Tumor - Jin

876 13 7

Requested by: fanfictionxpassion
TW: medical issues, amnesia/memory disorder, anxiety/anxiety attack, hospitalisation

Jin had always been the responsible one, but lately, something unusual had been happening. It all started innocently enough, with small lapses in memory that he dismissed as mere blips. Three days in a row, he forgot where he had placed the salt in the kitchen, fumbled for his identity card number when asked at a security checkpoint, and even got lost on his way to the studio he'd been visiting for years. Each time he tried to recall these seemingly minor details, a sharp headache pierced his temples.

The other members noticed Jin's forgetfulness, but like him, they initially attributed it to stress or exhaustion. "Don't worry, Hyung" Yoongi assured him one evening. "It's probably just a temporary thing. We all have our off days."


One evening, Jin decided to make dinner for the group, and Yoongi offered to help him. As they worked in the kitchen, Jin suddenly froze, his hand hovering over the pot. He couldn't remember whether he'd added salt to the dish. The familiar headache threatened to consume him as he tried to recall.

Concern etched on Yoongi's face, he quickly grabbed the salt and handed it to Jin. "Hey, everything okay, Hyung?"

Jin rubbed his temples and forced a smile. "Yeah, just a slight headache. Don't worry about it."

As Yoongi continued to assist, he kept a watchful eye on Jin. The concern didn't dissipate. "Jin, this is the third time in a week. Are you sure you're alright? Maybe you should see a doctor."

Jin waved it off. "I'm sure it's nothing, just stress, like you said."


The days went by, and Jin's condition didn't improve. He would frequently forget simple things, and the headaches were becoming more intense. Still, he tried to hide it from the others, not wanting to worry them unnecessarily.

One morning, Jin overslept, and Jungkook decided to wake him up. He gently shook Jin, who was deeply asleep, but when Jin finally stirred, his eyes widened in terror. He didn't recognize Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled nervously, thinking it was some sort of joke. "Come on, hyung, you can't pretend you don't know me."

But Jin's eyes filled with panic, and he clutched his head, groaning in pain. In his distress, he tried to remember who he was, but it proved too much. He collapsed back onto the bed, unconscious.

Jungkook's playful demeanor quickly turned to panic. He rushed to call the other members, and together, they tried to wake Jin. But their hyung remained unresponsive.

As they rushed Jin to the hospital, they were filled with worry and questions. None of them could have predicted that Jin's simple forgetfulness would lead to such a bad situation.


The waiting room at the hospital was filled with heavy silence as the members of BTS anxiously waited for any news about Jin. They couldn't shake off the worry that had settled in their hearts. After what felt like an eternity, a doctor finally emerged from the treatment area, and Namjoon was quick to rise, concern etched across his face.

"How is he?" Namjoon asked, his voice trembling slightly.

The doctor, a calm and reassuring presence, looked at the group. "Mr. Kim is stable now, but we've discovered that he has a tumor. The good news is that it's treatable, and we're going to do our best to help him through this."

Relief washed over them knowing that Jin would recover, but the fact that he had a tumor weighed heavily on their hearts. They couldn't help but blame themselves for not noticing sooner.

Yoongi, who had been especially close to his Hyung during these troubling times, spoke up in a quiet voice, his eyes on the edge of tears. "Can we see him, please?"

The doctor nodded and led them to Jin's room. As they entered, they saw Jin lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to various monitors, and an oxygen mask covering his face. But his eyes lit up when he saw them and he managed a faint smile,

Jimin and Jungkook couldn't contain their emotions and rushed to Jin's side, hugging him tightly.

After everyone had hugged Jin, Yoongi went to Jin and hugged tightly. But as he hugged him, tears began to stream down his face. He choked out, "I should've noticed, hyung. It's all my fault."

Jin gently wiped Yoongi's tears away and offered him a smile. "It's not your fault, Yoongi. None of you could have known. I will get better, I promise. "

Jimin seeing Yoongi's distress, took the elder's hand. "Hyung, let's step outside for some fresh air. You need to calm down." Yoongi hesitated, but Namjoon spoke up, "Jimin is right, Yoongi. We'll stay with Jin. Go and clear your mind."

Outside, Jimin did his best to comfort Yoongi. He is hugging him tightly, while letting him process his emotions.

Meanwhile, Namjoon took the opportunity to speak with the doctor, learning more about Jin's condition and treatment plan. The doctor assured him that while it wasn't a fatal tumor, it still required careful management.


Several weeks passed, and Jin was finally released from the hospital. However he had to visit the doctor every two weeks and take every day his required medication.

Yoongi, in particular, was always by Jin's side, his worry and guilt still present. The other members, though relieved that Jin was on the path to recovery, couldn't help but worry over Yoongi's own health as he stressed himself out trying to be there for Jin.


A few days had passed since Jin's release from the hospital.
As the evening fell, Yoongi and Jin decided to cook dinner for the rest of the members. However, as Jin reached for the oil, a sudden headache hit him, causing him to wince in pain.

Yoongi, ever protective since Jin's hospitalization, noticed his discomfort and immediately panicked. He rushed to Jin's side, concern written all over his face. "Hyung, are you okay? Do you want to lie down?"

His panicked voice rang through the house, and the others hurried into the kitchen. Jimin went to Yoongi, placing his hands on Yoongi's back and guiding him away from the situation. Meanwhile, Namjoon went to check on Jin, who was still suffering from the headache.

Hoseok couldn't help but ask, "What's going on? Are you okay Hyung?" So Jin explained that he was experiencing another headache. Namjoon looked at his hand gently rubbing his temples.

Than he suggested, "Jin, do you want to lie down? We can finish cooking." Jin nodded.

With Namjoon's support, they left the kitchen and made their way to the living room, where Jin lies down on the couch.The rest of the group was left standing in the kitchen, and Yoongi was still visibly anxious.

Jimin placed both hands on Yoongi's shoulders "Breathe, hyung. We've been through this before."
Than Jimin guided Yoongi to the kitchen table, and they sat down on the chairs. He took Yoongi's trembling hands in his own and spoke softly, "It's going to be okay, hyung. Jin knows we're here for him, and we'll get through this together."

Jimin glanced over his shoulder to Taehyung, who stood nearby. "Tae, can you grab some water for Yoongi?"

While Taehyung fetched the water, Jungkook and Hoseok had taken over cooking duties and managed to prepare the meal. It would be ready once Jin felt up to joining them.

When Taehyung returned with the water, Yoongi took it.
With time, he managed to regain his composure and steady his breathing. After a while, he quietly thanked Jimin and Taehyung for their help.

As Jin started to feel better, he and Namjoon joined the group in the dining area. They all enjoyed dinner together.

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