"But.." Trishna started to speak but Radha came there which made them to shut up as they both knew that if she gets to know their bet they would definetely get a class from her as she already gave an order to not make Madhu uncomfortable. While Charan gave Trishna a catch you later look.

Radha took Madhu to guest bedroom. Madhu had a shower, Radha and Trishna helped Madhu in getting ready. She wore a light red color saree. After sometime, the three ladies came down for dinner. As most of the relatives were still present in the house first the ladies served food to gents then after that they all were seated to have dinner. Radha made Madhu eat her dinner properly as Padmini called her twice asking whether Madhu had proper dinner or not and requested Radha to make her eat properly as she didn't ate her food properly since morning due to all the wedding rituals.

After that, Radha took Madhu to RK's room which was decorated, rose petals were spread on bed. Madhu blushed seeing this, Radha helped her settle on bed, kissed her forehead and left the room saying she will send RK soon.The instant Radha closed the door, Madhu's mind started wandering on all the things that happened since morning.

Madhu's POV:

Oh my God!! I am married now. I was so nervous since morning as this day is the most important day of my life. Till now i am a daughter, a sister but after this wedding i am gonna be a wife , a daughter-in-law for my husband's parents. I couldn't sleep at night from the last two days thinking of how my husband would be?

Lots of questions filled my mind like How does he look? Will i be able to adjust to this new relation?Will my husband like/love me? Will he understands me and takes care of me like the way my parents do? Will i be a good wife to him? Will i be a good daughter in law ? Ufhhh.. lots of questions but no answers..Thinking about all these questions i slowly drifted to sleep in the early morning.Mom woke me up when it was time for me to get ready. About two hour later, i was ready in my wedding dress. I was nervous, scared and worried.

My hands were shivering and my palms were sweating. I don't want to express my fears to my parents and scare them. Though they are very busy with all the wedding works, they always tried to spend some time with me in this week. Dad was assuring me that everything will be fine, i don't know why but i felt nervous with each passing second.When it was time for me to enter the mandap. I took a deep breathe and walked out of the room along with Anju, Mom and my cousins. They lead me to the mandap and made me sit beside my would be husband all the while i bent my head down.I wanted to see my husband but i couldn't dare to look at him as i know every one will be watching us,besides i was shy and nervous.

I had mixed feelings excitement, happiness, anxiety, eagerness, nervousness. When it was time for him to tie mangalsutr, i was praying to god that we both should be happy with each other. Suddenly i felt a pinch at my neck, I looked up as i didn't expected him to do that. When i looked at my husband's face, i was shocked. RK, RK is my groom.. no my husband now. Oh my god, I am wife of none other than RK i never expected that i would marry him one day.

I just treated him as my friend to be more specific facebook friend. How on earth i ended up getting married to him?After thinking a lot then a thought struck me. He know that he is going to marry her?? I remember that our marriage was fixed before 8 months but due to some reasons no due to my reasons we got married now. I remember the day how i told my dad to get me married after 8 months.

****(A/N:This is somewhat continuation of Part 9 where Madhu agree's for the marriage proposal)Brief of Part 9: Madhu goes to her home and there her her father tells her about meeting his old friend in get together. After that Mohan's family visits Madhu's house and asks her hand in marriage with their son Rishab. Madhu agrees for this marriage as her parent are happy to change their friendship to relation.****

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