Putting himself in danger - Jimin

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Requested by Chimchim_260304
TW: Blood, Attempted Murder

BTS gathered around the breakfast table, chatting about their upcoming schedule and sharing a few laughs. The morning sun poured through the windows, casting a warm glow on their faces.

Jin just remembered that the new manager called him yesterday , so he spoke up. "Guys, yesterday I've got a call from the new manager. He said he needs help with something in the store room at BigHit Entertainment."

Yoongi, always a bit moody in the morning, mumbled, "Can't he handle it himself?"

Namjoon chuckled, "Well, he's new and it's probably something he doesn't know were to find it."

Jin took a sip of his tea and glanced at the group. "But we need to practice those dance moves for the next concert." Namjoon nodded in agreement. "You're right, Hyung. A few of us still have to practice the new dance move."

Taehyung spoke up, his mouth full of toast. "But me and Jungkook can help the new manager with whatever he needs in the store room. We already practiced the new dance move  with jimin yesterday." Hoseok nodded and Jin quickly questioned. "Are you both really okay for helping him alone?" Jungkook nodded enthusiastically and replied, "Sure, we can help him out." 

Jimin, despite being the oldest of the Maknae line, wasn't too sure about leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone with the new manager. He hadn't interacted much with him since his recent arrival. But something about him didn't feel right to Jimin. With that, he decided to stay with Taehyung and Jungkook. "I come with you guys."


After breakfast, the Hyung line headed to the practice room, while the Maknae line followed the new manager to the garage.

Inside the storage room, the manager told them, "I'll go grab something I need while you take a look around." Taehyung and Jungkook looked around and Jimin noticed a peculiar object.

He turned to his two younger friends, his expression serious. "Guys, don't touch that," he warned, pointing to an unknown object in the corner of the room. "I've never seen it here before, and it looks not normal."

Jungkook couldn't help but be curious. "Why not? What is this?" Jimin's eyes widened in panic, but it was too late. Jungkook touched the object, and chaos erupted. Shelving units collapsed, and debris rained down upon them. Jimin saw Taehyung being hit by falling debris, and Jungkook was caught in the chaos.

Jimin, however, only had one thought.
To protect Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Taehyung! Jungkook!" crying out their names, he sprinted towards them, attempting to shield them from the falling debris. His only thought was to protect them, even if it meant putting himself in danger. As he shielded them, a piece of debris struck him, and everything went black.


Time passed and Jungkook was the first one to awake. He was lying on the ground, surrounded by debris, but there was enough space for him to move. Jungkook winced as he realized his arm was injured.  He quickly realized that Taehyung was beside him, unconscious and he had a bloody gash on the back of his head.

Jungkook cried, his voice trembling, shaking him gently. "Taehyung, wake up! Please, wake up!" He turned to Jimin, who was also unconscious. Jungkook's tears fell even more as he blamed himself for this.

Finally, Taehyung woke up and Jungkook helped him to sit up. "Taehyung Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked with concern. Taehyung touched the back of his head and winced in pain. "I'm not sure, Jungkook." Taehyung's voice was weak as he spoke up again."What happened?"

Jungkook's eyes filled with even more  tears as he remembered that Jimin told him not to touch something, but he still did. Then Taehyung's gaze fell on Jimin, who was lying motionless behind them. Jimin's shirt was stained with blood, and he had a deep wound on his stomach. "We have to do something!" He said in panic, worried about his best friend. "I don't know what to do. This is all my fault." Jungkook sobbed.

Taehyung rips off a piece of his own shirt and tried to stop the bleeding. Tears streamed down his face as he realized the dangerous situation of Jimin. "Why isn't anyone coming to help us?"


Unbeknownst to them, nobody knew they were trapped in the garage. The fire department didn't even knew that somebody was inside because someone told them that nobody was inside this garage and only he had the keys to the garage.


Back in the practice room, the other BTS members realized that the maknae line hadn't returned. Panic and worry were etched across their faces. So they went to the garage and saw the chaos and the fire fighters. Hoseok immediately shouted at them. "They're in there! You have to find them!"


Inside the rubble, Jimin regained consciousness, though he was in severe pain. Taehyung and Jungkook, with tears in their eyes, tried to keep him awake.

"Just hold on, Jimin, don't fall asleep, please." Taehyung pleaded and held his hand . As they worked to keep Jimin conscious and stabilize his condition. The sound of their names being called and debris being moved reached their ears. Finally, they were freed. Multiple ambulances were waiting and Jimin was placed on a stretcher, again unconscious. Taehyung, supported by the medical staff, walked to another ambulance while Jungkook insisted he could walk, as it was only his arm that hurt. Outside, the rest of BTS was in a state of shock, their eyes filled with tears and fear as they saw the Maknaes.


Inside the ambulance with Jimin, Yoongi clutched his friend's hand, tears welling up in his eyes. He hadn't said much, but his worry and fear were palpable. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his dear friend.


At the hospital, the Maknae line received medical attention. Jungkook's arm was stitched up, and Taehyung's head wound was treated. Meanwhile, Jimin had lost a significant amount of blood, and an urgent operation was necessary. The rest of the BTS members waited anxiously for any news. Hours passed, and the tension in the waiting room was palpable.


Jimin woke up two days later, and his friends filled him in on what had happened.

"You're awake... Jimin, we were so worried." said Jin relieved.
Yoongi held Jimin's hand tightly. "I was so afraid we'd lose you, Jimin." he said with tears in his eyes.

Jimin managed a weak smile, still tired. "I'm here, hyung. I'm okay now."

Jungkook, overwhelmed with guilt, began to apologize. "Jimin, it's all my fault. I touched that thing. "Jimin's expression grew serious. "No, Kookie, it's not your fault. I know who did this. It was the new manager. I just didn't want to admit it."

His suspicions were confirmed, and the new manager was immediately fired and arrested for his attempt to harm them.


Jimin spent two weeks recovering and finally, he was allowed to go home with his friends. Jungkook's arm healed, and Taehyung's head injury showed signs of improvement.

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