For Sunwoo, this was the only time he had nothing in his mind. And that included Soobin. Only when he had the equipment in front of him, a headphone covering both his ears.

DJing was his passion. Something that had forced him to do a part-time job so that he could save up to buy his own equipment. His parents would obviously, be enraged with this decision but he absolutely didn't mind.

For he thought, parents should let their children choose the path.

Vigorously tapping the device here and there, sliding some switches up and down, and turning the knobs to make various types of sounds, he was the happiest when people were enjoying. The feeling when people requested for him in every party had him levitated.

Punching the air as the highlight of his music echoed, he glanced over in certain directions. Juyeon with his girl on one side in a conversation, Kevin was working his body to move on the dance floor and Eric was trying to flirt with a girl. Those sights once again brought a smile to Sunwoo's face.

But that did not last long.

Until he met a pair of eyes that seemingly had been waiting to stab him with the daggers inside.

"Changmin?" He gulped and nearly had his heart stopped beating. Especially when the said boy scoffed in disbelief like he was truly surprised to find Sunwoo's real side - a heavy socializer.

For a brief moment, Sunwoo felt dumb. How could he forget about this? Changmin was in the same batch as Juyeon. There was no doubt that he knew the host, and there was a possibility that the two were friends.

"Soobin..." as Sunwoo turned around avoiding the killing stare, suddenly he was reminded of the girl. Chills were sent down his spine by the thought that she was here watching him but soon relaxed when he realized that she absolutely, wouldn't be there.

Only this one thing he was certain about.

Above all, what was wrong about him DJing? Nothing right? It wasn't like he was doing something bad to receive such offensive stares.

"Let me go," a faint voice of Changmin caught Sunwoo's attention, and swiftly he turned back on his heels.

Now, something else had unveiled - Kevin tried to drag Changmin away.

"Let's talk outside," Kevin convinced the squirrel which left the latter with no other choice than agree.

It was intriguing, no doubt. The two didn't look awkward - probably they too were close. Nonetheless, the reactions from both parties didn't scream any sign of friends.

Much to anyone's curiosity to know what was happening, Sunwoo on the other side would let it slide. It wasn't his business to care anyway.

5 minutes and it was over, it was then Eric beckoned him to come down and enjoy the party instead. A DJ also needed a rest, right?

With a glass of soda in one hand and a delicious-looking sandwich in another, Sunwoo melted on a long couch in a corner, the one that nobody had occupied. He needed to question Juyeon's taste in choosing menus because it indeed was weird. Sandwich, cream puffs, and muffins - why order something that would fit a hi-tea instead of a party?

"Hey!" like it had been planned, the host came, plopping down on the same couch. Juyeon tried to clink his glass with him but that boy was not having it. Sunwoo directly declined. "Tch... You're full of yourself now."

He shrugged, skimming the room full of people. "Not until you see Eric."

At that, Juyeon's bad eyesight made a double work scanning the area, looking for that certain boy. Oh, he hadn't done yet seducing the girl he had kept his eyes on since the very beginning.

"How come he never excelled flirting?" Juyeon asked, downing a sip of his drink.

"Because he is too pure."

"Tch..." unknowingly the older chuckled, glancing over him. "Says someone who has fallen in love with an older girl. Aren't you the purest then?"

"Maybe I am..." The answer sounded unsure but Sunwoo somehow realized it now. That Juyeon was correct.

Falling in love with Chae Soobin slowly changed himself. He'd never cared about how people viewed him before but now he did, like how scared he was when Changmin saw him earlier. Or how he feared Jacob might have a bad impression of him. Or the worst, if Soobin knew the lifestyle he was having.

Though he simply thought that it was not a bad thing, still he was scared that people wouldn't understand him which would lead them to judge and assume: he was a bad boy.

Something that wasn't him.

"Ah.." Juyeon was then reminded to something. "Shall I guess which girl you like? Let me see you..."

The older scanned him from head to toe, listing out the possibility of his ideal type.

"I think you will go for a hot girl," he added, shifting his eyes to the crowd. "Which one of th-"

"She's not here," instantly Sunwoo said, taking another sip of his drink.

"Huh?" blinking profusely, the universe once again had won against Lee Juyeon. "Have I missed anyone from being invited?"

"Maybe yes and maybe no," he chuckled, slumping against the leather couch. "But I'm sure she's not here."


Slowly, Sunwoo subtly trailed his eyes from the crowd to the demeanor next to him. "Because she is Chae Soobin."

All the color drained from Juyeon's face upon hearing that name. The emotion tinted in his eyes was confusing, Sunwoo couldn't identify what was it.

But then Juyeon sighed, leaning closer to the boy, "Sunwoo, do you know who she is?"

"Yes, I am." Confidently the boy answered, vividly remembering the fact Eric had once told him. "That she was your ex."

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