The Order Of The Pheonix

Start from the beginning

"You are weak, vulnerable," taunted Voldemort. But then, Harry gained the upper hand.

"You're the weak one, and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you," Harry declared with unwavering determination.

Finally, Voldemort can't take all this love-y talk and he comes out of Harry. He stands over the boy and tells him that, in the end, he's going to lose.

"We're not so sure," I smiled at Voldemort, allowing him a glimpse into my thoughts. 'He keeps managing to beat your ass time after time, Voldy. Give him some credit for it.'

Voldemort's displeasure was evident, etched across his face.

Cornelius Fudge and a bunch of Ministry officials show up as Voldemort is talking to Harry. There's no denying it now. The big baddie is back.

"Guess this is farewell for now, wife," Voldemort declared, ready to depart. Just as he was about to leave, I intervened, casting "Immobulus" to halt his departure.

"It's been a while since I saw you. Why don't you stay a bit longer?" I suggested, a tired smile playing on my lips.

But he got free from the spell and  I found myself feeling confused.

Voldemort grabs me by my hair and pulls me up before aggressively kissing me, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

"Mhmp! Hm...Uhmm...." I whimpered gripping his robes fisting it.His aggression was unexpected but I couldn't help but want more of it.

Our tongues met and this time it was more than passion that I felt as his mouth covered mine. I could barely breathe and I was shaking from head to toe.

The intensity of it all was overwhelming but he broke off our kiss after a few seconds and let me go. He simply said "Another time, wife."

And left, leaving me feeling frustrated and wanting more.

"He's back," Cornelius gasped in surprise. As he spoke, my eyes started to blacken, and I blanked out right next to Harry.

Okay, so now everyone knows the truth. Voldemort is back.

For real.

The Daily Prophet is reporting that Fudge may resign, Umbridge is suspended, and Dumbledore is headmaster of Hogwarts again.

All is well.

Time Skip~~~~

In my room, Harry was frantically packing his bag, and in a plot twist that no one saw coming, he practically set up camp for the entire year.

Dumbledore sauntered in, like he had a sixth sense for when our rooms were getting too cozy. Classic Dumbledore.

"I know how you feel, Harry. Aria," He said, and I shot him my signature 'really?' face, the one perfected through years of dealing with magical absurdities.

"It's all my fault." In the Gryffindor common room, Harry spilled his teenage angst to Dumbledore, confessing how he felt responsible for the chaos that unfolded.

"No, the fault is mine. I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between you two."

No, Dumbledore tells him. It's actually all Dumbledore's fault. He knew that Voldemort would figure out that he was connected to Harry at some point and would try to use that.

"I thought by distancing myself from you, as I have done all year, he'd be less tempted, and therefore you might be more protected,"

Dumbledore explained, unveiling his grand plan to keep us safe, which seemed to involve a lot of mysterious maneuvering and not-so-effective distancing.

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