Fake interview - Taehyung

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TW: Sexual harassment, Mention of Gang rape

Taehyung finished his solo performance for MAMA. When he left the stage, he could hear the Army screaming his name. He's a little too happy to notice the danger that has been lingering around him.

He went backstage with a very wide and bright smile. The other members rushed towards him and happily hugged his small body, Jungkook actually lifted him up.

Once they're done with their celebration, they walk back to their place to watch the other idols performances.

After the performances BTS made a break, some of the members went out, and some got interviewed.

Taehyung, on the way to their interview, earning so many supports from fans who's watching live. Almost all of the idols that Taehyung walks pass through have congratulated him.

Taehyung continues his walk towards where he'll be interviewed. He called it the interview corner.

On his way there, he passed both Jaebeom and Jinyoung, who finished their interview. It's only weird if the three didn't stop to congratulate each other. Jaebeom gives Taehyung a little push on his shoulder, jokingly teasing the smaller male, while Jinyoung is petting his hair very calmly.

After a few minutes stop that he needs to take thanks to Jinyoung and Jaebeom, Taehyung continues his walk towards the interview corner. He could still hear his fans chanting his name.

Interestingly enough, Taehyung bumps into Taemin a few feet before he reaches his destination. Taehyung bowed as a reflex, too nervous to be face to face with the guy who had won so many solo performances.
"Yo, Tae! Congratulations, man. Have a great day! " is the only thing that the legendary singer said before he disappeared. It was quick, very quick that Taehyung didn't have time to process what was happening when his manager tugged his shoulder, telling him that it was time to do his interview.

The blond korean is done with his interview and is left alone inside of his room to cool down. Jimin came to his room a few minutes ago, giving him his favorite chocolate to congratulate his best friend. Taehyung can't imagine the fact that he actually spent his time running to the nearest store only to buy him chocolate. He is very lucky to have Jimin as his other half.

Taehyung is changing his clothes when he hears a knock on his door. He hadn't even answered when the door's opened, making the young singer hurriedly put on his pants.

"Oh, hey Taehyung!"

Honestly, Taehyung never really met this guy. The guy standing in front of him is wearing an STAFF uniform with no earpiece and a very awkward posture.

It is a very unusual view for Taehyung. However, the young man is in a good mood, so he just lets it slide.

"Is there anything that you need?"

"Uh, yes, actually. We'll be doing an interview in a few minutes, so I would appreciate it if you could come with me."

Taehyung tilt his head, but did't they say that he's done for today?

"But the others say that I was done? How come I have another interview?"

The man in front of him frowns. Does Taehyung accidentally interpret the other staff incorrectly? Does it mean that he still has one other interview?

"Well, if there is one more, let's go. But after this you buy me food!" The young singer laughs, trying to break the mood. This new staff looks very tense since earlier, and he's probably new without his seniors guiding him, so of course he'll be tense.

Good thing the guy also smiles, making Taehyung feel a bit better. The young singer easily tailed his new guide. They went across almost every interview room that Taehyung had known, and once they arrived at the corner, Taehyung thought that they'll be having an interview somewhere new.

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