Hicking accident - Namjoon

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Requested by: anonymous
TW: Blood, surgery, medical treatment , physical injuries,hospitalisation, hicking accidents, fever

Hoseok hadn't been very keen when Namjoon had dragged him out of his apartment that afternoon for a hike, complaining that Hoseok spent too much time indoors. Namjoon had always been slightly perplexed by Namjoon's love for the outdoors. The bugs, the pollen, the dirt. It just wasn’t appealing to him. Though he did have to admit once they had started hiking, it did feel nice to be outside, away from the studio and their dorm.

The hike had started very tame, just a wide gravel path winding through some trees. However, soon the pair were walking precariously over rocks close to the edge of a small ridge hanging over some small trees and bushes. The path was too narrow for both of them to walk side by side, so Namjoon had walked in front, looking over his shoulder at Hoseok while they talked. As they walked further up the path, Hoseok was beginning to regret his choice of shoes, realizing that while they were stylish, the shoes had no grip whatsoever.

As he stepped onto another large rock, covered in dust and gravel, his foot slipped, and he fell, hitting his knee hard on the jagged edge of the rock. Before he could slip anymore, Namjoon was holding him tightly by the arm.

“Be careful, yeah? This part can be a bit dangerous” Namjoon said, helping Hoseok back up. Hoseok nodded, looking carefully over the edge where he had almost slipped down.

“You alright?” Namjoon asked gently, noticing Hoseok's unease.

“Yes sorry, I have to be more careful, I think,” Hoseok said, looking quickly back up at Namjoon. Namjoon frowned, crouching down to inspect Hoseok's knee where a thin trail of blood was now running down his shin.

“Looks pretty nasty” Namjoon stated, wincing slightly as he lightly touched the skin around the cut “Does it hurt bad?”

“Uh yes, a little” Hoseok admitted, his cheeks beginning to heat up.

“Let’s turn around,” Namjoon said, standing back up.

“Oh no, no” Hoseok immediately refused, shaking his head, “I am fine…really” He wasn’t about to ruin Namjoon's hike just because he'd worn impractical shoes.

“C’mon it's gonna get dark in a while anyway, we shouldn’t have started so late,” Namjoon said, looking towards the sun beginning to sink in the sky “C’mon”

Hoseok followed Namjoon as he started back down the rocks, letting Namjoon lead the conversation, still feeling a bit shaken. Hoseok contributed small comments and jokes here and there between breaths of air, wiping droplets of sweat off his forehead. Hoseok was particularly happy when one of his jokes made Namjoon laugh loudly, throwing his head back as he did. Hoseok smiled at how Namjoon's laughter echoed through the mountains they were walking through. As Namjoon turned around again, giving Hoseok one of his signature wide smiles, he didn’t pay attention to where he was walking.

Hoseok barely had time to warn him before he watched Namjoon's foot get caught on a rock protruding from the path. Hoseok watched in horror as Namjoon fell, his hands clawing wildly at the dirt and rocks around him to find something to grab onto as he slipped down the ledge. Hoseok's stomach dropped as he heard Namjoon's body hit the ground with a sickening thud.

“Joon!” Hoseok yelled, rushing to the edge to spot Namjoon on the ground, though the short trees and bushes obscured most of his view “Joonie are you okay?!”

Hoseok, waiting silently for a response, his rapid breathing the only noise. When he heard nothing, he yelled out again.

“Wait there Joon I’m coming down, hang on!”

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