Weight of guilt - Jin

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Requested by Kaisahsparkle
TW: collapse, fever, allergic reaction, physical illness, medical treatment, hospitalisation

Jin was stressed. His mind was occupied with so many things that he forgot a crucial detail: Namjoon was allergic to shellfish. Just if he eats a little bit of shellfish like powder or if something was cooked in shellfish water, his throat closes.

As Jin prepared dinner for the group, he absentmindedly added a little bit of shellfish powder to the dish. The oldest really didn't do it on purpose, he was just too stressed to notice. Nobody noticed it.

"Hey, Jin-Hyung, what's cooking?" Jungkook chirped, entering the kitchen with Taehyung and Jimin, a bright smile evident on their faces. Jin's lips curved into a strained smile. "Just something delicious for dinner tonight, Kookie."

Jin finished cooking dinner and gave ech member a great portion of the dish. Everyone started eating , but the mistake came soon to light.

Namjoon took a bite, then paused, his face scrunching up in confusion. "Jin-hyung, did you put shellfish in this?" he asked, his voice full of worry.

Jin's eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "Oh no, Namjoon! I... I forgot. I'm so sorry!" he stammered, panic rising in his chest."I... I think I might have added a bit of shellfish powder. I was just so stressed today..." He couldn't finish what he was saying as Yoongi interrupted him. "Are you completely out of your mind!"

Namjoon's face paled, his breath catching. "I'm allergic to shellfish, Hyung." Namjoon's face began to swell, and his breath became labored. "My throat is starting to swell."

Panic erupted among the members. "We need to get him to a hospital. Now!" Hoseok shouted, grabbing Namjoon and rushing him to the car. Jin stood frozen, guilt and fear paralyzing him, but he quickly followed.

Fortunately, they arrived in time. Namjoon received immediate care and was stabilized. The doctor informed them he would need to stay overnight for observation.


Later that night, back at the dorm, Hoseok confronted Jin. "How could you be so careless, Jin? You know how serious Namjoon's allergy is!"

Yoongi didn't hold back either. "That was so irresponsible, Hyung. I can't believe you forgot something so important."

Jin couldn't respond, his mind clouded with regret. He barely slept that night.


The next morning, Yoongi and Taehyung went to pick up Namjoon from the hospital. When they arrived back at the dorm, the members rushed to hug Namjoon, relieved to see him safe.

Jin approached hesitantly. "Namjoon-ah, are you really okay?" he asked, his voice small and shaky.

Namjoon smiled warmly. "I'm fine, Jin-Hyung. Really."

Jin moved to hug Namjoon, but Yoongi stepped in between them. "Don't," Yoongi said sharply. "You've done enough."

"Yoongi, it's fine. Let him." Namjoon insisted, chuckling softly, trying to ease the tension.

But Yoongi was firm. "No! Stay away. I don't let him hurt you again! He could have killed Namjoon!" Yoongi spat, his frustration palpable. Taehyung interjected softly, "But it was an accident, Hyung. He didn't mean to harm anyone."

Jin's face fell, hurt by Yoongi's words. He turned and walked to his bedroom, Jimin following close behind. "Hyung, don't take Yoongi's words to heart. He didn't mean it, and we know you didn't mean any harm," Jimin said softly. "He's just worried about Namjoon," Jin nodded, but the guilt and worry were overwhelming.


The next day, despite feeling unwell, he got up to make breakfast. As he moved around the kitchen, he grew increasingly dizzy. He took some painkillers, hoping it would help him push through the day.

One by one, the members came in, greeting Jin with smiles, and "Good morning, hyung." All except Yoongi.

Jimin was the first to notice something was off. "Hyung, are you okay? You're sweating a lot." concern in his voice.

Jin forced a weak smile. "Oh, it's nothing, Jimin. I'm just a little tired, that's all." But not even a second later, he collapsed. "Hyung!" The members were thrown into a panic. "We need to call an ambulance!" Taehyung screamed, grabbing his phone.

As they tried to wake Jin, Yoongi stood there, paralyzed by regret, guilt written all over his face. When they arrived at the hospital, the doctors said that Jin had collapsed from stress and guilt, leading to a physical illness.

In the hospital room, Jin awoke to the worried faces of his members. But they were relieved and happy to see him awake.

Yoongi stepped forward, not looking into his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Hyung," Yoongi said, his voice cracking. "I shouldn't have treated you that way."

Jin managed a weak smile. "It's okay, Yoongi-ah. I understand. I'm also sorry for what happened."

Yoongi, now looking up, said silently, "But still, I shouldn't have acted this way."

Namjoon squeezed Jin's hand. "We're all just glad you're okay."

The tension dissolved after a while, and they spent the rest of the day together. Jin was also soon discharged, but he should take it easy from now on. That something like this would never happen again.

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