Passed out - Jimin

491 21 9

Requested by: anonymous
TW: panic attack, faint

The members were finished at practice, and Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok already headed to the dorm. Yoongi decided to go to his studio to work on a song. Jimin decided to stay in the dance studio with Taehyung to help him with the complicated choreography.

At some point, they finished and sat down to relax. Jimin suggested playing hide and seek to get over the boredom because they had already been sitting in the dance studio room for a while, just playing on their phones. Taehyung initially didn’t like the idea, but then Jimin was desperate to do something rather than sit around.

“Please, Tae! Just for half an hour or something.” Jimin pleaded. The younger one sighed. “Fine but you’re hiding first.”

Jimin bolted out of the studio whilst Taehyung was counting. Both of the members had forgotten that people were packing up.

Jimin went down into the garage since it was quiet, and he ran over to a crate that was in the back of the garage. He lifted up the lid and then climbed inside before he put the lid on back. Thankfully, there was enough air in the crate to breathe.

Taehyung didn’t count for very long, and then he checked the studio in case Jimin was hiding in there before he left and looked around in the building. He had been planning on going to the garage to look for Jimin until the manager came over to speak to him, and all the thoughts of searching Jimin went away.

Meanwhile, Jimin was patiently waiting for Taehyung to find him. He thought that he was in a good hiding place until time went on, and there was no sign of Taehyung. A glance at the watch showed that he had already been there for nearly ten minutes. Jimin sighed. He didn’t know how long he could stay in the crate. Another five minutes went by, but then Jimin heard footsteps, but he remained silent because he thought it was Taehyung. He could hear movement, but he had no idea what was happening, and no one opened up the lid, and then there was nothing.

Jimin grew bored as he had been when he was sitting in the studio. He figured that Taehyung had given up, so he placed his hands up to push the lid off so he could get out. The only problem was that the lid wouldn’t move. He was trapped. He pushed and punched at the lid, but it wouldn’t budge, and he tried to keep himself calm. Eventually, he gave up on trying to lift the lid off and then started shouting, but no one came to help him. He couldn’t believe it, people were packing up, and yet, there was no one in the garage.

The young singer was scared that he was going to be left in the crate. He let out a sob and tried to control his breathing, knowing that he could possibly pass out if he didn’t calm down.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he pulled out his phone, and he called Taehyung. The younger didn’t answer, and Jimin let out a cry of frustration. Taehyung was about to throw his phone against the side of the crate when he wondered if Yoongi else could help him. He had no idea if Yoongi was still in his studio, but he had to try. He didn’t know what else to do. He was muttering under his breath, praying that Yoongi would pick up as the phone rang.

“Hello?” Jimin nearly sobbed when Yoongi answered the phone. “Hyung, are you still in the studio?” He asked with shaky voice.

“Yes, I had to finish the song, but I’ll be leaving soon. Why?” Yoongi wondered.

“You need to help me, please, you need to help! Tae won’t answer his phone.” He said frustrated and out of breath.

“Jimin, slow down. What are you saying? What’s going on?” Yoongi asked, with worry in his voice.“I’m stuck.”

“What’s happened?”

“Taehyung and I were playing hide and seek, I’ve been hiding in a crate at the back of the garage. I can’t get out, I don’t know what’s happened, but I can’t get out, and I can’t get through to Taehyung.”

Jimin was in panic mode, and Yoongi was concerned that the younger was having a panic attack.

“Jimin, listen to me, I’m going to come and find you. You need to control your breathing. Everything will be fine, but you need to stay calm.”

“I want to get out, please, Hyung, I just want to get out.”

“I know, I know, I’m coming, Jimin.”

Jimin could only just make out some noises on the phone, which was Yoongi throwing things into his backpack so he could leave. His breathing quickened, and he wanted to tell Yoongi to hurry up, but he couldn’t speak. He could only cry.

“I’m leaving the studio now, Jimin, I’m coming.” Promised Yoongi.

Jimin didn’t respond, and all Yoongi could hear was the younger breathing. He was breathing too fast and then all of a sudden, the phone went quiet. At first, Yoongi thought that Jimin had ended the call, but the call was still going as he looked at his phone. He ran away from his studio towards the dance studio so that he could find Taehyung. When was about to reach the studio, Jimin was talking to the manager in the hallway.

“Taehyung!” Yoongi screamed.

Yoongi didn’t care if he was interrupting as he ran up to Taehyung. The younger looked surprised to see him.

“Yoongi, what are you doing here?”

“It’s Jimin, we need to help him.”

Yoongi grabbed Taehyung's arm and dragged him in the direction of the garage. Taehyung was frowning, but Yoongi couldn’t see that.

“What are you talking about?” Asked Taehyung, confused.

“Jimin has been hiding in a crate, but he can’t get out, and I have a bad feeling that he’s passed out.” Replied Yoongi quickly.

Taehyung felt sick to his stomach, and they eventually made it to the garage. Yoongi rushed over to the crate, and he could see why Jimin had been unable to lift the lid. There was a lock attached to it.

“Jimin?” Called Yoongi.

There was no response, and Yoongi was pacing around as he couldn’t find a key anywhere. He then spotted a box and grabbed a wrench so that he could try and break the lock. It took a number of hits before the lock eventually fell off, and Yoongi was able to lift the lid. His worst fears were confirmed as Jimin was sitting in the crate unconscious with his phone still in his hand. Just as Yoongi was wondering how they were going to get Jimin out, a couple of the staff members turned up after the manager had overheard Yoongi telling Taehyung about Jimin.

Between the four of them, they somehow managed to break a part of the crate and then move Jimin away so that he was no longer anywhere near the crate. Taehyung and Yoongi were crouching over Jimin, who was breathing a little bit too quickly for their liking.

“I shouldn’t have been speaking to the manager, I got distracted, and I forgot that Jimin was hiding. We were just passing the time, and he suggested a game of hide and seek. I never thought he would hide in something like that.” Rambled Taehyung.

“It’s not your fault, Tae. Obviously, no one expected him to be in here.”

At that moment, Jimin stirred, and Yoongi placed a hand on his shoulder.


The blond haired singer stirred again, and he groaned before he opened up his eyes. The first person he noticed was Yoongi, and then he glanced to his right and saw Taehyung. He turned his head back to look at Yoongi. “What’s going on?” He asked a little bit confused.

“Do you remember what happened?” Asked Yoongi. Jimin sighed. “I passed out.”

“Hyung, I’m so sorry, I was speaking to the manager and that’s why I didn’t come looking for you.”

“It’s fine, Tae, you probably wouldn’t have thought about searching here.”

“I’ll give you a ten out of ten for effort, though.” That raised a smile from Jimin.

The three members spent a bit of time in the studio where neither Taehyung nor Yoongi left Jimin's side. He had had enough excitement for one evening. He just needed to take it easy, and both Taehyung and Yoongi wanted to keep an eye on him.

BTS Sick-/Hurtficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें