Faking everything? - Jin

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Jin's morning began as it usually did, with the beeping of his alarm clock. He reached over to silence it, blinking away the remnants of sleep. His first thought was about his bandmates and he knew it was time to start their day with a delicious breakfast. Quietly, he slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. The smell of bacon and coffee soon filled the air, a familiar and comforting scent that would wake up the rest of BTS.

The first to arrive in the kitchen was Jungkook. With a warm smile, he greeted Jin, "Good morning, Jin-hyung. How did you sleep?"Jin replied with a grin. "Morning, Kookie. I slept pretty well. How about you?"Jungkook replied. "I slept like a puppy." 

One by one, the other members trickled into the kitchen, enticed by the mouthwatering scent of breakfast. They exchanged cheerful morning greetings and Taehyung shared stories about his dream as they settled around the table. Jin decided to wake Yoongi up, knowing he wouldn't wake up alone.

Yoongi had been battling a stubborn cold for the past few days, but he remained determined to continue practicing with the group. Quietly, he entered Yoongi's room and found him bundled up in blankets. "Yoongi, it's time to wake up." Jin said softly, shaking his shoulder gently. "We've got practice today." Yoongi groaned, his voice hoarse from coughing. "Give me five more minutes, Hyung."Jin nodded. "I'll make you some tea and give you some medicine after." A few minutes later, Yoongi joined the rest of the group at the breakfast table. He was still sneezing and looked weary, but he tried to ignore it. "Here, Yoongi," Jin said, offering a steaming cup of ginger tea and some medicine. "This should help you feel better." Yoongi thanked him silently and sipped on his tea. Though he was a little bit sick, he knew the importance of their upcoming performances and didn't want to let the team down.

After breakfast, the seven members headed to the practice studio, determined to give their all. The intense hours of dancing, singing, and rehearsing took a toll on their bodies, but the passion and dedication they shared fueled their hard work.

By the end of the practice, Jin was exhausted. He couldn't help but wish for a few days of rest, but he knew it was impossible given their hectic schedule.As they headed back home, Jin found himself deep in thought. He considered the idea of faking being sick for a day or two, just to have a break.

As they returned home in the evening, Jin decided to put his plan into action. Before he went to his members in the living room, he placed a hot water bottle on his forehead. Then he went to the others. "Guys, I'm not feeling well. You can order something for today." The others looked concerned at Jin. Jimin went to him and touched his forehead. "Hyung, you're burning up! We should get you to bed, that you can rest." They helped him to the bed and gave him something for his fever.

His bandmates were worried and their kindness touched him. He knew it was wrong to fake sickness, but he wanted a break from this exhausting schedule.


The next morning, Namjoon decided to check Jin's temperature. However, his eyebrows furrowed as he touched Jin's forehead. "Your fever's gone." Jin faking his weakness, said. "But I'm not feeling well at all."

Soon, the other members entered the room. Hoseok immediately said. "Maybe you should take another day off from practice." The rest of the members agreed, all worried for their Hyung. As the day went on, Jin continued his act, staying in bed while the others went about their usual routines.
In the evening, they decided to order food for dinner, knowing Jin wouldn't be able to cook. When the food arrived, they all went to the kitchen. However, Jin stayed in the living room, resting on the couch. Taehyung decided to go check on him and asked. "Jin, aren't you hungry? You should eat something."Jin replied weakly, "I'm really not up for it. You guys go ahead without me."
The rest of the members who also came to check on him were becoming increasingly concerned, especially Jimin. He touched Jin's forehead, which still felt hot. "Hyung, you're not getting better at all. We should take you to the doctor." Jin's heart sank as he realized the situation was getting out of hand, but he couldn't back down now. "No, no, I'll be fine. Just a bit more rest, that's all I need."

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