Dengue fieber - Namjoon

889 27 5

Requested by: Kaisahsparkle
TW: Physical illness, medical treatment, hospitalisation

In the bustling city of Seoul, the energy was high as BTS prepared for another day of rehearsals and interviews. However, an unspoken tension lingered among the members, especially around their leader, Namjoon. It had been four long months since a heated argument had caused a rift among them.

One fateful morning, Namjoon awoke with a pounding headache and an inexplicable pain in his chest. Concern etched across his face, he attempted to rise from his bed, only to be met with a wave of dizziness that forced him to sit back down. He tried to shake off the discomfort, attributing it to stress, but as the day progressed, so did his symptoms.

Alone in his room, Namjoon began coughing, and to his horror, he saw streaks of blood on his hand. Fear crept into his heart, but a deep sense of responsibility urged him to keep his suffering a secret from the members. They were already distant, burdened by the unresolved conflict that had torn apart the once-tight-knit group.

Days turned into weeks, and Namjoon's condition worsened. One evening, after a particularly grueling rehearsal, the members gathered in the living room, their eyes avoiding Namjoon. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken words.

Jimin hesitated before speaking. "Guys, we can't keep ignoring Namjoon like this. We used to be a family."

Jungkook, still harboring resentment, shot back, "He's the one who started this. Why should we care?"

Taehyung interjected, "But something feels off. Have any of you noticed? He looks pale, and I overheard him coughing the other night."

Yoongi, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up, "Maybe we should check on him. We can't let this fight go on forever."

Despite the tension, they decided to confront Namjoon. As they approached his room, the door creaked open, revealing Namjoon looking visibly weaker. Startled, they exchanged concerned glances."Namjoon, what's going on?" Jin asked, genuine worry in his eyes.

Namjoon hesitated, his pride battling with his deteriorating health. "It's nothing. Just stress, probably."Jimin, sensing the gravity of the situation, pressed, "You don't look okay, hyung. You should rest." Namjoon shook his head weakly. "I'm really okay,  don't worry about me. We already have enough problems."

But the concern in their eyes was undeniable.


In the dimly lit practice room, the group's interactions had grown sparse. Tensions hung in the air as the members navigated around the unspoken issue that divided them. One day, Jin cautiously approached the subject.

"Namjoon, we really need to talk," Jin implored, his eyes reflecting concern. "This distance between us— it's tearing us apart. We can't go on like this."

Namjoon hesitated, the weight of his secret pressing down on him. "I appreciate your concern, Jin. But there are things... things you don't know."

Jungkook, overhearing the conversation, interjected, "What could be so important that you've shut us out for months? We're a team, Namjoon."

As the conversation escalated, Namjoon's headache intensified, threatening to overwhelm him. Taehyung, sensing his discomfort, softened his tone. "Whatever it is, we're here for you. Just talk to us, hyung."

Namjoon forced a weak smile, deflecting their inquiries. "It's nothing. Just personal stuff. Let's focus on our work."


Days turned into weeks, and Namjoon's health continued to deteriorate. One evening, alone in his room, he couldn't suppress a fit of painful coughing. Yoongi, passing by, overheard and entered Namjoon's room with concern etched across his face.

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