Fever after an argument - Jin

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In the practice room, the air was charged with tension as BTS rehearsed tirelessly for their upcoming concert. Their synchronized dance moves were the heart of their performance, and they had to get them perfect.

This time, it was a particular section of the choreography that was causing problems."Again, from the top," Hoseok called out as they prepared to execute the troublesome sequence.

The gap between Taehyung and Jungkook had been a constant issue, and they were struggling to fix it. To correct it, Taehyung and Jin should increase their pace. The group began the routine, but it quickly fell apart.

Taehyung's frustration grew, and he spoke up, "Hyung, I think if we just pick up the pace a bit, we can close that gap," Taehyung suggested, his voice laced with frustration.

Jin, who was totally exhausted from the practice, replied. "Tae, I'm already running as fast as I can. It's not that simple. "

Their words escalated into an argument, their voices echoing off the mirrored walls. The other members exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to clear the tension between the two.

It was Namjoon who finally intervened, stepping between the two."Enough!" he said firmly. "We're a team, and we need to work together to solve this problem. Let's find a solution calmly."

But Taehyung was too stubborn at this moment and didn't listen to Namjoon. His voice grew louder as he argued, "You used to be fast, Jin, and now suddenly you can't keep up?"

The words stung like a slap. Jin, deeply hurt, couldn't hold back his own frustration. He clenched his fists, anger flashing in his eyes. "I'm doing my best, Taehyung. Don't question my commitment."

The other members tried again to calm the situation, but the damage was done. Jin, unable to endure the tension any longer, stormed out of the practice room, heading to his car.

Taehyung, now on the verge of tears, turned to Jimin. "Hyung, I didn't mean to snap out like that. I just thought it was a suggestion, and then i got angry." Jimin hugged Taehyung. "It's okay, Tae. We all get stressed, but you'll couldn't endure it anymore."

Outside, the rain began to pour, and Jin found himself caught in the cold, wet weather.

Hours passed, and the members grew increasingly worried. They couldn't reach him on his phone. It was already past 3 a.m. and concern for their eldest member was growing by the minute.

They had all gathered in the living room, trying to stay awake and waiting for Jin's return. Finally, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway was heard. Jin stumbled inside, drenched and shivering. He looked pale and unsteady. His soaked clothes clung to his body. Everyone rushed toward him, relieved that he was safe but alarmed at his condition.

Yoongi was the first to reach Jin and help him to the couch. "Hyungie, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

The others gathered around, looking equally worried. Jin tried to speak but was too weak, his teeth chattering from the cold. Namjoon quickly fetched a blanket and draped it over Jin. "We need to warm you up," he said, his worry evident.

Jimin ran to get a wet towel. He placed the towel on Jin's forehead to help reduce his fever. Taehyung sat beside Jin and still felt guilty because of the argument. He softly said, "I'm so sorry, Hyung."

Jin managed a weak smile, his voice hoarse. "It's okay, Tae. Let's just don't argue anymore."

Yoongi went to get a thermometer. The beep signaled the result, and Yoongi's face paled. "Guys, he has 106.88F fever. It's really high."

Jimin continued to put the wet towel on Jin's forehead, and Taehyung held Jin's hand, refusing to let go. Jin weakly murmured, "I'm so sorry, guys. I didn't want to worry you."Namjoon leaned in and assured him, "Don't apologize, Hyung. We're just glad you're back. "

They watched over him throughout the night, occasionally checking his temperature and making sure he was as comfortable as possible.

The next day, Jin's fever had come down slightly, but he was still weak. The atmosphere in the dorm remained heavy with concern and regret.

Taehyung, unable to bear the burden of their argument, approached Jin with a heartfelt apology. "Hyung, I'm truly sorry for talking to you in a disrespectful manner and behaving selfishly. I never intended to offend you," Taehyung admitted, remorse clear in his eyes.

Jin, a sense of responsibility as the eldest member, responded with a sigh, "It's true that I felt disregarded and offended. But, you know, being older, it hurt my pride. I try not to impose my authority on you guys, but sometimes I forget that pride is pointless."

Taehyung shook his head, wanting to make things right. "Jin-Hyung, please understand that I never, not even once, tried to offend you intentionally. I've never thought, 'Oh, I'm just going to hurt his feelings.' I respect you a lot."

Slowly, the tensions dissipated, and the members of BTS began to find their rhythm once again.

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