First Day At Hogwarts

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Ariana's POV

I had the brilliant foresight to secure a room of solitude for myself, ensuring no one would barge in and shatter my dreams. 

"Dreamland was a paradise until Hermione, the timekeeper extraordinaire, abruptly,rudely shattered my blissful slumber."

"Aria... Ariana... get up, or we'll be late," She urged. "Mmm, give me five more minutes, please..." I whined, trying to snatch a few extra moments of bliss.

"No, you said that five minutes ago. Now get up, or we'll be really late," She insisted, sounding like the responsible friend she was. 

"Five minutes." I, however, perfected the art of selective hearing and continued my quest for five more minutes of sleep.

"ARIANA!!" Hermione yelled this time, shattering the illusion of my snooze haven. 

"Yes! Yes! I'm up! I'm awake!!" I groaned, dragging myself out of bed and preparing for the day. We left for our first day, where Transfiguration awaited.

Transfiguration Class~~

Our first class was Transfiguration, under the watchful eye of Ms. Witch—oh, sorry, Professor. 

Hermione and I sat together, opened our books, and exchanged greetings with Malfoy, who grinned back at me.

"Hermione, what's that professor's name?" I asked her, pointing at Ms.Witch. "You don't know her?" She looked at me in disbelief.

"Are you serious?! How did you even manage to join the school? Her name is Professor McGonagall, and she's the head of the Gryffindor house, OUR house!!" Hermione explained, slightly exasperated.

"Oh... now I remember, the woman who sent us the letters...?" I said, the memories slowly crawling back. 

Hermione nodded, and we resumed our scholarly endeavors as McGonagall showcased her Transfiguration skills by turning into a cat. Because why not?

'Harry and Ron are late. Oh, speak of the devil.'

It's a typical Hogwarts morning, and in they come, running like they're trying to break a land-speed record for tardiness.

"Oh, we made it! Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?!" Ron exclaimed, panting and catching his breath. 

Hermione, perpetually the voice of reason, rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Then, the cat gracefully leaped off the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall, making her on-screen debut. 

The two boys stood there, jaws practically on the floor. Meanwhile, I was doing my best to hold back my laughter. "That was bloody brilliant!!" Ron couldn't help but commend.

"Oh, thank you for the assessment, Mr. Weasley. If only I could transfigure you and Mr. Potter into a pocket watch, maybe one of you would be on time," McGonagall retorted with a wry smile.

"We got lost," Harry explained.

"Perhaps a map, then. I believe you don't need one to find your seats," She replied before making her exit. 

I snickered at the exchange, but Hermione shushed me, and I obediently stifled my amusement. The comedic timing in Hogwarts' morning drama was too good to resist.

Potions Class~~

The next class was Potions – a subject I despised with the burning intensity of a thousand cauldrons. It's like Chemistry's evil twin, with an extra dose of confusion and eye of newt.

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