Eating Disorder - Taehyung

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Requested by: The_moon_lover00
TW: Eating disorder, hospitalisation, starvation

The atmosphere in the practice room was tense, and the members of BTS could feel it. Taehyung, usually full of energy, had been acting strangely for weeks. His laughter was replaced by silence, and his once bright eyes seemed clouded with an unspoken burden. Yet, he stubbornly insisted that he was fine whenever anyone asked.

Concern etched on the faces of his bandmates as they noticed the changes. "Taehyung, you've been acting strange lately. Is everything okay?" Namjoon inquired, but Taehyung brushed it off with a forced grin, insisting that he was fine.

Unbeknownst to the others, Taehyung's health deteriorated further. He started avoiding meals, a fact that didn't escape the notice of observant members like Jin. Worried, Jin confronted him gently, only to be met with a dismissive, "I said I'm fine, Jin. Stop pestering me."


One evening, as the group gathered for dinner, Taehyung pushed his food around his plate, avoiding eye contact. Concern etched on their faces, the members exchanged glances.

"Taehyung, you've barely eaten anything lately. Are you sure you are fine?" Jin asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Taehyung sighed, looking down at his untouched food. "I'm just not that hungry, Jin. Don't worry about it."

But worry lingered in the air, like an unspoken truth.

As days passed, Taehyung distanced himself further, retreating into his own world. He skipped meals and avoided the shared spaces, becoming a mere ghost within the bustling dorm.


One day, during a particularly intense dance practice, Yoongi couldn't ignore the evident exhaustion on Taehyung's face. Frustration crept into his voice as he called him out, "Taehyung, we can't afford to have anyone slacking off. What's going on with you?"

Taehyung attempted to explain, "Yoongi, I'm trying , and I—"

But Yoongi cut him off, his anger, getting control over him, irritation evident in his tone. "Save the excuses, Taehyung. We're all putting in the effort here."

Desperation flickered in Taehyung's eyes as he tried again, "No, Yoongi, you don't understand. I—"

However, his words were dismissed once more, escalating the tension in the room. Taehyung, pushed to his limits, retaliated, "You're not any better, Yoongi! You are lazy and you can't even dance properly!"

The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of a slap resonating through the air. Taehyung, holding his cheek in shock. With tears in his eyes, he rushed out of the practice room and into the car.

Jin, who witnessed the entire scene, confronted Yoongi with a stern expression. "What on earth, Yoongi! You can't just—"

Tears welled up in Yoongi's eyes as he interrupted, screaming, "He said I am lazy, that's when my anger took over. Hyung, I didn't mean to slap him! I just couldn't take it." Jin sighed, "But that doesn't mean that you can slap him! " Yoongi couldn't handle it anymore, so he rushed into his studio.


The dorm was unusually quiet that evening, the clinking of utensils against plates, the only sound accompanying the group's attempts at dinner.

Taehyung's fork pushed food around, creating abstract patterns on his plate. Concerned glances were exchanged between the members, but no one dared to break the heavy silence until Jin finally spoke up."Taehyung, you've hardly eaten anything for days. Why are you not eating?"

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