Shot - Jimin

949 24 7

Requested by: Chimchim_260304
TW: Hospitalisation, Medical treatment shooting, attempted murder, Physical injuries, Surgery, death threat

In the bustling morning light of Seoul, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as the members of BTS gathered for breakfast. The clinking of utensils echoed through the room as they exchanged excited chatter about the upcoming fansign event.

Taehyung and Jungkook were bubbling with excitement, discussing the upcoming fansign with a lot of energy.

"Today's fansign is going to be amazing! I can't wait to meet all the fans!" Jungkook exclaimed, a wide grin on his face. Taehyung, donned in a hat gifted by an ARMY, turned to Jimin with a mischievous grin. "Jiminie, do I look cute in this hat?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Jimin, sipping on his coffee, couldn't help but smile. "Tae, you always look cute. That hat suits you perfectly." he replied, earning a laugh from the group.

Amidst the cheerful banter, Hoseok's expression shifted, catching the attention of Namjoon. Concern etched across his face, Hoseok passed a folded piece of paper to Namjoon, who furrowed his brows as he unfolded it.

"What's this, Hobi?" Namjoon asked, scanning the contents of the letter. His expression growing serious.

"It's a death threat, Namjoon," Hoseok admitted, his voice serious. "Someone is targeting me."

Jin noticed the change in atmosphere. "What's going on, Namjoon? Why the serious faces?" he inquired, his eyes darting between Namjoon and Hoseok.

Namjoon sighed, showing the letter to Jin. "Someone sent Hoseok a death threat," he explained, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Jin's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and concern washing over him. "What? This is serious. We need to report it," he asserted, already reaching for his phone.

Hoseok, trying to maintain composure, reassured the group. "I'll handle it, but let's focus on the fansign for now. We can't let this ruin the day for ARMY."

Concern etched on Yoongi's face. "What? Are you serious? The fansign isn't that important right now." He screamed.

Hoseok walked to Yoongi taking his hands in his. "Yoongi I promise nothing will happen. Please the fans waited for the fansign so long." he said sitting beside him.


The fansign venue buzzed with excitement as BTS members took their seats, ready to engage with ARMY. Hoseok, with a bright smile, graciously accepted a book from an ARMY.

Taehyung, still wearing the hat from an adoring fan, couldn't resist seeking Jimin's opinion once again. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he leaned in, "Jiminie, seriously, do I look cute in this hat?" Showing a little bit of aegyo.

Jimin chuckled, "Tae, again you're adorable, hat or no hat."

Yoongi, not typically one to display his gummy smile, surprised an ARMY who  asked. The fan's eyes widened in awe as Yoongi, breaking into a rare grin, revealed the trademark gummy smile that fans cherished. "Aww Yoongi is getting soft for an ARMY." Jimin chuckled and smiled at his Hyung who only let his smile disappear. "What are you saying, I never smiled" He pouted and that made Jimin even more chuckle.

Jungkook, engrossed in conversation with a fan, couldn't resist a bit of playful teasing. Spotting Taehyung nearby, he slyly reached over and tugged at the hat, earning a surprised yelp from Taehyung. The playful banter only endeared them further to the fans.

Amidst the individual interactions, Namjoon and Jin found a quiet moment to chat.

As the fansign progressed, the members seamlessly moved from one fan to another, each interaction leaving a lasting impression.

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