Earthquake - Taehyung

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Requested by: Inasa27
TW: Blood, Hospitalisation, Deep wound, earthquake

It was late summer in Seoul in 2013 and the newly debuted group BTS was in their small dorm.

Today was a day like any other, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were playing video games on the small TV, Hoseok was helping Jin cook dinner and Namjoon and Yoongi were working on a new song.

Taehyung's screaming could be heard outside and Yoongi was more than happy with it. "Taehyung! Be quieter, I can't concentrate." He shouted down which made Jin take notice. He turned the stove down a little and went into the living room.

"Guys, I'm not forbidding you to play, but at least be quiet. You know that Yoongi doesn't want you guys to be so loud and dinner is soon so you Taehyung can get Yoongi and Namjoon since you're very energetic today." He said decisively and went back to Hoseok who added the remaining ingredients.

"Hoseok, you can also go to the living room, I'll bring the food." Jin said and took the pot down from the stove.

Everyone was already waiting hungry at the dining table for food. "Mmm, that's delicious Jin Hyung," said Jungkook, the water almost running out of his mouth. "Go for it, I don't cook something like that every day." Jin giggled and waited until everyone had something on their plate.

Then he scooped out some noodles himself. "And do you have anything else planned today?" Jin asked the group. "Not really, I was planning on doing something with Yoongi Hyung but he's busy with the song." Hoseok said disappointedly. "I don't have any plans either, we could watch a movie," Jimin suggested. "Good idea, I'll pick the movie" Jungkook shouted with his mouth full. "Jungkook, what did we say with our mouth full and talking" Jin said a little sternly "Sorry... can I get some more noodles" Jungkook asked with a pout and Jin nodded.

After dinner, Yoongi went back into the room and everyone else went into the living room. "Which film do we want to see, I suggest-" suddenly it started to shake briefly. "What the hell was that!" Taehyung shouted, holding onto Namjoon.

"I have no idea Taehyung.." Hoseok replied and was about to get up from the couch when it started shaking again. But this time it shook even more.

The sudden shock causes Jimin and Taehyung to wobble. "Find a safe place!" Jin shouted, clearly panicking and not knowing what to do.

It still didn't stop and there were lots of objects on the floor. It shook so much to the point that cracks formed in the wall. Taehyung wanted to go somewhere safe, if there was such a thing, but he was hiding something. "Yoongi.. We forgot Yoongi." So Taehyung ran to Yoongi.

When he got to the room he saw Yoongi just lying on the floor like a little ball. "Yoongi, you have to hide, this won't help you."

Suddenly the walls started to collapse and Taehyung managed to pull Yoongi under his table. However, he couldn't find a place for himself in time. As he ran back into the living room he was caught by the window that had just broken and everything went black.

Shortly after he was unconscious he woke up again. Luckily he can't say. Because as soon as he woke up he wished he had never woken up.

There was a large pane of glass in his stomach. He looked around and noticed that everything had collapsed. Taehyung couldn't see his members and didn't even know if they were still alive. He started to cry, because of the pain but also because of his members.

Suddenly Taehyung heard a few remnants of the wall moving and a short time later he saw Jungkook and Namjoon. "Taehyung, my goodness, you're hurt!" Jungkook shouted, running to his side. Namjoon went to the opposite side of him and looked at Taehyung's wound.

Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his. "Where are the others? Where is Yoongi? Are you okay?" he asked frantically, constantly looking around. "They're fine, they're looking for Yoongi right now. But you shouldn't move too much, okay." Namjoon said, brushing Taehyung's hair back.

Jungkook was crying, because he was afraid for his hyung. He saw blood, too much blood that shouldn't come out. Too much blood he had lost, just too much blood. "I'm tired Jungkookie.." Taehyung said weakly after a while.

His grip on Jungkook's hand also became limp and Jungkook noticed that. "No, no you can't sleep. You have to wait until help comes, please stay awake." Jungkook wanted to help, he wanted to stop the bleeding, but didn't know how. How was he supposed to stop the bleeding when there was a big piece of glass stuck in him?

Suddenly you could hear the remains of the wall moving again. "Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, there you are." As he came closer he saw Taehyung's body drenched in blood. "Taehyung!" Jin shouted, followed by Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi. "This doesn't look good, my gosh what should we do" Jimin cried getting panicked.

Like the others, he immediately rushed to Taehyung. "Taehyungie everything will be okay," Jimin said, wiping the tears from Taehyung's face. "It hurts just so much and I'm so tired." He said quietly, obviously in severe pain. "You have to hold on, help is definitely on the way" Yoongi started to speak and knelt down next to him "I promise we won't leave you alone, but you have to stay awake" tears streamed down his face. "Okay, please stay awake."

Suddenly you heard sirens, Jin turned to the sound then back to Taehyung. "You see they're here, just hold on a little.


It was uncomfortably quiet in the waiting room; doctors and patients walked past every now and then, but nothing more. "I can't take this anymore, why is it taking so long," Namjoon said, running his hand through his hair.

After what felt like an hour later a doctor came. All members immediately stood up and wanted to know what was going on. "How is he doctor" Namjoon asked, hoping for a positive answer. "Kim Taehyung lost a lot of blood and the glass was deep. However, luckily it didn't damage any organs. He is still under anesthesia but will wake up soon. If you want, you can go see him." The doctor said and everyone was relieved to know he was okay. "Thank you so much," Jin said relieved and everyone followed the doctor to Taehyung's room.

When they went in he was just waking up and jimin ran to him to hug him tightly."I was so worried, please don't ever scare me like that again." Jimin said crying.

Taehyung spent the next few weeks in the hospital because BTS dorm was destroyed and they had to move to another location. However, they were able to settle in there very well.

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