Collapse - Jungkook

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Requested by: anonymous
TW: hospitalisation, collapse

Jungkook wasn’t feeling very well, and he knew fair well that he hadn’t been taking care of himself properly. He had managed to hide his little illness from his members. They didn’t eat together, so since the maknae hadn’t been eating properly, he could pretend to Jin that he had eaten earlier in the day. He was trying to drink often since it was so hot, but it wasn’t doing anything to help him feel better because he just felt sick.

Jungkook found himself speaking to Jimin not long before they were due to leave for the shooting. Taehyung had joined in the conversation, which Jungkook was glad about because he could stop talking. He was feeling nauseous again. He had already thrown up after lunch, and he was hoping that he would be able to get through the shooting without any incidents. Jungkook was concentrating on not throwing up and that he didn’t even realise he was in a daze. All of a sudden, the floor was coming closer to him, and he stumbled slightly, and someone grabbed his arm. He ran a hand through his hair as Taehyung and the other members glanced at him with concern.

“Jungkook, are you alright?” Jin asked with concern.

The Maknae sighed. “I’m fine, I don’t go well with standing in the same place for too long.”

Taehyung gave him a look like he didn’t believe what the maknae had said. Before he could argue, it was time to leave for the shooting.

“We better get going.” Said Namjoon.

Jungkook nearly stumbled out of the dorm in a haste to get away from Taehyung before he could question him. The older did give Jungkook some space as they arrived shortly before the shooting. Taehyung caught up with Jimin and Hoseok whilst Jungkook hovered away from everyone else. The second youngest did try and keep an eye on Jungkook, but Jimin kept on telling him off anytime he glanced away.

Eventually, it was time for the members shooting, and Taehyung lost sight of Jungkook as he was the first one to shoot. The maknae looked rather pale, and he was sweating. He didn’t look too good, and when he started his shooting, Taehyung couldn’t help but notice that Jungkook was holding on for dear life.

Jungkook was desperately trying not to throw up on the floor. If he had told the members that he wasn’t feeling well, then they wouldn’t let him shoot. He had to hold on until the end of the shooting. The longer it went on, the worse he felt. He really wanted to sit down because he didn’t think he could stand for an extended period of time.

In the end, the heat became too much, and Jungkook's body gave up that he suddenly collapsed onto the ground.

Taehyung hadn’t been paying attention to Jungkook because Jimin was busy telling him a story, and he was totally engrossed. It wasn’t until he heard a couple of gasps that he realised something had happened. Once Jimin was out of his way and he saw a couple of staff crouching down, he decided to approach. He froze when he spotted Jungkook's raven hair, and he realised that the younger had fainted. Since Jin and Namjoon were next to Jungkook by now, Taehyung chose not to come any closer because he didn’t want to overcrowd the maknae in case he woke up suddenly.

The staff had contacted their manager who got medical doctors nearby.  Once the doctors arrived, they immediately went to check up on Jungkook. The maknae was still unconscious, so the decision was made to take him to the medical center.  He was loaded onto a stretcher and taken away from prying eyes to be checked out.

The members were glad that their maknae was awake when they went in to see him, and he had plenty of water bottles nearby. Jungkook was also covered in ice packs as he lay on one of the medical beds. He looked happy when he spotted his members.

“Hi.” he said, with an exhausting voice. He was surrounded by the members asking him how he was feeling

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jin asked, with worry in his voice.

“Tired, I’m missing the shooting.” The maknae responded, not looking up and just fidgeting with his fingers. Taehyung sighed. “I’m sorry, but I’m not surprised, you did faint.” “I know.” he said. Then Namjoon suddenly asked  “You weren’t alright earlier, were you?”

Jungkook blushed and shook his head.“It’s okay to admit that you’re feeling under the weather sometimes. I know that you probably didn’t want to tell us, but you’ve made things worse for yourself." “I know I'm sorry. I just didn't want to ruin our shooting.” Said Jungkook, with low voice.

“You don’t need to apologize, we were just so worried. When I saw you on the floor, my heart shattered for a moment." Namjoon said, with a broken voice, but smiled, not wanting to let Jungkook feel guilty or anything. "Hyung is right. We are not mad or anything, but please never do this again." Jimin said, taking Jungkook's hands in his.

"I think it's also my fault. I should've told Jin that something was wrong with you, but I didn’t do anything." Taehyung said, lowering his head. Jin placed a reassuring hand on his back. "It's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault. Things can happen, but don't feel guilty, alright." He said, with a light smile on his face.

After just one night in the hospital, Jungkook luckily felt better so he could go home. But at home, Jin was strict about his health and said that he could go back to dance practice and work when he was fully recovered. Jungkook was a little bit annoyed about that, but he understood that Jin was just worried about his health and didn't say anything.

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