seeking respite from the relentless turmoil of my thoughts.


In the late afternoon, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I made my way to Sumitra's quarters. It had been too long since we last spoke, and the silence between us weighed heavily on my heart. Sumitra, my steadfast companion since childhood, had withdrawn into her solitude since Ram's passing, and I longed to mend the rift that had formed between us.

Entering her chambers, I found Sumitra sitting by the window, lost in her thoughts. Her somber demeanor mirrored the shadows that lingered in the room, casting a pall over our once vibrant friendship.

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