Caregiver with fever - Jimin

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Requested by: Chimchim_260304
TW: Vomit

The day began with Jin's early morning wake-up call. He woke up at 6 am, a bit earlier than usual, with the intention of making breakfast for the whole group. The Hyung-line are going on a work trip to Busan, and he wanted to ensure that everyone had a good start to the day. He quietly slipped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.

As the aroma of sizzling bacon and brewing coffee filled the air, the rest of the members entered the kitchen. They all gathered around the table, rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

Jin had prepared a hearty breakfast, complete with fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and freshly baked croissants. It was a rare treat, and they appreciated the effort Jin had put into it.

As they continued to eat their breakfast, Jin spoke up, addressing the maknae line, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. "Listen, guys, we're heading to Busan today for our work, and we won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. Please take care of the place and, as always, don't make too much of a mess.You can relax, watch TV, or do whatever you want, but be careful, alright?"

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded in agreement, assuring Jin that they would take care of everything. Jimin immediately said. "And don't worry, hyungs. I'll look after Taehyung and Jungkook. They'll be in good hands."

After breakfast, the four hyungs left the dorm, bidding their goodbyes and setting off for their work in Busan. The maknaes, on the other hand, decided to spend the day playing video games.

Time seemed to fly by as they engaged in friendly competition. However, as the games progressed, Jimin has already lost a total of 6 times. Frustrated, he decided to take a break and order some food. But as he got up, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him. He attributed it to the long hours in front of the TV. So he shrugged it off, thinking a break and some food would help. Taehyung and Jungkook continued to play.

Jimin ordered food, and when it arrived 15 minutes later, they went to the kitchen to enjoy their meal. They savored boneless chicken with rice noodles, but as Taehyung finished his fourth piece, he suddenly felt nauseous.

He glanced at Jungkook, who looked equally unwell. Taehyung spoke up, "Jimin," Taehyung said, his voice trembling, "I don't feel so good. "Seconds later, Jungkook echoed, "I'm feeling nauseous too, Hyung. "

Taehyung's face twisted in discomfort. He placed his hand on his mouth and rushed to the bathroom, where he vomited the meal he had just eaten. Jimin, concerned, went to check on him. He knelt down, drawing calming circles on Taehyung's back, brushing his hair back, and reassuring him that everything would be okay.

After Taehyung had finished vomiting, Jimin helped him up and guided him back to their shared bedroom. He touched Taehyung's forehead, which felt unusually hot. "I'll be right back," he said, rushing to get a thermometer.

Back in the kitchen, Jimin he was looking for the thermometer. However, as he looked for it, another wave of dizziness hit him, and he knelt down for a moment to steady himself. He knew he should get the thermometer for Taehyung, so he pushed through the dizziness.

As he continued to search, he saw Jungkook on the dining table. His head is buried in his hands. He needed to find the thermometer, so he questioned if he could go to their bedroom on his own. To which Jungkook weakly nodded.

As Jimin continued to look after it, he finally found it. Jimin took the thermometer and returned to check on Taehyung and Jungkook. He placed it on Taehyung's forehead, and it started beeping, showing a temperature of 103.4°F. Taehyung looked alarmingly pale. Jimin then turned to Jungkook, who appeared equally unwell. Jungkook's temperature registered 102°F. Jimin, despite feeling unwell himself, questioned Jungkook about his condition. "I feel dizzy, and I don't know why I suddenly feel like this." Jungkook admitted. Then Jungkook looked at him again "Hyung you also don't look that good. Maybe you should rest too, " he said with worry in his voice.

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