2. The prince meet princess

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This story is based on my imagination please do not comments about their age-gap, Because I like older man and in all my story you will the male character much older than the female character, If you are not comfortable please don't read.


कैसे कहें क्या है सितम

सोचते हैं अब ये हम

कोई कैसे कहे वो हैं या नहीं हमारे
करते तो हैं साथ सफर

फासले हैं फिर भी मगर

Vedanti POV :)

"Abhirath, why are you even here?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Wifey, don't take your husband's name," he replied, making a fake angry pout.

"Abhirath, I am the king now, not your wifey. So stop calling me that and go to your second wife. She needs you. And stop behaving like a kid," I stated, shaking my head, and then went to my chamber. As the ceremony is over now.


"Father, I want to meet my husband," I pleaded, giving him my best puppy eyes. "Vedu, hmm, this is not the right time," he responded.

"No, Dad, please," I insisted, continuing my puppy eyes. "Okay, princess. I will call him here, and then you can meet him," he finally gave in.

"You're the best!" I exclaimed, giving him a tight hug. "I know, Vedu," he chuckled.

Mr. Singh sent a letter to King Abhimanyu, stating that we needed to meet our son-in-law Abhirath. After hearing this, I couldn't contain my excitement. "Are you excited to meet your husband, Princess?" Sumitra whispered. I giggled in response and ran away from there.

"Vedanti!" I heard Sumitra calling. "What?"

"I have an idea. Let's meet the prince outside the palace and pretend to be common people. Let's see how the prince responds."

"That's a great idea, Sumitra," I agreed. "As it is your idea, start doing the preparation. The prince may arrive the day after tomorrow."

It was chaos in the palace as the prince's arrival approached. Everybody was busy decorating and preparing to welcome him. Even Dad didn't have time for me.

 "Princess, let's go," Ram sent a message saying the prince was going to arrive at the kingdom's borders, sumitra said. 

"Great! Let me change, and we can go." I said getting excited.

I had expected tight security for the prince, but there were only two men. I was super confused about who the real prince was. They didn't look like boys, more like grown men, maybe 22 or 23. I whispered to Sumitra, and she agreed. Now what to do? "We should go back," she suggested. We both returned to the palace.

I quickly changed into my princess clothes and went to the Darbar (king's courtroom), standing behind the curtains in the women's line. I couldn't see the prince's face, but Dad introduced him to the whole kingdom. Until lunch, he was occupied with different people and programs in his honour. Getting frustrated, I went to my chamber. I had been waiting since morning just to catch a glimpse of him. I sat on my swing, and my mood instantly relaxed. A cute smile appeared on my face because of the cool air.

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